Smashing Pumpkins with Today. Album Siamese Dream (1993).
Took me some time to find out James Iha was an XY, actually. But then I'm a slow learner. Sheesh. Where is the time I watched this video over and over again on MTV?
Red Hot Chili Peppers with Otherside. From the 2000 album Californication.
Otherside is about Hillel Slovak, one of the founding members of RHCP and their first guitarist, who died of a heroin overdose in 1988.
Nite. One of these days I have to clean up the mess caused by Photobucket. I've hooked up with Flickr but am not convinced. Think I'll go for Imgur or Imageshack instead.
Goede nacht.
Saturday, August 26, 2017
More info on Defend Europe:
They act while we - that's me including, alas - whine and bicker. Not all of them have a spotless record, though. And the guy at the 1:24 mark is Martin Sellner, a key member of the Austrian Identitaeren Movement. I've been following him for some time now, and I found it indeed somewhat questionable that in 2009 he paid a visit to the grave of Walter Novotny, an Austrian Luftwaffe ace who was killed somewhere in NOV44 when his Me262 was downed by Mustangs, IIRC. In the great kaleidoscope of facts, anecdotes and decisions that people's lives often are, it's something... I can live with since it seems to have been a one-off incident. Also, Nowotny seems not to have been a nazi caricature. The widespread respect he still enjoys is probably an Austrian thing. If you call Sellner a nazi for visiting that grave, then I will show you transcripts of British fighter pilots (who flew Tempests or Typhoons or Spits, can't remember right away) who were actually sad upon learning of the death of Nowotny, whom they apparently considered a chivalrous adversary. Shall we call them nazis too? Or Ronald Reagan for visiting a German cemetery where, apart from Wehrmacht personnel, there was also Waffen SS buried?
Anyway, I'm mighty glad people like Sellner at least offer token resistance to the insane Population Replacement which is currently underway, with the full support of the EU.
Here's some info about the Maltese who decided to resupply the C-Star, the Moviment Patrijotti Maltin.
Friday, August 25, 2017
A rare instance of good use of our tax euros. Belgian Special Forces take up position on top of a building in Tal Afar as the Iraqi Army's operation to drive IS out of that town unfolds:

Via ABCNews:
So SecDef Vandeput really made good on his word, there are SF assisting the IA.
A couple of side notes:
a.) good that apparently a more appropriate camo has been issued, even if it's still a wood pattern in a desert environment, for the regular Belgian army camo would be totally out of place. Even though the pattern has its advocates, personally I have never been very fond, to say the least, about the typical jigsaw camo. You can see it in the video below.
b.) The guided missile system is the Israeli-made Rafael Spike-MR, of which the Belgian Army bought 66 systems for 41 million EUR in 2012. MR stands for, of course, medium range, and in Israel the system is dubbed as "Gil". The weight of the missile is 14 kg (30 lb 14 oz), and its minimum range is 200 m, while its maximum range is 2,500 m (1.6 mi). Given that IS has no armor save a couple of obsolete Russian tanks which by now have probably all been obliterated, the deployment of Spikes may seem overkill, but the missile is not only anti-tank as most articles accompanying these photos suggest, Spikes can also be used as anti-personnel weapons.
The following video shows Belgian troops testing the Spike for the first time in the NATO training area of Bergen-Hoehne, Germany.
In the Belgian Army and SF, the Spike replaces the old Milan systems.
c.) On top of that building there's also US troops from the 82nd Airborne, and their equipment provides an interesting study in contrast with the Belgian detachment's:

I guess that's a BGM-71 TOW. I'm a bit surprised these weapons are still in use, I thought that by now they had all been replaced by FGM-148 Javelins.
Video of that weapon:
d.) Belgian soldiers prefer to sit on concrete blocks, American soldiers apparently think they are on the beach.

Via ABCNews:
Iraqi Forces said Wednesday they have captured two neighborhoods on the edge of the Islamic State-held town of Tal Afar.
Lt. Gen. Abdul-Amir Rasheed Yar Allah, who commands the operation, said special forces drove the militants from al-Kifah al-Janoubi on the southwestern edge of the town, and that federal police and paramilitary units took al-Kifah al-Shamali in the northwest.
Iraqi leaders often declare areas liberated when some fighting is still underway.
Last month, Iraq declared victory over IS in Mosul, the country's second largest city, after a grueling nine-month campaign. The Tal Afar operation began Sunday, and is aimed at driving IS from one of the last major pockets it controls in Iraq.
As in Mosul, the U.S.-led coalition is providing airstrikes as well as other forms of support to Iraqi troops, and U.S. and other special forces are operating near the front lines.
British Maj. Gen. Rupert Jones, the coalition's deputy commander, said Iraqi forces are off to a "really positive start" and are "closing the noose" around the militants.
"The key is that they've broken into the city," he told Pentagon reporters via videoconference from Baghdad.
The extremist group has lost most of the territory it seized when it swept across northern and central Iraq in the summer of 2014, and has also suffered major losses in Syria.
But the coalition estimates that the group still has some 2,000 fighters in Tal Afar and 2,500 in the Syrian city of Raqqa, where U.S.-backed Syrian forces are fighting the group.
So SecDef Vandeput really made good on his word, there are SF assisting the IA.
A couple of side notes:
a.) good that apparently a more appropriate camo has been issued, even if it's still a wood pattern in a desert environment, for the regular Belgian army camo would be totally out of place. Even though the pattern has its advocates, personally I have never been very fond, to say the least, about the typical jigsaw camo. You can see it in the video below.
b.) The guided missile system is the Israeli-made Rafael Spike-MR, of which the Belgian Army bought 66 systems for 41 million EUR in 2012. MR stands for, of course, medium range, and in Israel the system is dubbed as "Gil". The weight of the missile is 14 kg (30 lb 14 oz), and its minimum range is 200 m, while its maximum range is 2,500 m (1.6 mi). Given that IS has no armor save a couple of obsolete Russian tanks which by now have probably all been obliterated, the deployment of Spikes may seem overkill, but the missile is not only anti-tank as most articles accompanying these photos suggest, Spikes can also be used as anti-personnel weapons.
The following video shows Belgian troops testing the Spike for the first time in the NATO training area of Bergen-Hoehne, Germany.
In the Belgian Army and SF, the Spike replaces the old Milan systems.
c.) On top of that building there's also US troops from the 82nd Airborne, and their equipment provides an interesting study in contrast with the Belgian detachment's:
I guess that's a BGM-71 TOW. I'm a bit surprised these weapons are still in use, I thought that by now they had all been replaced by FGM-148 Javelins.
Video of that weapon:
d.) Belgian soldiers prefer to sit on concrete blocks, American soldiers apparently think they are on the beach.
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