Monday, December 31, 2018


A little bit premature perhaps in this corner of the world, where 2019 is still about one hour and a half away, but OK, here it is already: DowneastBlog wishes all its readers of good will a happy, healthy and successful 2019!!!

Dunno how it was with you, but for me 2018 ended on a relatively positive note, despite very serious challenges in biz. As some of you may know, the bankruptcy of my main supplier almost meant the end of my small company as well, and we're still not out of the danger zone yet. That said, we've come back - cautiously.

Gonna keep it short, for the moment I have but one good advice to you, but it's one which might save your *ss sometime if you take it at heart. It's difficult to tell which Saint Winston advice is my favourite, but the following one is among the top five at least:

The quote in full is a bit longer but the gist of the message will do.

Thanks for tuning in and thanks for your patience.

Nite, have fun, don't get too drunk!


Sunday, December 30, 2018


Some devastating reading re Turkey, courtesy The Gatestone Institute:

"The day after American pastor Andrew Brunson was released from Turkish prison, another Christian who had been living for nearly two decades in the country was detained by Turkish authorities, and told that he had two weeks to leave the country -- without his wife and three children. The American-Canadian evangelist, David Byle, not only suffered several detentions and interrogations over the years, but he had been targeted for deportation on three occasions. Each time, he was saved by court rulings. This time, however, he was unable to prevent banishment, and left the country after two days in a detention center.

When he tried to return to his family in Turkey on November 20, he was denied re-entry. According to Claire Evans, regional manager of the organization International Christian Concern:

"Turkey is making it increasingly clear that there is no room for Christianity, even though the constitution states otherwise. It is no coincidence that Turkey decided to initiate this process the day after Brunson's release from prison and that, in doing so, the authorities ignored a court order. We must keep the Byle family in our prayers during this period of difficult separation."

Brunson and Byle are among many Christian clerics who have fallen victim to Turkey's aversion to Christianity. In its annual Human Rights Violations Reports, published since 2009, Turkey's Association of Protestant Churches details Turkey's systematic discrimination against Protestants, including verbal and physical attacks; nor does the Turkish government recognize the Protestant community as a "legal entity," denying it the right to freely establish and maintain places of worship.

Turkey's Protestants cannot open their own schools or train their own clerics, forcing them to rely on support of foreign church leaders. Still, several foreign religious workers and church members have been denied entry into Turkey, refused residence permits or deported.

Although missionary activities are not illegal according to the Turkish criminal code, both foreign pastors and Turkish citizens who convert to Christianity nevertheless are treated as pariahs by authorities and much of the public. It is no wonder that this is the case, given the years of anti-Christian "reports" by state institutions that shape government policy.

For example:

In 2001, after receiving a report from Turkey's National Intelligence Organization (MIT), the National Security Council (MGK) declared Christian missionary activities a "security threat" and stated that "required precautions should be taken against [their] divisive and destructive activities."

In 2004, the Ankara Chamber of Commerce (ATO) issued a report claiming that "missionary activities provoke ethnic and religious separationist aspirations and target the unitary structure of the state."

In 2005, State Minister Mehmet Aydın said: "We think that [Christian] missionary activities aim to destroy the historical, religious, national and cultural unity... it is seen as an extremely planned movement with political goals."

In 2006, the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) published in a monthly journal a report referring to Christian missionaries as a "threat" and emphasized that legal regulations needed to be made to prevent their activities. That same year, Ali Bardakoğlu, then-head of Diyanet (the government-funded Directorate of Religious Affairs), said in televised comments that it is "Diyanet's duty to warn the people about missionaries and other movements that threaten society."

In 2007, Niyazi Güney, a Justice Ministry official, said that "missionaries are even more dangerous than terrorist organizations."

Such public denunciations of Christian missionaries have had concrete and devastating consequences.

In 2006, for instance, a Protestant church leader named Kamil Kıroğlu, a Muslim convert to Christianity, was beaten unconscious by five men, one of whom shouted, "Deny Jesus or I will kill you now," and another yelled, "We don't want Christians in this country!"

Also in 2006, Father Andrea Santoro, a 61-year-old Roman Catholic priest, was murdered while praying in the Santa Maria Church in Trabzon. Five months later, a 74-year-old priest, Father Pierre François René Brunissen, was stabbed and wounded in Samsun. The perpetrator said that he had committed the act against the priest to protest "his missionary activities."

In April 2007, three Christians were tortured to death in the Zirve Bible Publishing House massacre. In November of the same year, an Assyrian priest, Edip Daniel Savcı, was kidnapped. One month later, a Catholic priest, Adriano Franchini, was stabbed and wounded during a Sunday church service. The priest reportedly had been "accused of missionary activities" by some websites.

In 2014, five of the suspected killers of the three Zirve Publishing House employees were released.

In June 2010, Bishop Luigi Padovese, Apostolic Vicar of Anatolia, was murdered by his driver, who shouted, "Allahu Akbar" ("Allah is the greatest") as he slit the priest's throat. At his trial, the murderer said that the bishop was a "false messiah," then twice in the courtroom he loudly recited the adhan (Islamic call to prayer).

Despite its current tiny and disintegrating presence in Turkey, Christianity has a long history in Asia Minor (part of contemporary Turkey), the birthplace of numerous apostles and saints, among them Paul, Luke, Ephrem, Polycarp, Timothy, Nicholas and Ignatius. Many events recorded in the Bible took place in that area. The indigenous peoples of the land -- Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks -- are among the first nations to embrace the Christian faith.

The first seven Ecumenical Councils were also held in the area that today is Turkey. It was in Antioch (Antakya) where the followers of Jesus were called "Christians" for the first time in history and where St. Peter established one of the earliest churches. Edessa (Urfa in southeast Turkey) was an early center of the Assyrian (Syriac) Orthodox Church. The ancient Greek city of Byzantium (a.k.a. Constantinople -- the current Istanbul) was a hub of Christianity and the Hagia Sophia, built there in the 6th century, was the largest church in the world -- until Ottoman Turks invaded the city in 1453 and converted the church into a mosque. Since then, Christians in the region have been under Muslim domination.

Today, only around 0.2% of Turkey's population of nearly 80 million is Christian. The 1913-1923 Christian genocide across Ottoman Turkey and the 1955 anti-Greek pogrom in Istanbul are some of the most important events that largely led to the destruction of the country's ancient Christian community. Yet, still today -- even after Turkey joined the Council of Europe in 1949 and NATO in 1952 -- Christian missionaries and citizens continue to be oppressed in Turkey..."

An article from Uzay Bulut.

All this information has not been lying under a rock waiting to be unearthed by Mrs Bulut, though it surely helps that she made this concise and eloquent summary about the position of Christian missionaries and by extension Christianity itself, in Turkey. The data are readily available and irrefutable. In light of all this it is simply breathtaking that people in power in the EU, notably Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the powerful ALDE fraction in the EP, are still striving to let Turkey join the EU. It is equally disturbing - perhaps even more, that the chairman of the Belgian "Christian" "Democrats", a vicious gnome by the name of Wouter Beke, has never had but praise for "his" Turks, even though in recent years it became crystal clear that they consider themselves Turks rather than Belgians - and fierce Erdogan supporters at that.


Tuesday, December 25, 2018


DowneastBlog wishes its readers of good will a Merry Christmas!

And this year marks the bicentennial of the most famous of Christmas carols, Silent Night:

Composed in 1818 by Franz Xaver Gruber, a schoolmaster from Arnsdorf in Austria's Salzburger region. The lyrics are from the hand of Father Joseph Mohr, a priest in the nearby village of Oberndorf.


Sunday, December 23, 2018


Via the indispensable François Desouche, we learn that a French news outlet became interested in the political turmoil caused by the country signing the UN Migration Pact.

FIGAROVOX/ENTRETIEN – Alain Destexhe analyse les tensions autour de l’immigration en Belgique. Le modèle multiculturaliste a échoué, argumente-t-il.

Q "Pourquoi la question de l’immigration a-t-elle une telle importance en Belgique?"

A "Par rapport à sa population, la Belgique a reçu beaucoup plus d’immigrés que ses voisins, y compris la France. Dans les années 2000, le solde migratoire a été quatre fois plus important en Belgique qu’en France ou en Allemagne! Les problèmes qui en résultent (absence d’intégration, communautarisme, développement de l’islamisme) ont été niés ou minimisés....

Q "A quel point Bruxelles est-elle aujourd’hui une ville multiculturelle?"

A "Bruxelles compte déjà probablement 30% de musulmans. En quelques années à peine, les Belges d’origine sont devenus minoritaires à Bruxelles. (…) Le Parlement régional bruxellois, où les Belges d’origine étrangère sont en passe de devenir majoritaires, vote des résolutions sur la Palestine ou les Rohingyas de Birmanie mais ne s’intéresse pas à la situation des droits de l’Homme en Turquie. Dans les écoles primaires publiques bruxelloises, plus de 50% des enfants suivent le cours de religion musulmane.

(…) La démographie est, ici, une question centrale. Bruxelles est devenue la seconde ville la plus cosmopolite du monde après Dubaï, sans en avoir la richesse. Autrefois, la ville la plus riche du royaume, elle est en voie de paupérisation suite aux vagues migratoires. À Bruxelles, 90 % des allocataires sociaux sont d’origine étrangère. Cela devrait faire réfléchir ceux qui prônent des frontières ouvertes tout en dénonçant la montée des inégalités."


'(French journal Figaro interviews Alain Destexhe, a Walloon MR senator [Mouvement Réformateur, liberals; MFBB]) Alain Destexhe analyzes the tensions regarding immigration in Belgium. The multicultural model has failed, he argues.

Q "Why is immigration such an important topic in Belgium?"

A "Populationwise, Belgium has received far more immigrants than its neighbors, France included. In the years 2000, the migration surplus has been four times bigger [relative to Belgium's size; MFBB] than in France or Germany! The problems that result from this situation (no proper integration, communautarianism, islamism) have been denied or minimized..."

Q "What's Brussels' status today as a multicultural city?"

A "Brussels already counts 30 per cent muslims. In a few years, autochton Belgians will be a minority in Brussels. (...) The Parliament of Brussels Capital Region, where the Belgians of foreign extraction are at this very moment becoming a majority faction, are voting resolutions pro Palestine or the Rohingya in Myanmar but are not interested in human rights issues in Turkey. In the public first grade schools in Brussels, more than 50 per cent of pupils follow islamic courses.

(...) Here, demography is a central issue. Brussels has become the secondmost cosmopolitan city in the world after Dubai, without reaping benefits from it. Once the richest city in the kingdom, Brussels is pauperizing following the migratory waves. In Brussels, 90 per cent (!) of those collecting welfare checks are of foreign origin. This should make those who are in favor of open borders but wonder about the rising inequality think twice."

Alain Destexhe is a relatively straightforward and sensible voice in a Belgian mainstream political arena completely gone insane. It was he who in FEB 2018 disclosed information re the existence of a "multicultural lobby" which is manipulating - with the full knowledge of the government - crucial data about migration in order to soothe the autochton population.

It is all very, very sad. I see my country, which I still love - though I loathe the State - descend ever further down a slippery slope towards chaos and poverty from which there is no return. Demographic developments are killing us slowly. Meanwhile, our politicans, the media and the cultural sector downright glorifying gay relationships, thereby only hastening the inevitable outcome... while our women's fertility has already reached rock bottom. In schools, the multicultural society is hailed as something marvellous - I can testify this personally, for lately, our 11 year old son is coming home with pro multiculti phrases he can't have produced himself.

It's not going to end well.


Saturday, December 22, 2018


Y & T with I believe in you. Album Earthshaker (1981).

American hard rock/heavy metal band which formed in 74 in Hayward, CA. Originally Yesterday & Today, if you wonder where the band's name comes from. Still around.

Street Spirit (Fade Out) by Radiohead. From the iconic album The Bends (1985).

From Abingdon, Oxfordshire, where they formed in 1985. Still the original lineup: Thom Yorke (vocals, guitar, piano, keyboards), Jonny Greenwood (lead guitar, keyboards, other instruments) and his brother Colin (bass), Ed O'Brien (guitar, backing vocals), and Philip Selway (drums, percussion).

Ja, slaapwel.



In the week that was, more young European women who should have known better paid with their lives for continuing to believe that islam is a religion of peace instead of an abhorrent 7th century death cult. First, via PI-News we get to know that on monday another Culture Enricher killed his BioGerman girlfriend:

"Der von den Altmedien verharmlosend als „Bekannter“ umschriebene Messermörder der 17-jährigen Flensburgerin Mireille (PI-NEWS berichtete) bekommt so langsam ein Gesicht. Er soll Afghane und 18 (?) Jahre alt sein.

Wie schon Mia in Kandel wurde diesen Montag auch Mireille regelrecht abgeschlachtet. Der Afghane muss sich in einem Blutrausch befunden haben, als er Mireille in ihrer eigenen Wohnung umbrachte. Ihr Körper war mit Messerstichen übersät. Der Notarzt war mit seinen Reanimierungsversuchen erfolglos.

Auch wurde jetzt bekannt, dass Mireille, die sich in einem Ausbildungsverhältnis befand, schon seit Monaten Kopftuch trug. Ein Nachbar dazu: „Vor ein paar Monaten ging sie dann nur noch mit Kopftuch vor die Tür und verhielt sich sehr zurückhaltend.“"


"The murderer of 17-year old Mireille, from Flensburg, described, by the old media, as an 'acquaintance' is substantiating ever so slowly. It now appears he's an Afghan and 18 years old.

Like Mia in Kandel, last Monday Mireille was butchered without much fuss. The Afghan must have been in a blood frenzy, as he killed Mireille in her own house. Her body was covered with knife wounds. The emergency surgeon's reanimation attempts proved useless.

Also, it has now become clear that Mireille, who was in a relationship with the murderer, had been covering her head for a couple of months. A neighbor: "for the past few months she was covering her head and behaving in a very reluctant manner."

Then there was of course the news of the bestial murder of two Scandinavian backpackers in Morocco, 24 year old Louisa Vesterager Jespersen from Denmark, and Maren Ueland, 28, from Norway. Via The Telegraph:

"Four suspects arrested over the killings of two Scandinavian university students in Morocco's Atlas Mountains made a video pledging allegiance to the Islamic State group, authorities in the country said on Thursday.

Morocco's general prosecutor confirmed the authenticity of a video circulating on social media in which the four threatened to carry out attacks for Isil and its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Investigations showed that the video was made last week before the killing of the two women, Danish and Norwegian tourists who were trekking in the Atlas Mountains.

The Danish intelligence agency had earlier said the women's slayings "may be related" to the Islamic State group.

Three of the suspects were arrested on Thursday as they tried to flee Marrakech on a bus, Moroccan national security spokesman Boubker Sabik said. Another suspect was arrested on Tuesday. Authorities have said no one is being sought besides the four in custody.

Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen confirmed the identities of the victims, 24-year-old Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, of Denmark, and Norwegian citizen Maren Ueland, 28. The University of South-Eastern Norway said both women were students at its campus in Boe, southern Norway.

"What should have been a holiday trip turned into a nightmare" for the women, Mr Loekke Rasmussen told reporters in Denmark.

The women's bodies were found on Monday in a remote region of the Atlas Mountains not far from a village that often is the starting point for treks to Mount Toubkal, North Africa's highest peak."

There is absolutely NO WAY that I would ever allow our daughter to date a muslim. Just as I would never allow her to travel to a muslim country. Here's three more silly twats who paid with their lives for being gullible about the horrific nature of the religion of pieces. That's another three who will never have children and thus do something useful about our death bed demographics, in a gay-crazy islamophilic Europe that has completely lost its mind.

I am feeling very sorry for the girls, but we cannot wrap our condolences in superfluous feel goodery talk. You import islam, or you venture out in islamic countries, be prepared for serious trouble.

Their parents deserve to be chastized and shamed.


Friday, December 21, 2018


Thug Notes for today, where Sparky Sweets, Ph.D., enlightens us on the subject of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's 100 Years of Solitude.

I read 100 Years of Solitude when I was a teen and was sold from page one. Make that sentence one; I remember it to this very day. Or so I kid myself: test, and I will look it up in two hours or so when back home: "Years later, standing before the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia remembered the day his father took him to watch the ice."

Reading 100 Years of etc was a rollercoaster experience, an Aha Erlebnis with books I apparently encounter on average only once a year. Funny, but not one of Marquez' other books was ever able to again cast such a spell on me. Indeed, I was never able to finish, even read halfway, another one. I briefly recall starting Love in times of cholera (or was it The Colonel never gets post?) Whatever). The fizz was gone. And stayed gone once I discovered GGM was some kind of nutcase commie. Either way, I guess I'll have to thank him for one of the few bright sparks in a dreary period of my life.

Try it too. Chances are you'll be hooked just like me. And, you know? Maybe it's a good hint for a last minute Christmas present?


Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Via Breitbart:

"Belgian prime minister Charles Michel has been forced to hand in his notice after anger over the UN Migration Compact brought the country’s government down.

After four years in power, the left-liberal Reform Movement party leader offered his resignation to the Belgian monarch, King Philippe, on Tuesday night, after losing a vote of no confidence tabled by the Socialist Party and Greens.

Michel had urged lawmakers to back a minority administration following the collapse of his government earlier this month over his supporting the UN migration pact against the wishes of his ruling coalition’s biggest party — the right-leaning New Flemish Alliance (N-VA).

The 42-year-old lawyer’s decision to travel to Marrakesh last week and sign Belgium up to the UN Global Compact on Safe and Orderly Migration— which declares mass immigration to be “inevitable, desirable and necessary” — sparked huge protests in Brussels on Sunday.

Around 5,000 people took to the streets of the Belgian capital to protest Michel’s signing of the globalist agreement after the high court overturned a ban on the demonstration by local authorities."

It is true that the Michel government collapsed. And that the coalition's biggest party, N-VA, supposedly Vlaams Belang Lite, made an enormous show about the negative consequences of the UN Migration Pact. Just days before Michel was scheduled to fly to Marrakech to sign it, the N-VA pulled out, so that Michel remained with a minority government. Yet he went to Morocco, and put his signature under the damn thing.

In the days since, N-VA did everything in its might to paint itself as the sole bulwark against the 'Global Compact for orderly, safe and regulated migration'. The two mouthpieces most often heard were the party chairman and Mayor of Antwerp Bart De Wever, and especially the former Immigration Minister Theo Francken.

Breitbart would be dead wrong however to paint the latter as a hardcore conservative striving to keep Europe safe, while in reality, it's exactly the other way round. But one has to hand this to him: Francken is a pretend genius, even managing, earlier this year, to capture the attention of The New York Times, which helped spread the phrase "The Flemish Trump":

A misnomer if ever there was one, because in the man's four year long tenure as Immmigration Minister, he proved himself to be an abject failure. Below is a scan from the booklet "Francken Faalt" ['Francken fails'; MFBB] issued by the VB's Chairman, Tom Van Grieken:

"Since the start of this government, no less than 441,346 new immigrants entered the country legally, good for a yearly average of 136,000. For a good understanding: this number is even higher than under Di Rupo [the notorious previous socialist government, MFBB], when the yearly average was about 125,000."

The stats are not a VB fabrication - im Gegenteil, they can be found on the Belgian government's website.

For a country with a current - offical - population of 11,250,000 or so, an influx of 136,000 a year (!) of mainly Third World people is devastating. Belgium simply doesn't need such a gargantuan inflow of immigrants. "They entered legally" is, or rather was, the government's codespeak for letting throngs of social security tourists in with the naked aim of changing forever the ethnic and political composition of our country. The 'rational' rationale for this gigantic Umvolkung operation is that it is an answer to the problem of an ageing population which can't be bothered anymore to self-reproduce.

The 'irrational' rationale is the subconscious desire to self-destruct as atonement for perceived sins of the past i.e. colonialism, racism, and so many other ism isms the rich West is guilty of. Ever so often, this nihilistic desire manifests itself, and one could fill an essay with the ubiquitous examples. Make that a novel. This, e.g., is, earlier this year, Minister of State Herman De Croo, rejoycing in the prospect of the Antwerp Mayor being Turkish, Moroccan or black in two generations:

As a Conservative, I think that the most able and qualified person should have the job, and if in some distant or not so distant future the vacant post of, say, PM, would be taken by a Belgian of Uruguyan origin who happened to have the best skills for the job - provided he entered the country legally and was a model citizen - I would have no objection whatsoever.

But that is not the spirit of De Croo's proud prophecy.

With De Croo, as with basically the entire political class EXCEPT Vlaams Belang, it is emphatically not about taking the best candidate for the job regardless origin, gender, religious affiliation or age. There is, au contraire, a immensely suspicious and troubling desire to self-wipe out, an almost pathological condition tracing its origin to a dark witches brew of bad Frankfurter school philosophy, civilizational ennui, leftist falsehoods regarding Western imperialism, third wave feminism, and a nihilistic desire to 'protect' Mother Earth. The example above, with Mr De Croo feverishly looking forward to the day the neat Flemish farms nestled among the rolling, wooded hills around his haunt Brakel, South East Flanders, will have been replaced by mud huts of the Niger variety, is no exception - it is basically the rule.

But back to our golden boy Theo Francken. Just days prior to Charles Michel calling it quits, he expressed his support for the Anti Marrakesh demo which took place in Brussels:

Theo Francken (N-VA) supports 'March against Marrakech': 'I share the anger and frustration'.

Really, Theo, really? REALLY? Funny, that's not what I recall from your visit to Marrakesh in May this year, where you went to nod your approval of the UN Pact's draft:

What a G*dforsaken LIAR and hypocrite! Francken, the man who tried to profile himself as 'tough on immigration' for sending back five Sudanese while simultaneously sluicing in 136,000 others, was all hunky dory to sell out Belgium! 'The Flemish Trump', just ridiculous! Danish Immigration Minister Inger Støjberg makes ten of this poseur. Actually, no, correction. Can't be, cause 10 times zero still equals zero. As I wrote two weeks ago:

"N-VA made a bold stance which almost led to the fall tout court of the government, which would have been far better than wat played out now. It should however be remembered that the ONLY reason N-VA profiled itself so anti-UN Migration Pact is because Vlaams Belang threw the issue on the table in Parliament and the many disadvantages to the ordinary Belgian citizen (and the non-existence of any advantage whatsoever) became suddenly clear.... again, check out the poll above). In the same breath, the Vlaams Belang exposed the hypocrisy of N-VA since their Immigration Minister, Theo Francken, a man notorious for tough tweets and soft nonactions, had earlier this year been to Morocco for the pact's draft and was in complete agreement with the text. As mentioned before, the stellar performance of the Vlaams Belang in the recent municipal elections has obviously frightened N-VA (especially with the federal elections in May at the horizon), which for its mere relevance relies on the votes it siphoned off the typical VB electorate."

And a short while later:

"... This is all true, but I would put it another way. N-VA is not focussing anymore on (belatedly) stopping the pact because it doesn't think it is possible. No, N-VA isn't focussing anymore on that because it judges that it has made its show. For at heart, N-VA WAS NEVER AGAINST THE PACT. As mentioned yesterday, the N-VA Minister for Immigration, Theo Francken, was in Morocco last May where he read the draft (or even contributed to it) and APPROVED of it. It was only because VB called out N-VA that the latter party made a sudden U-turn, fearing backlash in the federal elections in May. And rightly so feared, courtesy the stellar score of VB in the recent municipal elections.

N-VA calculates that it has now convinced the population that it has fought tooth and nail to stop the UN monstrosity and that this will suffice to persuade the voters next year that they'd better stay with them instead of casting their votes for VB again (both parties are fishing in the same pond)."

In short, it is VLAAMS BELANG which takes credit for toppling the disastrous Michel government. Had not the party and in particular Filip Dewinter highlighted the many disadvantages and zero advantages of the UN 'Global Compact', Michel and Francken would have signed the treasonous document on DEC 11 without a fuss and have the country deal with the disastrous fallout in the years to come. As things turned out, VB threw the issue on the table - months ago already, but OF COURSE our MSM was not interested in letting us know about it. Only after a sharp intervention in parliament a month ago the issue started to be noticed by the population, and in the blink of an eye N-VA made a U-turn.

Vlaams Belang has fought long and hard to stop the Pact. In the end, it did not succeed. It's attempt to have the Council of State revoke it on the grounds that as a caretaker government, "Michel II" was not entitled to sign anything of international magnitude failed. And what passed for Belgium ratified the sham today, DEC 19, in New York.

But I take consolation from the fact that the events have shown that Flemings, or at least part of them, STILL have a backbone. What happened is unique.

It's even unique on a global level.

Today, 152 countries signed the UN Pact. In the likely recipients of the coming migration flows, the developed countries - chief among them those in the West - the signing took place WITHOUT consultation, support or approval of the population. In Belgium for instance, a staggering 73 per cent DISAPPROVED:

In spite of this clear rejection, the remnants of the Michel government flipped the population the finger - as did other traitors to their constituents. The message in NY will not fall on deaf ears and has undoubtedly been eagery anticipated in every shithole on the planet. We'd now better brace ourselves.

I have another message to Vlaams Belang and it is this: let the country know the extent of the hypocrisy of N-VA. These pathological liars do not deserve to win in the elections in May.

But even though Vlaams Belang did not succeed in its main goal, stopping this dangerous nonsense, it did succeed in killing the Michel government. In spite of my severe disappointment I have at least the satisfaction that the bastards who sold out our country were toppled. To the best of my knowledge, this has happened NOWHERE ELSE. The Germans despite AfD, the Dutch despite their highly visible Wilders and his PVV, the Brits, the French (where were the Gilets Jaunes?), the Canadians, the Spaniards..., they all sleepwalked into disaster without a peep. Not so in Belgium, or, more correctly, not so in Flanders.

The globalist establishment stabbed us in the back.

We lashed back:

And we toppled the bastards:

Happened nowhere else. Of course, for the grand majority of signatories there was no need to revolt in the first place. Mauritanians, Gabonese, Zimbabweans, Senegalese, Bengalese et al just got the green light to go collect welfare checks in Brussels, Oslo, London, Paris, Amsterdam etc etc etc, so why should they protest? And their governments? They are eagerly looking forward to the money that will slosh back, wired by the expats they are glad to be rid of. A win/win if ever there was one. It's easy to understand why the black officials on the photo above are smiling. What is not easy to understand - what is even incomprehensible - is why Jambon and Francken are also smiling, even more enthusiastically.

But what I wanted to imply is that a government being toppled because of the migration pact happened nowhere else in the developed world. Not in a single country that's bound to be a destination for millions of welfare seekers. And THAT is a source of satisfaction. Enough to smile - grimly - and continue the fight!


Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Via PI-News:

"Miły wieczór z przyjaciółmi przerodził się w najgorszy koszmar. Pochodzący z Katowic, a od 20 lat mieszkający w Strasburgu, Bartosz Niedzielski 11 grudnia wybrał się na koncert ze znajomymi. Na papierosie przed klubem zauważył terrorystę z karabinem maszynowym, który zmierza w kierunku klubu. To Niedzielski z grupą znajomych odcięli mu drogę do środka! Do niedzieli walczył o życie w szpitalu. Po południu podjęto decyzję o odłączeniu go od aparatury podtrzymującej życie. Bartosz zmarł ok. godz. 18. Był piątą ofiarą zamachowca.

– Bartek razem ze znajomym dziennikarzem z Włoch i dwoma muzykami stali przed wejściem. Wyszli zapalić. Wtedy zobaczyli zamachowca z bronią. Od świadków wiemy, że rzucili się, żeby go powstrzymać. Dzięki nim drzwi zostały zamknięte, sprawca nie wszedł do środka. Inaczej doszłoby do masakry. Byłoby jak w paryskim klubie Bataclan, gdzie terroryści strzelali do ludzi jak do kaczek – mówią dziennikarce „Gazety Wyborczej” Renata i Bogusław Bojczukowie, znajomi pana Bartosza.

Bohaterowie zatrzymali zamachowca, ale za swój czyn ponieśli olbrzymią cenę – zostali ranni. Włoch zmarł w miniony piątek w szpitalu. Niedzielski z raną postrzałową głowy trafił do szpitala, gdzie walczył o życie. Jego stan jest był krytyczny. Bliscy otoczyli go opieką i modlą się o cud!

– W modlitwie siła i tak naprawdę, to jedyne, co można zrobić. Pomodlić się za Bartka, ale też za wszystkie osoby ranne i te które zostały zabite w zamachu – mówiła dla Radia5, Marta Ornet, ciotka Polaka.

Niestety, Bartka nie udało się uratować. Jak udało się dowiedzieć Fakt24, w niedzielę po południu podjęto decyzję, o odłączeniu Polaka od aparatury podtrzymującej go przy życiu. Informację o jego śmierci potwierdził w emocjonalnym wpisie na facebooku jego brat. „Mój brat Barto Pedro Ornet-Niedzielski właśnie nas opuścił. Dziękuję wam za waszą miłość i siłę, której mu dostarczyliście. On zawsze będzie tam czuwał nad nami i nadal przynosił nam radość. Dziękuję wszystkim”. Dorota Orent, matka Bartosza Niedzielskiego w rozmowie z dziennikiem „Le Monde” powiedziała, że „serce Bartka przestało bić po godzinie 18”."

This is the gist of the Polish text:

"A pleasant evening with friends became the worst nightmare. With some friends, Katowice native Bartosz Niedzielski, who for the past 20 years had been living in Strasbourg, visited a concert.

While having a smoke in front of the club he noticed the terrorist with his machinegun (sic), heading in the direction of the building. Thereupon Niedzielski with his group of friends blocked the entrance!

In hospital, he fought for his life till Sunday. In the afternoon, it was decided to decouple him from the life-saving equipment. Bartosz died at about 6 pm. He was the perpetrator's fifth victim."

Again, Poles succcesfully stood in the way of muslim invaders and again, they paid a blood price. And the photo suggests that Mr Niedzielski leaves behind a partner and at least one child. What makes this tragic loss even more bitter is the knowledge that while Bartosz was still clinging on to life, in his place of birth Katowice, our treacherous political class busied itself force-feeding costly - and insane - climate scare measures down the western taxpayer's throats, which will in the end amount to nothing more than a giant socialist redistribution scheme solving just nothing.

And not only that, but simultaneously the same leacherous politicians basically legalized mass immigration from the Third World into Western countries, an absolute folly bound to cost many more brave citizens like Mr Niedzielski their lives.

These are immensely sad times.

Prayers are asked for Bartosz and his loved ones.

God Bless.


Sunday, December 16, 2018


Today, DEC 16, was March Against Marrakesh Day, a demo orchestrated by several Flemish nationalist youth movements a.o. Vlaams Belang Jongeren, KVHV (Katholiek Vlaams Hoogstudenten Verbond), NSV (Nationalistische Studentenvereniging), Schild en Vrienden and Voorpost (although the latter is in fact a Dutch/Flemish organization). Brussels Mayor Philippe Close and Minister President of Brussels Capital Region Rudi Vervoort, both Parti Socialiste, had vetoed it earlier this week. However, Filip Brusselmans of KVHV on Friday had his lawyer appeal at the Council of States with a judicial emergency procedure and on Saturday the Council ruled that the demo could proceed - as a static one however, on Schuman Square. Fair enough. I wrote earlier that the Council of State is a decent judicial body.

Even had the Council's advice been negative, I would have participated in the demo. There's simply too much at stake. Every legal means to stop the Belgian government from ratifying the UN Pact on DEC 19 at the UN in New York must be pursued, including moves that can topple the government. Something which, thus far, nearly succeeded. But as it was, with the Council of State's green light, I needed not worry about being apprehended (or so I thought). After an uneventful ride I arrived in the Capital at about 1 pm, parked my car on the parking lot of the Cinquantenaire, and walked down the centre axis of the park towards Schuman Square. As I arrived at the roundabout, everything seemed quite calm, though I could hear jeering and now and then rather large petards in the distance. To the right on the photo you see the Berlaymont Building, which is the European Commission's "HQ". The Commission itself is spread over give and take 60 (!) other buildings, but "The Berlaymont" is the nominal seat of the President of the European Commission and his College of Commissioners. Apart from that, the X-shaped building houses the following departments: the European Political Strategy Centre, formerly known as the Bureau of European Policy Advisers (BEPA), Human Resources and Security (HR), the Brussels Office of Infrastructure and Logistics (OIB), Communication (COMM), the Secretariat-General (SG), and the Legal Service (SJ).

Advancing along the Wetstraat/Rue de la Loi. Everything still calm. The weird building "behind" the Flemish Lion flag is the Europa Building, the seat of the European Council and Council of the European Union. The EU is not short of buildings in Brussels, I think there's at least 80.

Between the Berlaymont Building and the adjacent Karel De Grote/Charlemagne Building (which houses the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, the Directorate-General for Trade and the Internal Audit Service of the Commission), the Karel de Grote Avenue crosses underneath the Wetstraat/Rue de la Loi. I noticed that the crowd was looking out over the concrete shoulders of the latter towards a scene playing out in the Karel De Grote Avenue:

Sure enough, there was some turmoil. I was quite confident that the demonstrators would heed the calls of Tom Van Grieken and Dries Van Langenhoven, VB and Schild en Vrienden chairmen respectively, to remain disciplined and protest peacefully, but in every demo there are hotheads. While personally I witnessed nobody damaging public property or one of the ubiquitous EU buildings, there's footage of at least one bunch trying to bust windows. But either way, all in all the crowd wasn't too unruly. Despite this, I could make out a police truck engaging demonstrators with its water cannon:

I got somewhat closer and could look out over a crowd confronting the cops in the Karel de Grote Avenue. For all the bruhaha of Close and Vervoort claiming that this would be a "Brown March", I failed to notice types with optics commonly associated with neonazis (skinheads, black leather jackets, combat boots, tattoos etc). The demonstrators seemed to be overwhelmingly men in their 20s, 30s and 40s in 'normal' attire.

Then Police suddenly fired tear gas slugs. It's the first time I witnessed such a thing firsthand. A cluster of some 6 or 7 real small projectiles landed at the incoming end of a faint arc not seven meters away from me...

... and suddenly my view of the Karel de Grote Avenue looked like this:

This event marks the first time in my life I've been 2-chlorobenzalmalononitriled. Some would say I was teargassed (info here, in case you're interested), and it AIN'T funny. After a couple of seconds I had to back away; the stinging in the eyes and the difficulty in breathing was too much. I crossed the Wetstraat, climbing over a couple of traffic barriers, until I could breathe more freely:

I now noticed that from the West, where the Wetstraat/Rue de la Loi leads to Parliament (the Belgian one, not the EU one ha ha), another part of the demo also backed away, pursued by police firing tear gas canisters:

An atmospheric shot with protestors taking a rather laid back attitude. The high rise in the background is the Karel de Grote/Charlemagne building:

But soon the gas concentration became too much to bear. It was obvious the cops were pushing us due east along the Wetstraat/Rue de la Loi, in the direction of the Cinquantenaire:

Back at the Schuman Square roundabout. All quiet on this front.

Looking north along the Archimedesstraat, I noticed a platoon of mounted police take up positions:

A closer look:

Looking West again. Police wasn't short on gas, apparently.

Soon enough, it became clear that they were cleaning up da neighborhood from those pesky, EVIL neonazis. Look for yourself, all those types could, if asked, start their working week tomorrow in Bergen Belsen and Auschwitz/Birkenau. Brrrr!

"They won't tame him, the Proud Flemish Lion". Notice the Vlaams Belang sweater. I actually saw very few pieces of garment identifying this or that person's affiliation. There were two Voorpost chaps I could identify as such, a few VB... Here and there, individuals had draped themselves entirely in the Flemish Lion. I myself was wearing a pink tutu. And a pussy hat.

Okay, I admit it. I made that last one up. It was too cold for that. By now the Schuman Square roundabout became rather gassy, too.

Personally, I am of the opinion that the Belgian Police bought their tear gas canisters on Black Friday. And people say that it's US the gas chamber guys!

Don't they realize all that tear gas may ALSO have a greenhouse effect??!? What Belgian Police fired today may very well raise the planet's temperature by 2 degrees! To-tal-ly irresponsible!!!

Archimedes Street was still calm. But it was obvious that soon, the cops would also charge in from that direction, squeezing us Brown Deplorables toothpaste tube-wise further and further east.

Suddenly I noticed Dries Van Langenhoven, Chairman ofSchild en Vrienden.

This really was the man's moment du jour. FINALLY, he came eye to eye with the famous Outlaw Mike! I do have to admit though, that he was dressed smarter than me, myself and I combined.

More shots of neonazis. The girl to the left must be the grand grand niece of Helga, She-Wolf of the SS.

It was time to wrap up my humble part in this demo. Today I learned that my small company's yearly 90,000 EUR Social Security contributions, 6,000 EUR 'bedrijfsvoorheffing', a plethora or real estate, corporate, environmental and whatev taxes I'm just too scared to add up, some 6,600 EUR private social security contributions, personal income tax (this year but a measly 2,000 EUR), 500 EUR municipal tax etcetc etc etc earned me being teargassed for expressing my opinion in a peaceful manner. Progress!!!

Together with some chaps from Limburg, I headed back thru Cinquantenaire Park and the monument, where I had parked the Outlaw Mobile. As we approached the Cinquantenaire, the welcoming committee was taking up position. Luckily (for them), not one had the guts to arrest me:

And that was that, Adventures in Belgistan!


Saturday, December 15, 2018


The Alan Parsons Project with Old and Wise. Third hit from the album Eye in the Sky (1982).

Parsons is still around and touring, and reportedly set to release a new studio album next year. Woolfson died in 09 already.

The Police with On Any Other Day. From the iconic album Reggatta de Blanc (1979).

It took a mere four weeks to record this album (OK - not four weeks in a row, but spread over a couple of months) at Nigel Gray's Surrey Sound Studios in Leatherhead, south of London. For a budget of less than 9,000 British Pounds. Yet 5 out of its 11 tracks were hits - not even this one, though it's one of my favourites. What band today with all their gizmos and egos and pomp and big budgets can claim to make an album from scratch yielding 50 per cent hits?

The lyrics are hilarious:

.... My wife has burned the scrambled eggs
The dog just bit my leg
My teenage daughter ran away
My fine young son has turned out gay
Cut off my fingers in the
Door of my car
How could I do it?
My wife is proud to tell me
Of her love affairs
How could she do this to me?
My wife has burned the scrambled eggs
The dog just bit my leg
My teenage daughter ran away
My fine young son has turned out gay
And it would be okay on any other day
And it would be okay on any other day
Throw down the morning papers
And spill my tea
I don't know what's wrong with me
The cups and plates are in a
I'm covered in misery
My wife has burned the scrambled eggs
The dog just bit my leg
My teenage daughter ran away
My fine young son has turned out gay
And it would be okay on any other day
And it would be okay on any other day....

And they couldn't write lyrics like that either today, ROFL!

Well, Gute Nacht.



Courtesy Gates of Vienna, a video that explains why Europe's Hillary Clinton, Angela Merkel - unlike the former, actually in power alas, pushed and pushes so hard for the UN Migration Pact:

Originally posted in German on the YouTube-channel Ebola/Virale Luegen, but provided to GoV with translation and subtitles by Oz-Rita. The commentator's analysis is that Merkel was such a strong advocate to give herself, retroactively, legal backup for throwing the German borders wide open in 2015, which, according to then EU laws, was an illegal thing to do.

Video transcript:

00:00 More than 80 times in the Global Pact on Migration
00:04 the phrase: “…we commit ourselves…” appears.
00:08 On average three times on each individual page of
00:12 the treaty. It takes a great deal of
00:16 audacity and chutzpa to call this treaty
00:20 “non-binding”. But it is precisely these two
00:24 Qualities that Angela Merkel possesses to excess.
00:28 In her speech today in the Moroccan city of Marrakesh, she repeated
00:32 the obvious lie about the treaty which allegedly
00:36 only contains “declarations of intent” and no legal
00:40 obligations for the signatory countries.
00:44 And, of course, a small side blow to the Right
00:48 could not be left out, who had “spread lies” about it in the run-up to the signing
00:52 of the treaty.
00:56 Now we all know that illegal migration, because of different
01:00 development opportunities in the world, is causing some very
01:04 great fears in our countries. And these fears are now being used
01:08 by the opponents of this pact to circulate false reports,
01:12 but the core of the dispute
01:16 about this pact, and its importance is the
01:20 principle of multilateral cooperation. Yet it is not the
01:24 oh-so-evil Right that spread lies about the Migration and
01:28 Refugee Pact, it was Angela Merkel and her
01:32 intolerable Grand Coalition that did so.
01:36 If everything had gone according to the desires of Merkel and her coalition partner,
01:40 the consumptive SPD [Socialists], as well as the mass media,
01:44 a public discussion about the two treaties
01:48 would never have taken place. Today Merkel
01:52 signed the fatal migration pact for Germany.
01:56 She also did so in the name of the many citizens who
02:00 see the sad reality on Germany’s streets and
02:04 who did not want these treaties.
02:08 No-one has any intention of building a wall. We can do it, We can do it,
02:12 and where something stands in our way, it must be overcome.
02:16 Because we also need people here who
02:20 feel at home in our welfare systems. I give you my
02:24 word of honour that the allegations made against me
02:28 are unfounded…
02:36 Pensions are secure.
02:44 One can spend a lot of time looking for one outstanding
02:48 talent on the part of Angela Merkel, but one won’t find it,
02:52 because there is nothing that this woman can do particularly well,
02:56 except perhaps to sit out in silence decisions
03:00 that are desperately needed. But is that a talent?
03:04 Merkel doe not even speak the German
03:08 language accident-free; she showed this in her speech in
03:12 Marrakesh. She cannot even lie well and
03:16 credibly: Merkel is a talent-free zone.
03:20 But she obviously does not give a crap about
03:24 the fact that in Morocco she once again served the world and the German
03:28 sheeple a big batch of completely transparent lies.
03:32 With the signing of both treaties,
03:36 Merkel has impressively demonstrated that the will of a
03:40 considerable part of the German population
03:44 literally slips by her fat agitprop a**.
03:48 Yet, the German people, no matter which
03:52 political orientation they belong to, are Angela Merkel’s
03:56 employer. But that does not count with Merkel. With her contempt
04:00 for her own people she stands firmly
04:04 in the tradition of so many other politicians who are completely detached
04:08 from the people.
04:12 With her signature, Merkel expressly showed that
04:16 she had thrown all warnings and legitimate concerns regarding the
04:20 mass migration pact to the wind.
04:24 She does not care that a number of important countries, including our
04:28 neighbour Austria, did not sign the pact.
04:32 She is just as indifferent to the warning
04:36 from the US President, Donald Trump, who last
04:40 weekend once again spoke of the dangers of the two
04:44 treaties. But who is Donald Trump anyway!
04:48 Only a bizarre, fascistoid oddball
04:52 in the chair of the US President. Angela Merkel
04:56 the Chancellor with the pre-programmed use-by date had,
05:00 in my opinion, only one thing in mind: she wanted
05:04 to legalise her migrations policy of open borders retroactively,
05:08 and thus exclude the possibility
05:12 that after leaving the Chancellor’s Office she could be held
05:16 liable for her illegal opening of borders.
05:20 The former constitutional judges Di Fabio and Papi
05:24 established back in 2016 that Merkel’s
05:28 policy of open borders was illegitimate.
05:32 With the signing of the migration and refugee pact,
05:36 the probability that Merkel will ever be brought
05:40 before a court because of her opening of the borders has decreased considerably.
05:44 Much like Helmut Kohl, [her predecessor], she
05:48 will simply sit out her offences after her removal
05:52 until her death. But what will happen to Germany?
05:56 I think it is unlikely that we
06:00 will see a very rapid effect of the migration pact within
06:04 a few days or weeks. At the beginning
06:08 it will probably be a creeping process, but it will certainly
06:12 increase and expand. The migration pact
06:16 has been signed, despite all warnings,
06:20 despite all protests, despite the petition. The only
06:24 possibility left to us is to ensure that
06:28 at the next elections, whether in three years or
06:32 sooner, the AfD will come to power. They
06:36 could then withdraw from the pact. But it will not
06:40 be easy. Maaßen’s successor at the top of the
06:44 Federal Intelligence Service has announced that he will have the AfD
06:48 monitored. That was the real reason for
06:52 Maaßen’s dismissal. Large parts of the migration pact
06:56 have already been de facto implemented in Germany since 2015.
07:00 One section whose implementation
07:04 we will see soon is the following:
07:08 “Eliminate all forms of discrimination and promote
07:12 a fact-oriented public discourse
07:16 to shape the perception of migration.”
07:20 This means nothing less than that the protest
07:24 against mass migration will soon become a criminal offence,
07:28 and that the Germans will in future be submerged in much more
07:32 propaganda than they are even now.
07:36 If you liked this video, please
07:40 leave a thumbs-up, share it and subscribe to
07:44 my channel. What is your opinion on this topic?
07:48 I would be very happy with a comment.

The thing that surprises me most in all this is the meek attitude of the Germans. More than any other European people, they were negatively affected by all the mayhem and trouble that came with importing at least 1.5 million welfare seeking Third Worlders, the grand majority of them muslims no less. As for the human cost too, Germany coughed up most: scores of BioGermans would still be alive or unharmed today had not the Merkel Gespenst allowed Middle Eastern killers and rapists in.

One always hears about the progress the AfD has made, but is it really so impressive? Nationwide and in most Laender, they capture perhaps 10 to 14 per cent of the vote, and Merkel's position rests relatively secure. Even her latest 'departure' as Chairman of the incongruously named 'Christendemokratische Union" is not the devastating humiliation she so rightly deserves.

And now that it is becoming increasingly clear that not only did she feverishly welcome wifebeaters in from Dakar to Dacca, but also drafted at least part of an international pact that will make the 2015 invasion look benign by comparison, the lukewarm reaction of Germans is rather astounding.

In my own country, Belgium, the turmoil was sufficient to torpedo the government - even though it took the Vlaams Belang to light the powderkeg's fuse and even though a rump 'government', Michel II, defied the population in going to Marrakesh anyway. But at least a sizeable part of Belgians showed a spine, hopefully even more so tomorrow, when the demo against the UN Pact will take place as promised. Indeed, the Council of State declared the decision of two Brussels corruptocrats, Close and Vervoort, who vetoed the demo, null and void.

But again...

... where is the German spine?

Make no mistake, I don't mean Wehrmacht and Waffen SS spine, God forbid. But the spine of a people that has given the world so e-nor-mous-ly much in terms of science, art, technology and literature... the spine of a 'Volk' - a People of thinkers and poets - that has every right to be Stolz - proud - of what it stood for, even long before the despicable nazi clique came to power.

The only explanation I can come up with is that the Germans have been clubbed into a moral numbness by seven decades of incessant leftist propaganda, convincing them that they should HATE themselves. How ironic is it that the forces who managed to do this are ideologically in the same league as the perpetrators of the Holocaust. And the ultimate kingpin - or should we say Queenpin - in this massive propaganda operation is this immoral Whore:

It's up to the Germans to free themselves of this Monster, Europe's very own Felonia Von Pantsuit. We can't do it for them.


Friday, December 14, 2018


After a long and tedious week, Earthling Cinema for you. Garyx Wormuloid takes over for the night. Topic: Interstellar.

Hat tip OutlawDaughter. Thx, Garyx.



An ad hoc group composed of Flemish nationalist youth organizations, namely Vlaams Belang Jongeren, Schild en Vrienden, Voorpost, NSV and KVHV want to organize a march against the UN Migration Pact aka 'Marrakesh' this Sunday, DEC 16, 2018.

Not surprisingly, Brussels Mayor Philippe Close (PS) and Minister President Rudi Vervoort (PS) vetoed the demo.

Their argument? "It is out of the question that we allow a brown march to take place in Brussels". Implying, of course, that said organizations are neonazis.

In other words, freedom of speech for me but not for thee. Close and Vervoort have no problem whatsoever with there being perhaps two hundred thousand of illegals strolling around in Belgium, a sizeable part of that in Brussels, but Flemish citizens wanting to freely express their opinion? NO WAY. Oh, our moral betters the socialists! To top things off, from the francophone branch, the PS, the "Party of 1,000,000 scandals" (scroll down to the part featuring mssr. Claes, Coeme, Spitaels, Cools etc). And they are telling US we are NAZIS? Really??? How about this?

The organizations planning the demo have already announced they will disobey the order. Bus transport has been scheduled. One organizer is talking 50,000 people (which, I fear, is a tad too optimistic, but whatever). Either way, we are looking forward to an interesting Sunday:

While I'm at it, it seems like the main force behind the march is Schild en Vrienden, led by the charismatic Dries Van Langenhoven. I've checked this fella out and have come to the conclusion that the allegations levelled against him and his organization are baseless. He's got my full support. They are this kind of guys (movie of an action earlier this year against Open Borders advocates):

If you can, be there next Sunday!


Thursday, December 13, 2018


As I have mentioned a couple of times, in October municipal elections took place.

In many towns and cities coalition talks for the new town and citu councils are still going on.

One such a place is Antwerp, where the incumbent mayor Bart De Wever (N-VA, simultaneously N-VA National Chairman) is trying to cobble together a city council on one and only one condition, namely that Vlaams Belang is excluded. The man has tried everything, from handicapped lesbian midgets and octogenarian Inuit librarians, over Moldovian philatelists and transgender Dogon chessplayers to Italian mechanics and a retired carnival troupe from Barbados, alas, nothing works. One possible partner which Mr De Wever considers are the Antwerp socialists. A representative sample is shown here in this still from an SP.a promo film:

The guy up front is Hicham el Mzairh. So what if he's Middle Eastern of from the Maghreb, I have no problem with Miss Belgium 2018 being of Filipino stock.

But on closer inspection, the photo reveals more.

I count only three BioBelgians, i.e. people from my haplogroup. The others, well, see for yourself. Where and when have Biobelgians forgotten to procreate?

It is worth to recap something I wrote 12 years ago, at the occasion of the 2006 municipal elections (every six years in this country):

"The map shows the nine electoral districts of Antwerp, which by and large are determined by the center and the suburbs. In case you wonder, yes, "7" is the place the Hoboken in Hudson County, New Jersey, is named after. Since in Antwerp the election was basically a megacontest between the VB and the socialists of the SP.a, the map shows which one is the biggest in each of the nine districts, whereby grey has been chosen for socialists and black for the VB (not a coincidence imho). In Antwerp City, "1", the center, the SP.a is biggest. Good. Now look at the periphery: with the exception of "2" and "4" it's all black. So, socialist are biggest in the center, VB is biggest in the suburbs. How to explain this?

1° Well, firstly, as you may or may not know, in 2004 the Belgian State, in one of its many instances of criminal insanity, granted voting rights in municipal elections to immigrants who do not even have the Belgian nationality on the condition that they know what Smurfs are, can tell Belgian fries from French ones and say "merci" upon receiving their monthly 1,000 EUR stipend from Social Security. Since it is a well-known fact that the socialists were the driving force behind these voting rights, it can be safely assumed that those who use these rights voted SP.a.

2° Secondly, there is the impact of the so-called Snel-Belg Wet (Quick Citizenship Bill), rushed through Parliament in 2000 after the previous municipal elections in which the VB, then still Vlaams Blok, also gained considerably. The "Snel-Belg Wet" (literally "Fast-Belgian Law") gives one Belgian nationality on very easy terms, namely:

* remain in Belgium for some time (some = three years, sometimes as less as two years)
* work in Belgium
* be married to a Belgian

Since North African youths who already possess Belgian nationality almost invariably prefer imported, unspoiled (and unassimilated) girls from Morocco, Algeria et al for brides, the Quick Citizenship Bill granted every newlywed young woman from these countries automatically Belgian nationality, and thus the right to vote. No one argued more in favor of this bill than the socialists, who correctly reckoned that the newcomers would in all likelihood vote for them.

3° Thirdly, there's the fact that those Belgians of North African origin who have been here since decades and whose numbers are quickly rising thanks to a much higher feritlity rate, vote overwhelmingly for the left.

4° Fourthly, not only is the fertility rate of the "old" Belgians much lower, since a couple of years they are moving out of the center in droves. Currently, Antwerp Central has a population of 460,000, of which around 120,000 are immigrants, or one quarter, most of them Moroccans. Of the remaining 3/4 of indigenous Belgians, around 4,000 leave each year and their place is being taken by about 5,000 newcomers of foreign origin, mostly from muslim countries (although recently there's been an influx too of East-Europeans). Almost as a rule, the newcomers vote for socialists.

And these dynamics yield the picture above. The "old" Belgians leave Antwerp Central for the (residential) suburbs and bring their political preferences with them, which explains the very high Vlaams Belang scores in places such as Deurne (nr. 5) where the party received a staggering 43.46% of the vote. Or like in Hoboken (nr. 7) where VB also got more than 40% of the electorate behind it. The very good VB results extend even beyond the nine districts. Not visible on the map, but lying immediately alongside the nine core districts, are such
towns like Schoten, Boom, Niel, Borsbeek, Willebroek and Stabroek, and here also VB becomes the biggest party."

It is one thing if Stijn and Nele and Koenraad and Veerle and Alain and Véronique have forgotten that their sexual equipment can also be used to make kiddos.

It is quite another if the newcomers don't subscribe to the traditional mores that were once essential in pushing our country upwards to the status of one of the wealthiest and safest in the world: labor ethic, a desire for neatness, respect for hierarchy, spirit for innovation, traditional family values, the will and pride to deliver a good job etc.

We see far too few of that with the newcomers, I'm sorry to say. From their ranks, not enough skilled technicians/engineers/doctors/scientists are coming forward.

And what is crystal clear, the grand majority of them flock invariably to parties that promote a strong omnipresent state, dependence on that state, vigorous control over all aspects of life. Which is perhaps not surprisingly, because the typical chap hailing from Tunisia or Morocco is used to a police state. Far too many of these are also muslims, so we get the worst of both worlds: acolytes of islam and socialism.

It's not going to be nice.

And of course, our self-hating socialists and greens are more than pleased to again being able to swim in a reservoir of eager voters. Look at that photo above, the white guy to the left of el Mzairh. That's Tom Meeuws. In a previous life, only a couple of months ago, he was Director of public transportation company De Lijn in Antwerp; but earlier this year he had to resign in a smelly affair of false invoices. Nothing new under the sun of course. These days Mr Meeuws is profiling himself again as a socialist bigshot vying for a nice place as an Antwerp public official.

In a few years, my country will be unrecognizable.

It's weird, to see it change before your very eyes.

Weird and sad.


Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Filip Dewinter is truly the Last Flemish Knight.

In Parliament today (sorry, no subtitles):

What his speech boils down to is that for Vlaams Belang, basically the discussions of the last few days are not about the legitimacy of "Michel II", in effect a caretaker government since the departure of the N-VA, it's not even about the fall of the government, no, Dewinter KEEPS reiterating that for VB the discussion still should be about the fall of the Pact.

Yesterday I wrote:

"... This is all true, but I would put it another way. N-VA is not focussing anymore on (belatedly) stopping the pact because it doesn't think it is possible. No, N-VA isn't focussing anymore on that because it judges that it has made its show. For at heart, N-VA WAS NEVER AGAINST THE PACT. As mentioned yesterday, the N-VA Minister for Immigration, Theo Francken, was in Morocco last May where he read the draft (or even contributed to it) and APPROVED of it. It was only because VB called out N-VA that the latter party made a sudden U-turn, fearing backlash in the federal elections in May. And rightly so feared, courtesy the stellar score of VB in the recent municipal elections.

N-VA calculates that it has now convinced the population that it has fought tooth and nail to stop the UN monstrosity and that this will suffice to persuade the voters next year that they'd better stay with them instead of casting their votes for VB again (both parties are fishing in the same pond)."

And not wanting to brag, but I think it's fair to say I was spot on. We haven't heard a word from N-VA fraction leader De Roover anymore; and windbag and utter failure as Immigration Minister Theo Francken is flipflopping on the subject of supporting 'Michel II' and it's as if the main topic, the damned SHAM that is the UN Migration Pact, that invitation to the Third World to swamp developed nations and thereby change forever the racial, ethnic and political composition of in particular Europe... has been completely forgotten.

N-VA put up a charade and all it cared about was creating the perception that they were against it.

Now that they fled from the despicable clique around Charles Michel, they figure that they can fool the population that they did all they could to stop it...

... but if they REALLY wanted to stop it they would continue and even step up their efforts. They should have joined VB at the Council of State yesterday.

N-VA shows here for the umpteenth time its true face. Make that faces, cause it's a party with a Janus head.

Enough about the N-VA cowards and hypocrites, and I wish the Vlaams Belang every success with their continued struggle to the bitter end. The Council of Ministers will on Monday 17 DEC communicate its decision of whether or not Michel II signing the UN Migration Pact was constitutional, given that it is a caretaker government and has de facto no legitimacy for international endeavours of that magnitude. Some 44 judges have their say in the Council of State, I have to admit it's a fairly decent judicial body, one of the hightest in the country, and they have made many good arrests. It wouldn't be the first time the Vlaams Belang wins a case. Of course, Belgium being what it is, powerful forces may be working behind the screens. So much is at stake! After all, on Jan 1, 2019, Belgium will take its seat in the UN Security Council. Of course, this little known fact probably has nothing to do with Charles Michel's ardent desire to get Belgium to ratify the UN's 'Global Compact for safe, orderly and regulated Migration!

Now, how about this?

Another very vocal pro-migration Gutmensch is Hilde Vautmans, European MP for Open VLD, the Flemish Liberals. On the 1st of November, she wrote an opinion piece for the weekly Knack:

I will spare you Vautmans' nonsence, let's cut the crap and stick to her main point:


Needless to say Madam Vautmans, like most Euro MP's the recipient of obscenely high wages for the arduous job of rubberstamping the decrees of the European Commission - we will for the moment refrain from elaborating on the MEP extras - is an ardent supporter of allowing the Third World to swamp the West.

Well, yesterday Vautmans got her own peculiar dose of reality. As our hardworking MEP was explaining the workings of the EP to a group of some forty visitors from her native Sint-Truiden (St Trond), whooooops enjoying a lavish meal with her guests in classy restaurant Caveau Gurtlerhoft on the gullible euro taxpayer's dime...

.... a jihadi by the name of Cherif Chekatt chose that exact moment to go All Ahu Akbar, killing and wounding a number of innocent hoi polloi.

Our brave MEP Vautmans directly engaged the killer and neutralized him, thereby preventing further bloodshed.

Erm, sorry, I made that one up. The fearless Vautmans - the red-X'ed lady on the photo below - locked herself up in the cellar of the restaurant:

On her Fakebook page, Madam Vautmans offered her opinion:

"After the attacks in Brussels in 2016, yesterday was hell again to live thru such an attack from nearby. Innocent people were brutally killed, victims fight for their lives. My thoughts are with them and their loved ones. I support our French friends who, again, were suffering badly. A big Thank You to the security services and the military for their action, for them too it was a hellish night. I hope they capture the perpetrator soon. Know that we keep focussing on the fight against terror. Our security is sacred!"

Read that. Read that again. And let that sink in. Dunno how it is with you, but for me the mental image Vautmans FB post conjures up is this one:

"Innocent people were brutally killed..." No shit sherlock.

"Know that we keep focussing on the fight against terror!" Which is why she wants to import hundreds of millions of undocumented welfare seekers.

"Our security is sacred!" For crying out loud!

Yes, I know that the perp was born and raised in Strasbourg. But his parents were migrants, worse, muslim migrants. Obviously something's going dead wrong with integrating wifebeaters and clitoridectomists, but don't worry, any time now the EP will draft a Plan costing a mere 15 billion EUR to tackle this thorny issue once and for all. Euro politicians are so good at plans, you wouldn't believe it!

Mark Steyn put it succinctly in today's Steynonline post:

Yesterday, the usual "known wolf" - that's to say, known to the highest levels of the French security apparatus - killed three and wounded a dozen more in this year's first attack on a Christmas market - in Strasbourg. The jihadist yelled ...oh, go on, take a wild guess: Joyeux Noël? Bonnes Fêtes? No, he stuck to the traditional greeting.

Just over two years ago, in the summer of 2016, I met a delightful German lady who lives just across the border from Strasbourg and whose husband, in fact, was born and raised there. Along with her child, my friend, as I put it, "had found herself on the receiving end of some vibrant multicultural outreach from one of Mutti Merkel's boy charmers":

~ As a result, she no longer goes out after dark. She had also decided - with reluctance, because she enjoyed it - to cancel her participation in a local Christmas market, where she'd sung carols every year - in broad daylight.

'Why would you do that?' I asked.

'Because it's Christmas,' she said, 'and I'm worried Christmas will be a target.'

I have never forgotten those words - because they were at once both absurd and chilling. But four months later "a German citizen" attempted to blow up the Christmas market at Ludwigshafen, and a mere two years on it is now taken for granted that Christmas markets across Europe have to be held behind the ugly throttling barriers of "security" - which as we saw yesterday are, ultimately, never secure.

Because we won't put up security barriers where they count - at the nation's border - we have to have ever more intrusive and constricting security on everything within the border. I have written about it innumerable times; I even wrote a short story about it. But the men and women who govern us refuse to change the policies that enable Yuletide slaughter, and their citizens continue to vote for them. And so Strasbourg's mayor Roland Ries says that "life must go on" - which fatuous bromide ensures that the killing of his citizens will go on. Because he and the rest of a depraved political class lack the will to do anything about it.

Madam Vautmans, that "depraved political class"...

... Steyn is talking about YOU.