DowneastBlog wishes all its readers of good will a Happy, Healthy and Successful 2009!!!
"This is their true test. We will not tolerate their ineptitude, turn a blind eye to their failures or ignore acts of terror. They will not be able to shirk their responsibility," he said.
... Hamas gunmen broke through Fatah defenses at the compound in Gaza City on Thursday morning. They fired rocket-propelled grenades at the compound, provoking return fire from Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' presidential guard.
The rival factions have been engaged in bloody battles since Sunday, resulting in the deaths of at least 70 people. By noon Thursday, at least eight people had been killed. Al-Jazeera TV reported early Thursday afternoon that the death toll had climbed to at least 16.
Fatah officials said seven of their fighters were shot dead in the street outside Preventive Security building. A witness, Jihad Abu Ayad, said the men were being killed before their wives and children. "They are executing them one by one," Abu Ayad said. "They are carrying one of them on their shoulders, putting him on a sand dune, turning him around and shooting."
When war began, first in Afghanistan and not long after in Iraq, we read allegations of prisoner abuse at Bagram air base in Afghanistan and of rendition to countries notorious for practicing torture. We saw the horrific images from Abu Ghraib and learned of gruesome acts performed in the name of gathering information. Sometimes the torture itself was couched in the government's euphemisms -- calling waterboarding an "interrogation technique."... To the outgoing administration's record on torture we must add a string of other policies that have damaged the standing of the United States in the world: its hostility to the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gases; its refusal to assent to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, establishing the ICC's role in prosecuting war crimes; its restrictions on the use of U.S. funding to fight AIDS; and the arrogant unilateralism it has employed in declaring to be enemies any countries it deemed "against us" because they were not "for us."
National estimates based on all surveys
Based on a wide range of data, including the household and antenatal studies, UNAIDS/WHO in July 2008 published an estimate of 18.1% prevalence in those aged 15-49 years old at the end of 2007. Their high and low estimates are 15.4% and 20.9% respectively. According to their own estimate of total population (which is another contentious issue), this implies that around 5.7 million South Africans were living with HIV at the end of 2007, including 280,000 children under 15 years old.
The ASSA2003 model produces a similar estimate of 5.4 million people living with HIV in mid-2006, or around 11% of the total population. It predicts that the number will exceed 6 million by 2015, by which time around 5.4 million South Africans will have died of AIDS.
( - WASHINGTON - AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), hailed President Bush for signing legislation to re-authorize PEPFAR (the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief). The measure, which was signed in a formal signing ceremony earlier today in Washington, increases funding for the successful global AIDS program from $15 billion up to $48 billion over the next five years. As a result, PEPFAR, which is likely to be among the President’s most successful and lasting legacies, will save five to seven million lives over the next five years.
“Passage of this historic legislation is a crucial turning point in the battle to control AIDS around the world,” said Michael Weinstein, President, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, which provides medical care and services to more than 79,000 individuals in 20 countries worldwide. ”Over the past several months, AHF worked diligently to persuade legislators to restore PEPFAR’s priority on treatment. We take our hats off to everyone who helped ensure that this lifesaving global AIDS bill became a reality.”
Today Africans walk taller than they did a week ago -- just as they did when Nelson Mandela became South Africa's first black president in 1994. Not only Africans, but people everywhere who have been the victims of discrimination at the hands of white Westerners, have a new pride in who they are. If a dark-skinned person can become the leader of the world's most powerful nation, what is to stop children everywhere from aiming for the stars? The fact that Obama's Kenyan grandfather was a convert to Islam may -- shamefully -- have been controversial in parts of the United States, but elsewhere in the world, Obama's multi-faith heritage is an inspiration.
And the president-elect has one additional key quality: He is not George W. Bush.
The incoming administration is talking about spending hundreds of billions on public works with the hope of creating some jobs, but remember: 93.3% of Americans, though shaken, already have jobs. So what to do?
The government must do something, and something fairly big, to jump-start the economy, an economist friend told me. His point was that the private sector is too shell-shocked to climb out of the hole it is now in, and government needs to take the lead. He also quoted the old shibboleth among economists -- the "fallacy of composition" -- which argues that what might be a good course of action for an individual can lead to disaster if widely adopted by members of the larger group. In this case, disaster could be the result if there was too strong a preference for savings over consumption.I disagree with this whole line of thought. It reminds me of the open letter that 364 economists addressed to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in 1981, condemning her for daring to cut public borrowing in the midst of a recession, which was contrary to the Keynesian orthodoxy at the time. They did not accept Mrs. Thatcher's reasoning that too much public-sector borrowing and government-directed investment could only crowd out private-sector borrowing and risk-taking.
They also implicitly rejected Mrs. Thatcher's strongly held belief that both governments and individuals must be guided by fundamental rules of common sense and frugality, in good times and bad. The economists described her thinking on this score as naive. Mrs. Thatcher spurned the collective wisdom of the 364 economists, seeing their advice as just more of the same failed interventionist policy prescriptions which the country had followed for over three decades. When she came to power in May 1979, the British economy, by every measure, was in worse shape than the U.S. economy is today. Inflation was out of control. Unemployment was high and rising rapidly. Job creation had been at a total standstill for almost a decade and a half...
... President-elect Barack Obama has said that he expects things to get worse before they get better. If the experience of the first Thatcher administration is anything to go by, that will certainly be the case. For one thing, some "hidden unemployment," as Mrs. Thatcher called it, will be flushed out into the open. This will be the case with the expected closure of the Big Three's "job banks," which pay almost full wages and benefits to several thousand auto workers for doing nothing.
With the elimination of much higher levels of "over-manning" in parts of British industry that were heavily unionized and subsidized, unemployment doubled to 12% in Mrs. Thatcher's first three years in office. Yet by sticking to her policies of lightened regulation, reduced trade barriers, privatization of a raft of publicly owned companies, reduced taxation, and the adoption of laws to prevent abuses of union power, Mrs. Thatcher achieved something few if any of today's economists have begun to consider. She achieved a genuine, productivity-led recovery that transformed Britain from perennial basket case into the Europe's most improved and vibrant economy.
U.S. policy makers and professional economists should study her example in order to turn this time of crisis into useful and enduring change. As she herself said, "Economics is too important just to be left to the economists."
I watched it, too. I would have been more reassured if the FDR book Obama says he’s been reading was Amity Shlaes’ “The Forgotten Man,” which painstakingly demonstrates how Roosevelt’s economic policies helped to prolong and worsen the Great Depression.
Unfortunately, the book Obama’s been reading actually lavishes praise on FDR’s economic management in the early months of his presidency - which seems to me precisely the wrong lesson to take away from that period.
(voice of news anchor): Groen! [the Flemish greens - MFBB] and SP.a [the Flemish socialists - MFBB] doubt whether the army has the financial clout to send more troops to Afghanistan and claim that NATO is "doing things the wrong way there".
Wouter De Vriendt (MP, Flemish greens): "I think that the Leterme governmnet is making a clear ideological choice here, an idelogical choice whereby one follows the American war logic."
Dirk Van Der Maelen (MP, Flemish Socialists): "This minister, followed by this government, is dragging our country into a hopeless and illegal war in Afghanistan."
[Reply by] Pieter De Crem (Belgian Minister of Defense, Christian Democrats): "You are, Mr. Van Der Maelen, completely isolated. You find yourself in the camp of Osama Bin Laden and his friends bomblayers and rapists. You are an objective partner of the bomblayers and of those who cut off the ears of girls when they attend school."
An interesting photo. Belgian groundcrew tend to an F-16 on Kandahar Airport. Clearly visible is the brand new sniper pod, the successor to the LANTIRN, offering such razorsharp images that the risk of confusing Taliban with ordinary afghans citizens is greatly reduced.
...."Here, too, most people were still in bed. Two exceptions - Lieutenants George Welch and Ken Taylor, a couple of pilots stationed at the small Haleiwa air strip on the west coast of the island. Welch and Taylor had come over for the weekly Saturday dance. Then they got involved in an all-night poker game. Now Welch was arguing that they should forget all about bed and drive back to Haleiwa for an early-morning swim. This debate was perhaps the liveliest thing happening at Wheeler..."
"... In the officer's club, Lieutenants Welch and Taylor stopped debating whether to go swimming. Welch grabbed the phone and called Haleiwa, where their P-40's were kept. Yes, the planes were all right... yes, they would be gassed up and loaded right away. Welch slammed down the receiver, hopped into Taylor's car, and the two careened off to Haleiwa, prodded along by a strafing Zero...."
..."It's hard to say how many planes really did get up from Wheeler. General Howard Davidson, commanding all the fighters, thought about 14. Air Force records indicate no P-40s and only a handful of worthless P-36s. Perhaps the general was counting in Welch and Taylor, who landed three different times and then took off again. These two were having a busy morning. After reaching Haleiwa, they had rushed straight for their planes. No briefing or checking out - Major Austin, the squadron commander, was off deerhunting, and they didn't bother with Lieutenant Rogers, the acting CO. They just took off. First they flew down to Barber Point, where the Japanese were said to be rendezvousing. Nobody there. Just as well - there hadn't beent time to belt up enough ammunition. So they dropped by Wheeler to get some more. By nine o'clock they were almost ready to take off again when seven Japanese planes swept in from Hickam for one last strafing run. Welch and Taylor gunned their P-40s and flew straight at them. Both men were up and away before the Japanese could give chase. Instead, the P-40s managed to get into the Japanese flight pattern and shot two down-one was the plane that grazed the eucalyptus tree behind Mr. Young's laundry. Then Welch and Taylor headed for Ewa, where they had seen some dive bombers at work. It was a picnic. Between them, they got four more before Taylor had to land with a wounded arm. Welch stayed on and picked off another...."
"Let's roll." Lieutenants Kenneth Taylor (left) and George Welch (right) bagged seven of the eleven planes shot down by Army pilots.
WASHINGTON — President-elect Barack Obama’s aides say he is considering making a major foreign policy speech from an Islamic capital during his first 100 days in office.
So where should he do it? The list of Islamic world capitals is long, and includes the obvious —Riyadh, Kuwait City, Islamabad — and the not-so-obvious — Male (the Maldives), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Tashkent (Uzbekistan). Some wise-guys have even suggested Dearborn, Mich., as a possibility.
But Jakarta’s too easy. Mr. Asali thought so too: “Jakarta? People would yawn about that.” Sure, Indonesia is the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country — some 177 million Muslims live there — but the very fact that Mr. Obama once lived and went to school there would make choosing it seem like cheating.
Baghdad? Definitely out-of-the-box, but it could appear to validate the Iraq war, which Mr. Obama opposed. Beirut? Too many Hezbollah members — Secret Service would flip its collective lid — and anyway, the Lebanese president has always been a Christian.
Tehran? Too soon for that.Amman? Been there, done that. Islamabad? Too dangerous. Ankara? Too safe. Plus the Turks aren’t going to be too crazy about being used for outreach to the Muslim world when they’re trying to join the European Union.
I asked a senior Turkish diplomat what he thought. He immediately started acting, well, diplomatic. “We don’t have a problem with our Islamic identity,” he said. “But our system is secular.”
Riyadh? Mr. Obama’s national security aides say no.
Kuwait City? Abu Dhabi? Doha? “I don’t think it will be in the Gulf,” one foreign policy adviser to Mr. Obama said.
See? It’s got to be Cairo. Egypt is perfect. It’s certainly Muslim enough, populous enough and relevant enough. It’s an American ally, but there are enough tensions in the relationship that the choice will feel bold. The country has plenty of democracy problems, so Mr. Obama can speak directly to the need for a better democratic model there. It has got the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist organization that has been embraced by a wide spectrum of the Islamic world, including the disenfranchised and the disaffected.
The Secret Service won’t like it one bit, but Cairo is no Islamabad. I called the Egyptian Embassy in Washington to ask officials there what they thought. Someone from Mr. Obama’s team had already mentioned the possibility, although embassy officials said Egypt has not been approached about a possible presidential trip to Cairo.
Clutching a toy basketball, his face contorted by tears, this is Moshe Holtzberg at today's memorial service for his parents. The two-year-old orphan's rabbi father and mother were murdered in Mumbai's Jewish centre...
...We have started seeing this already on the BBC -- the world's largest TV and radio network, which broadcasts in dozens of different languages around the world and is lavishly funded by the British taxpayer.
You would be hard pressed to find any talk of radical Islam on the BBC in recent days, or mention of the fact that Islamists think India should be a Muslim country. Instead the BBC continues to try to persuade its massive global audience that "it is a local Indian problem," that "the subcontinent has a history of unrest," and so on.
Even the Pakistani angle has been presented as some kind of local Pakistan-India dispute rather than as a problem with radical Islam -- this despite the fact that according to numerous reports the Mumbai terrorists themselves were screaming "Allah Akbar" (Allah is the Greatest) as they murdered "the Jews and the infidels" in line with bin Ladenist ideology.
For some time, many have argued that an element of anti-Semitism has distorted the way the BBC covers the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But now, following the Mumbai events, we can perhaps see that anti-Semitism may even be at work in the way the BBC covers foreign news in general. For much of the Mumbai siege, the BBC went out of its way to avoid reporting that the Jewish community center was one of the seven targets. At one point viewers were told that "an office building" had been targeted (referring to the Jewish center as such).
Then on Friday morning, TV pictures of Indian commandos storming the besieged Jewish center were broadcast by networks around the world. Heavily armed commandos, their faces covered by balaclavas, rappelled from helicopters onto the roof while Indian sharpshooters in buildings opposite opened fire and a helicopter circled overhead. Huge crowds of onlookers could be seen looking aghast as they watched from nearby streets. While Sky News and other channels were gripped by these dramatic pictures, BBC World was not, almost pretending there was no siege at the Jewish center -- even though by then it was one of only two sites that remained under attack in Mumbai. Had the terrorists chosen to besiege a church or mosque instead, can you imagine the BBC ignoring it this way?
Meanwhile -- perhaps even more disgracefully -- a New York Times report on the last day of the siege stated: "It is not known if the Jewish center was strategically chosen, or if it was an accidental hostage scene."
Has the New York Times learned anything since the Holocaust, when, even after the war ended in the spring of 1945, the paper infamously refused to report that the Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, Germans and so on killed in the camps had been Jews, and killed as Jews?
Dozens of eyewitness accounts by local Indians said the gunmen shouted "Allah Akbar" from the Jewish center. It is housed in a nondescript block and is not obviously marked from the outside as a Jewish center. It is the one Jewish building in a densely crowded city of millions. And the Times, the self-proclaimed paper of record, wants to let readers think it might have been an accidental target?
Perhaps we have come to the point where casually self-radicalised, sociopathic individuals can form a loose organisation, acquire sufficient weapons and equipment for a few thousand dollars, make a basic plan of action and indulge in a violent expression of their generalised disaffection and anomie. These individuals indulge in terrorism simply because they can, while their audience concocts a rationale on their behalf.
Welcome to the age of celebrity terrorism.
The invitation to the world's D-list malcontents reads as follows: No matter how corrupt your moral sense, how contorted your view of the world, how vapid and inarticulate your ideas, how talentless you are and how exaggerated your grievance, an obsessive audience will watch your every move and turn you into what you most want to be, just before your death.
"Restaurant workers there ushered guests closest to the kitchen inside. The assailants jumped in front of another group that tried to run out the door. "Stop," they shouted in Hindi. They corralled 16 diners and led them up to the 20th floor. One man in the group dialed his wife in London and told her he'd been taken hostage but was OK. "Everybody drop your phones," one of the assailants shouted, apparently overhearing. Phones clattered to the floor as the three women and 13 men dug through their purses and pockets and obeyed.
On the 20th floor, the gunmen shoved the group out of the stairwell. They lined up the 13 men and three women and lifted their weapons. "Why are you doing this to us?" a man called out. "We haven't done anything to you."
"Remember Babri Masjid?" one of the gunmen shouted, referring to a 16th-century mosque built by India's first Mughal Muslim emperor and destroyed by Hindu radicals in 1992.
"Remember Godhra?" the second attacker asked, a reference to the town in the Indian state of Gujarat where religious rioting that evolved into an anti-Muslim pogrom began in 2002.
"We are Turkish. We are Muslim," someone in the group screamed. One of the gunmen motioned for two Turks in the group to step aside.
Then they pointed their weapons at the rest and squeezed the triggers."
ROME, Italy (CNN) -- Italian police Tuesday arrested two Moroccans suspected of preparing a series of terrorist attacks near Milan in northern Italy, the police announced.
Officials say the two were recruiting men and planning attacks against military and civilian targets, including the immigration office of a police station, a barracks for the Carabinieri -- or special paramilitary units -- and a shopping center. All presumed targets are located in the vicinity of Milan, Italy's financial hub.
Police named the two suspects as Rachid Ilhami, a 31-year-old preacher, and Gafir Abdelkader, 42. Both are accused of "international terrorism," a crime introduced in Italy after the attacks of September 11, 2001 in the United States.
From Meccania to Atlantis - Part 3: From Encirclement to Breakout
From the desk of Takuan Seiyo on Thu, 2008-11-27 10:22
The night that changed the world
This serial essay started with the assumption that Barack Hussein Obama’s election as the 44th President of the United States would accelerate the creation of a multicultural supra-state encompassing all the countries founded and developed by whites. This entity, that I called Meccania, would be an ideological extension of the European Union, suppressing and diluting its white majority, its original civilization and its civic freedoms while force-flooding its territories with ever more black, brown and Muslim minorities, and increasing state control over all areas of life.
A week after Mr. Obama’s election, it was impossible to exaggerate its impact on the world. That oxen had been slain for feasts in Kenya, and black Americans had cried for joy is fair and normal. But what the descendants of Europa were doing was unique, fascinating and terrible. They were dancing on their own grave in euphoric rapture, by the hundred millions, celebrating their own demise.
There were the leading airheads. For Gordon Brown, “America stands at its own dawn of hope” and St. Obama is about to usher a new age of “progressive multilateralism.” For Madame Sarkozy, the election of Obama was a fount of "immense joy" and hope that the "Obama effect" would reshape French society. For America’s “conservative” President Bush, Obama's win was 'good for our country'.
Journalists, those custodians of facts who are supposed to inform the public, were writing about Mr. Obama, “Some princes are born in palaces. Some are born in mangers. But a few are born in the imagination, out of scraps of history and hope.”
Norway's Aftenposten wrote, "We have great hopes that we are standing at the dawn of a new era." Dominique Moïsi, a senior adviser to the French Institute for International Relations, crowed, “And now we have to think, too, about our identity in France. We realize we are late, and America has regained the torch of a moral revolution.” And Germany upped the ante by electing a Turk as leader of the Green Party, with the MSM hailing it as a “major turning point”.
What is going on here? For the record, I do not believe that there is anything intrinsically wrong with electing a black president in a country whose blacks have a longer tenure on its soil than perhaps 80% of its white population. It depends on who is the black person being elected.
In the case of Barack Obama, from university through election to the US presidency, every step of his career was either arranged for him by, or served to further the cause of, black ultra-racists, black racial shakedown thugs, terrorists, felons, scam-artists, blackmail and economic mayhem organizations (e.g. ACORN), and communists. Just a sample of the names linked irrefutably to the 44th U.S. President includes Saul Alinsky, Frank Marshall Davis, Khalid al-Mansoor, Antoine Rezko, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Nadhmi Auchi, Louis Farrakhan, Franklin Raines, and Raila Odinga.
A link to any two such malefactors would have sunk any white presidential candidate in a matter of days. Yet Mr. Obama, coasting on a silver tongue and his blackness, and aided by the imbecility of the opposition party and its candidate, has won the ultimate prize.
Young Americans, says American college professor Paul Kengor, don't care about Obama's radical past, because of the failure of the American educational system to teach the lessons of the Cold War and horrors of communism. “This is especially true of higher education,” writes Kengor, “where the leftist worldview is so extreme and so upside down that America's professors share a hearty contempt not for communism but for anti-communism.”
It’s the rare semi-conservative journalist, Peter Hitchens, who read Obama’s election accurately: “The night we waved goodbye to America... our last best hope on Earth”. Walking in a Washington suburb on election night, he observed:
“There had been a few white people blowing car horns and shouting, as the result became clear. But among the Mexicans, Salvadorans and the other Third World nationalities, there was something like ecstasy. They grasped the real significance of this moment. They knew it meant that America had finally switched sides in a global cultural war. The United States, having for the most part a deeply conservative people, had until now just about stood out against many of the mistakes which have ruined so much of the rest of the world.”
That “standing against” is now passé. From now on, the U.S. will be adopting such ruinous European mistakes as socialism, witch-hunts for “racists,” full retreat before militant domestic Islam, and vilification of the political right at double speed.
But Europe will be adopting those American diseases that it has so far managed to avoid, starting with the dumbing down of its university education system, coupled with Affirmative Action. Already the burning question on the minds of Europe’s cultural pashas is, Can Europe produce an Obama? Racial minorities that have so far only diluted Europe culturally and financially will now be pushed to dumbed down universities and from there to positions of power from which they will be able to accelerate the decomposition.
The viral global infection has even adopted a slogan from subliterate, irredentist Mexican border jumpers. What began as ‘Si, se puede’ was transformed by Obama’s handlers into ‘Yes, we can,’ and has spread into every European language as 'Oui, nous pouvons' ‘Ja, wir können,’ ‘Ja, we kunnen het,’ etc.
In a recent BJ post about the Belgian establishment’s enthusiasm for Obama, Alexandra Colen wondered whether America’s future will resemble that of Belgium. This is to assert that it will, and that the way to refuse that future is similar as well.
The great asymmetry
95% of America’s black and 90% of America’s Muslim votes went to Obama, and there was never any doubt that they would. Predictably, 67% of Hispanic votes did so as well. But what defies understanding is that 43% of white votes went to Obama. And one subset of the latter – the 78% of Jewish votes cast for their latest Messiah – is so extremely suicidal that it has to be addressed as a separate issue.
It’s the same issue, however, as the support of the European secular left for an invasion of Muslims that will lead to sharia rule; or the support of the majority of Western women for Muslim immigration from which issues an unprecedented wave of murder, rape, and oppression of women; or the support of labor unions for a flood of lower-wage immigrants who displace indigenous workers.
When former US Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for president, he averred that he was not supporting Mr. Obama because of his race but because he was “transformational.” The conservative radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh retorted that he could not think of inexperienced, white extreme liberals Mr. Powell had endorsed in the past...
...American blacks act in their racial group’s interest, nullify what they consider white people’ laws when serving in juries, and vote for black candidates, including convicted felons, irrespective of their merit. They have no compunction about using Pod (1) society’s soft social policies to live at the expense of the white taxpayer, nor to engage in electoral fraud in order to gain more power.
During the 2008 election, stories about black electoral fraud were a daily feature in the few media that are still not sworn tools of the left. That ranged from bums registered by ACORN each 72 times as voters, to Helen Jones-Kelley, a black lawyer and high Ohio government official who misused the state’s computer system to find sensitive information about a famous McCain supporter and to mobilize potential donors to the Obama campaign.
Mario Obledo, who was a high California official under Governor Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown and who founded MALDEF, once said, "California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who doesn't like it should leave. Every constitutional office in California is going to be held by Hispanics in the next 20 years. People who don't like such demographic changes should go back to Europe."
Actually, if there still were a Europe, this might be an attractive proposition, preferable to sharing a country with Mr. Obledo and his Body Snatcher vanguard, let alone being ruled by their kind. But in the not-too-distant future, the Muslim phalanx in the Netherlands or in Sweden may say to the indigenous people, if they don’t like sharia to go back to…. where?
For America’s black supremacists and brown irredentists are not alone in treating their adoptive country as a rich imbecile heiress, fit only for a fiscal or physical mugging. Bosnian Muslims in Bern are a conquering tribe. Somalis in Malmö are a predatory tribe. Pakistanis in Birmingham are a tribe with an Islamic conquest agenda. Lebanese thugs in Sydney have already taught Australian women how a tribal group practices “love Leb-style.”
Only Western Europeans and their genetic footprint in the Anglosphere have ceased being tribal. They have foresworn all salient features of tribalism such as group solidarity, group evolutionary strategy, endogamy, ethnocentrism, cultural fealty, not to speak of such salient Third World (and in the past, First World) tribal custom as imposition of the tribal interest over the individual one, physical intimidation and domination of other tribes, different moral codes on the inside and outside of the group, etc.
To the contrary, practically 99.5% of the millions who constitute the West’s ruling class, plus the hundreds of millions they have turned into true believers, hold these truths to be evident that tolerance and non-discrimination of alien tribes and customs within Western society is something so devoutly to be wished that it justifies a gigantic funding of such entities in matters ranging from subprime mortgages for illegal aliens to subsidized mosques for invited jihadis, to the changing of the Western way of life — from textbooks to to animal slaughter practices.
Barack and Mrs. Obama’s deep commitment to their black racial and ethnic heritage has been in much evidence since their student days and during the presidential campaign. But the white men who were the putative leaders of the counter-Obama forces — John McCain, President Bush and the latter’s grey eminence, Karl Rove — had repeatedly proclaimed the glories of multiculturalism, “diversity” and belief in universal equality as the glue that holds America together, rather than a culture, a language, a history, a body of customs and attitudes, attachment to a particular land and to the ancestors buried there — all of which would have borne the predominant stamp of their race and their ancestral culture.
Western blacks vote black, western Muslims vote Muslim, and American Hispanics vote Hispanic. Once in office, “minority” mayors, parliamentarians, cabinet ministers work to further the interests of their respective tribes and their “rainbow coalition,” at the expense of the white majority. They seek to profit by the insanity and weakness of the formerly-white countries in which they live.
But the white majority goes on voting black, Muslim and Hispanic, as though such distinctions didn’t matter. The whites will learn otherwise, and they will learn too late.
But during the “coldest winter” of the Korean War, exactly 58 years ago, General Oliver P. Smith, the commander of the 1st Marine Division (USMC) directed the breakout of his forces from their encirclement at the Chosin Reservoir. It took a 70-mile fighting march in subzero weather through enemy lines to the seaport of Hungnam.
When asked if the Marines were retreating, Gen. Smith responded, "Retreat? Hell, we're attacking in a different direction!" During that encirclement, one of Smith’s officers, Colonel and later legendary USMC general himself, Lewis Puller, said to his soldiers, “Remember, you are the 1st Marines! Not all the Communists in Hell can overrun you!"
"During a November 27, 1967 press conference, Charles de Gaulle stated openly that French cooperation with the Arab world had become "the fundamental basis of our foreign policy." By January 1969, the Second International Conference in support of the Arab Peoples, held in Cairo, in its resolution 15, decided "... to form special parliamentary groups, where they did not exist, and to use the parliamentary platform support of the Arab people and the Palestinian resistance." Five years later in Paris, July 1974, the Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Cooperation was created, under the Euro-Arab Dialogue rubric."
"Danish theologian Kirsten Sarauw writes in her article A Declaration of War Against the People of Europe that in 2007 in Vienna, Austria, a conference was held about so-called Euro-Islam. Prominent muslim delegates formulated a strategic vision of a Europe dominated by Islam. Mustafa Ceric, Grand Mufti of Bosnia, envisioned an "upcoming Islamic era." The conference was in agreement about the first and foremost goal, namely the introduction of religious Islamic jurisprudence (sharia) in Europe, "in the beginning at least as a parallel system alongside national laws in European states." As to the real meaning of sharia, they all agreed to avoid publicity as far as possible. According to Sarauw, Tariq Ramadan proclaimed that the real intentions of this work must be concealed from the general public."
"In France, muslims already have many smaller states within the state. Criminologist Lucienne Bui Trong wrote that: "From 106 hot points in 1991, we went to 818 sensitive areas in 1999." The term she used, "sensitive areas", was used to describe muslim no-go zones where anything representing a Western institution (post office truck, firemen, even mail order delivery firms) was routinely ambushed with Molotov cocktails. The number was 818 in 2002, when the French government deided to stop collecting the statistics."
"Right now, muslims can enjoy the best of both worlds, and follow primitive religious laws while enjoying the fruits of 21st century civilization. We need to drive home the utter failure of the Islamic model by making sure that muslims should no longer be able to count on permanent Western or infidel aid in their overpopulated, self-primitivized states, whose very unviability they are prevented from recognizing by this constant infusion of aid."
"We should implement a policy of containment of the islamic world, but for this to work we will sometimes have to take military action to crush muslim pretensions to grandeur. The Buddhists of Central Asia undoubtedly held the "moral high ground" in relations to muslims. They are all dead now. At the very least, we must be prepared to back up our ideological defenses with force on certain occasions."
"I'm advocating isolation of the islamic world, not of the West. Even if we cannot allow all non-muslims to freely settle in our lands, this does not mean that they have to be our enemies. Jihad is being waged against the entire non-muslim world, not just the West. We should stop trying to "win the hearts and minds" of muslims instead cooperate with non-muslims. It is important to stress here, however, that this cooperation should be based on mutually shared strategic interests, not on a Western mission to "save the world".
"Jesus wept. You go to sleep on an airplane that stated the destination as "Baghdad" and you wake up somewhere over the fucking rainbow...
Yepper dear readers, the Intrepid Reporter is back in Baghdad... formerly known as the "Club Saddam-A-Go-Go" and it being the favorite third world shooting gallery for Al Queda and the other refuse from the Slums of Syria and Pitfalls of Palestine... well let me tell you... things changed
Got me a hunch that the current IR Reports are going to be a hell of a lot more boring than my writings of yesteryear in '04 and '05. Hell, even '06 with the "Today I washed my sox and my ass during a rocket attack." being the highlights are going to seem positively electric compared to this snoozefest.
INSANELY changed doesn’t begin to describe this place. I’ve landing in Baghdad under fire before and watched random acts of anti-aircraft fire overhead as the locals would try and unsuccessfully utilize old triple a flak guns… I’ve seen Baghdad under lock and key so to speak throughout 04 and 05. NUTHIN and I do mean NUTHIN can begin to describe the change. Quick observations included the fact that the city was all lit up where it had never been before. Try standing on the runway and not having to worry about random acts of rockets, mortars and suchlike. Try no body armor seen on anyone anywhere since I’ve been here… This place is so laid back its stupid... Hell the place I'm currently dossing used to be considered "Indian Country" back in '04... as in the insurgents used to infiltrate through this very area that I'm staying in and try to ambush mo'fo's as they tooled down the hardball..."
"India is the single largest theater of conflict in the Counterjihad. There are about 140 million Muslims in India — roughly equivalent to half the population of Western Europe — and they comprise more than 13% of the nation’s population. Since the Partition of 1947, which separated India from Pakistan (and what is now Bangladesh), the percentage of Muslims in India has increased significantly, while the Hindus and Sikhs of Bangladesh and Pakistan have all but disappeared.
India is subjected to frequent and horrendous terrorist attacks committed by Muslim extremists. If the amount of death and suffering caused by the average Muslim terrorist attack in India were experienced in the West, it would be a crisis of unprecedented magnitude. But such things happen in India all the time.
According to the few contacts I have in India, the political culture on the subcontinent is as much in thrall to the madness of political correctness as is the United States or Europe. Well-meaning people want to believe that Muslims in India are just like anybody else, and that any problems with them are due to a lack of understanding or a failure of outreach."
"It's 63 and counting. That's the number of bomb blasts that have happened in India over the last six months. This works out to an average of one every three days! Of course, blasts usually don't happen singly. Most of the time, they are serial in nature for jihadis have perfected the art of creating a cascade of terror, be it in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Delhi or Guwahati.
The Government will not admit this, but the jihadis have succeeded in their diabolical aim of creating an atmosphere of insecurity and fear across the country. No city, no State is immune to this. Even if explosions haven't happened in Kerala yet, it doesn't mean that terror merchants don't have the State on their radar.
The terrorists' strategy is two-pronged. First, they wish to destabilise the economy and cripple visible symbols of India's success -- the Bombay Stock Exchange building, Indian Institute of Science and offices of IT giants in Bangalore, to name just two. Alongside, they seek to knock the bottom out of Narendra Modi's Vibrant Gujarat, paralyse Rajasthan's tourism-driven economy, and spread panic through Delhi since events in the national Capital have a multiplier effect on publicity.
Their second, but parallel, strategy is to create pockets of Muslim dominance to serve as recruiting grounds through exploitation of the community's perceived sense of victimhood. That explains the concerted manner in which liberal and "secular" opinion was mobilised in defence of the Batla House terrorists in Delhi and the selective targeting of Bodo people in the Assam blasts -- a transparent bid to coerce indigenous populations of the North-Eastern States into submission...."