Very interesting post over at The Redhunter, a longtime colleague and "blogger in arms" of DowneastBlog. Tom investigates
to what extent Obama has thus far performed as a Uniter, as he predicted he would reign during his presidential campaign. As we all know, during the latter three quarters of the Bush years George W Bush was scolded as the President who outdid every predecessor in dividing the country.
A.) LEGISLATION PASSED OR PROPOSED UNDER OBAMA'S WATCH.All vote tallies are: Yes, No, Absent/Abstain
1.) The Stimulus - H.R. 1: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009House - January 28, 200, 244 - 188: Democrats 244-11-0 GOP 177-0-1
Senate - February 10, 2009, 61 - 37: Democrats 58 - 0 - 1 GOP 3 - 37 - 0 Indep(Leiberman) 1 yes
2.) Cap and Trade - American Clean Energy and Security Act "ACES", or Waxman - Markey BillHouse - June 26, 2009, 219 - 212: Democrats 211-44 -1 GOP 8-168-2
Senate - There has been no Senate action on this bill
3.) 2010 BudgetHouse - April 2, 2009, 223 - 196: Democrats 233-20-1 GOP 0-176-2
Senate - April 2, 2009, 55 - 43: Democrats 53-3-1 GOP 0-40-0
4.) Health Care - H.R.4872 and H.R. 3590 Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010House - March 21, 2010, 220 - 211: Democrats 220-33-0 GOP 0-178-0
Senate - Because this is being done as a "reconciliation" bill it has not yet been voted on in the Senate, but given that all it takes is a simple majority it's passage is a fait accompli. More importantly, I think we're all aware that Zero Republicans would vote for the measure, where as Obama has to bribe Democrats into voting for it
B.) LANDMARK LEGISLATION IN HISTORYLet's go through some of the landmark history of the past century and examine the breakdown in voting between the two parties (for the sake of clarity, and because it doesn't really matter for our purposes, I have not included the votes from third parties in this legislation)
a.) President RooseveltSocial Security Act of 1935House - August 8, 1935, 365 - 30: Democrats 284-15-20, GOP 81-15-4
Senate - August 9, 1935, 76 - 6: Democrats 60-1-8 GOP 16-5-4
b.) President JohnsonSocial Security Amendments of 1965 (Medicare and Medicaid)House - April 8, 1965, 313 - 116: Democrats 237-48-8 GOP 70-68-2
Senate - July 27, 1965: 70 - 24: Democrats 57-7-4 GOP 13-17-2
Voting Rights Act of 1965 ("Civil Rights Act")House - August 3, 1965, 328-74: Democrats: 217-54 GOP Republicans: 111-20
Senate - August 4, 1965, 49 - 18: Democrats: 49-17 GOP 30-1
c.) President ReaganEconomic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 "Kemp - Roth Tax Cut"House - July 30, 1981, 323 - 107: (I cannot find the breakdown, but the party breakdown in the House for the 97th Congress were: Democrats 244, Republicans 191, so clearly many Democrats voted yes)
Senate - July 1981, 89 - 11: Democrats 37-9 GOP 52-1
C.) CONCLUSIONWhile this is hardly an exhaustive list of legislation, I believe it to be a fair sampling of landmark legislation passed over the past 75 years. Before President Obama, in every single case the legislation was passed with overwhelming bipartisan support.
Obama's legislation, however, is opposed almost unanimously by the Republicans. Worse, he can't even get all of his Democrats to go along with him without virtual bribes that stink to high heaven and legislative tricks that are foreign to most people.
Obama is worse than partisan; opposition to his bills is bipartisan, while support is strictly partisan. Obama even divides his own party.
_________________________Sorry, but no original material from
moi today. I am absolutely and completely busted. Oh wait. It seems that Ricky Martin has come out of the closet. Ha! As if we didn't know!