Saturday, April 16, 2016


Via HLN Online, 16 april 2016:

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"But by integrating the police zones in Brussels [19 - MFBB], we will not immediately avoid a terrorist attack", says Jambon. The REAL problem, he says, is the failed immigration policy. "For years we have not acknowledged the warning signs suggesting that our policy led to misery, that in certain neighborhoods things went totally wrong. As a result the danger materialized far too serious. Therefore the necessary measures we are taking now, won't have an effect right away".

A significant part of the muslim community was dancing after the attacks. That is the real problem. That third of fourth generation migrants are openly turning against our society and is prepared to use violence or condoning it, has to do with our policy."

The Talking Steak known as Jan Jambon and currently sitting on the stool of Interior Minister has it partly wrong, as per usual. What's right is the simple acknowledgement that yes, "part" of the Belgian muslim community was cheering the attacks on Zaventem International Airport and in the Brussels Underground.

What he's got totally wrong, as could be expected, is... that he's blaming ourselves again. "OUR" policy has failed.

We "did not acknowledge the warning signs that our policy led to misery"!!!!

Aha, the famous "if only there had been jobs", you know. Opportunities. It's all our fault, because we did not give them grieving youths plush jobs, perspectives, a future, blah blah blah blah BLAH!!!

It doesn't seem to cross his mind that Salah Abdeslam and Co. had been given jobs and opportunities galore. Salah e.g., whose numerous family lived in subsidized social housing following the burning down of their original house by Salam's brother (who blew himself up in Paris), "worked" between 2009 and 2011 in the Brussels Transportation Company MIVB/STIB.

He was fired in 2011 because... he was too often absent.

Now mind you, the MIVB/STIB is a state-owned company. To be fired in a state-owned company in Belgium practically means you've got to have taken a royal crap on the CEO's desk.

Salam's brother Mohammed works, or worked, in Molenbeek's city offices....

.... at the Population Services, where he was tasked with...

... charting demographics. I kid you not.

Mohammed was fired last week too.

The reason?

Since November of last year, he did not show up anymore for his "work".

He reported sick every week, WITH the correct paperwork from doctors.

He could not function "because of all the stress and the attention".

Which means that he's been living on taxpayers' expenses since November.

I know for a fact that the Audi plant in Vorst, near which the shooting took place a couple of days before the attacks, is choke full of Moroccans... because Brussels is subsidizing the Audi plant on the condition that it hires Moroccans! Quotas of Moroccans HAVE to be observed! Talk about not providing opportunities!

There's a significant Polish community in Belgium, I would wager that in construction they constitute at least one fourth of workers. Were they to go suddenly AWOL, Belgium sits on its ass.

Poles have NEVER asked for opportunities. They just work their asses off and keep silent.

Same goes for other hardworking minorities: Armenians, some Thai, Chinese... I've never known these people to ask something from the State. As a matter of fact, I'm fairly well acquainted with the small Armenian community in my hometown. They work, pay taxes and abide the law.


Meanwhile, our bien pensant moral betters, of whom Jan Jambon is a prime example, have determined the composition of a Commission of Enquiry charged with investigating the terrorist attacks in Zaventem and Brussels.

Guess which party was expressly excluded from providing commission members?

Why, Vlaams Belang of course! From the VB website:

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"One has deliberately chose to allow only parties with a responsibility in the massacres, with blood on their hands", states Barbara Pas, MP for Vlaams Belang, after learning of the political exclusion of the VB from the commission of Enquiry which must now investigate the terror attacks of March 22.

With a red scarf tied before their mouths Vlaams Belang MP's symbolically protested against the political omerta imposed upon us by the other parties. Last week it was decided that Vlaams Belang would not be a part of the terror commission. It is not difficult to find out the reason why: to stifle every voice critical of immigration, asylum and islam. Under the motto "You do not see what you see and you do not hear what you hear", this commission has, even before it has begun, lost all credibility. "Where political correctness rules, the lie triumphs", reacted Barbara Pas.

The Chinese philosopher, general and military strategist Sun Tzu, who lived in the sixth century Before Christ, wrote in his masterpiece "The Art of War": “If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

Unfortunately, thanks to decades of liberal and socialist education schemes, Europeans do not know themselves anymore. They have forgotten - indeed, most have even never known - that the West was the birthplace of things as diverse as democracy or the Apollo spacecraft. We have been taught not only not to know ourselves, but even to loathe ourselves.

To compound this dire situation, our elites have simultaneously embarked on frantic programs to deliberately not know our enemy. Which is why, every time a bomb goes off, limbs fly around, and lives are tragically cut short... our moral betters rush to the cameras and the microphones to assure us that this latest atrocity has nothing to do with islam.

And so nothing will change. And it's forward to the next terrorist attack and the next capitulation vis-à-vis islamic imperialism. I foresee that in ten years, the first politicians will start to convert to islam. It's a given that they will be socialist and green politicians.

Meanwhile, like lunatics who think you can effectively extinguish a raging fire if only you pour enough fuel on it, our insane politicians not only fail to identify ISLAM as our enemy, they are effectively even supporting and enhancing it. Last November, Flemish Interior Minister and Minister responsible for Integration and Social Economy (whatever that is) Liesbeth Homans (a bitch of a wife) catastrophically decided to subsidize 50 more mosques:

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If Sun Tzu were alive today, he would amend his famous quote and it would sound something like this:

"If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, and you even subsidize him, you will succumb without battle."


Friday, April 15, 2016


In 2015, 21-year old hairdresser Skelte Willems was crowned Mr Gay Flanders...

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... an event our progressive "elites" deemed so important that even our Prime Minister, Charles Michel, attended. See photo. To rule out all doubts, the prime minister is the bald, bespectacled guy. Mr Gay Flanders Skelte Willems is the dude with the haircliff. Anyway, Progress!!!

Now fast forward to 2016. Progress indeed. Via Het Laatste Nieuws Online:

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"Skelte Willems (21), who last year was crowned Mr Gay Flanders, was attacked over the previous weekend by four youths in Antwerp, the young man himself recounted on Facebook. Around 2:30am on Saturday night, Willems was heading home after his (side)job in a restaurant when the group of youths started harassing him. "They called me names I did not understand and there was some pushing and pulling", says the 20-year old in Het Nieuwsblad. The attackers threw a glass bottle to the young man, which luckily for him missed him and fell to the ground. The man from Aarschot did receive a heavy flow from a blunt object to the head. Two boys intervened after Willems started calling for help, whereupon the attackers fled. "I don't want to think what would have happened if those two boys had not come to the rescue", says the twenty-one year old on Facebook.

According to Willems this was no case of gay bashing. "I did not wear clothes hinting at the fact that I'm gay. Besides, I never had problems with that", says the young man. "It's a pity to have to be treated this way in the city where I definitely wanted to live", he concluded. The incident left Willems with a head wound. He reported it to the police."

Some remarks.

a.) When I read that Willems had been attacked in Antwerp, I knew right away that the "youths" in question were muslims. More than half of Antwerp's youths are already of foreign origin, the overwhelming majority of them either Moroccan or Turkish. Besides, there's the fact that HLN limits itself to describing the youths as, ah, "youths". Had they been autochton, we would definitely have gotten an identification. We didn't, ergo. Last but not least, Willems "did not understand the names they were calling him". Now, it's just possible that these four attackers were run of the mill Westvloamingen from Bachten de Kupe. One can sympathize. But maybe, just maybe, it could also be because Willems doesn't know what 'faggot' means in Anatolian parlance or 'Knight of the Brown Avenue' in Marrakesh. Take your pri, uh, pick.

b.) The cognitive dissonance of our sympathetic Mr Gay Flanders is as breathtaking as it is predictable. No no no, he wasn't beaten because he acted gay or wore gay clothing. He was just... beaten, you know. Just like that. It's only normal. Happens all the time. Helpfully he adds: "Besides, I never had problems with that." No of course not, smartass. I bet you wear gay clothes in the appropriate environment, where you won't meet said "youths". I bet that subconciously you know all too well why not to wear them near the local mosque.

c.) This is the year 2016. We are fast becoming a minority in our own country. Antwerp's authochton youths already are, in their age group. As our politicians (the PM up front, as we have seen), the media, the educational and cultural estabishment et al are touting the many virtues of the gay lifestyle - and with every passing year with more fervour - our fertility rates are hitting rock bottom. The official number for Flanders is 1.3 or so but I would wager that among autochtons it's closer to 1 child per couple, since in the number 1.3... the fertility factor of the 17 or so per cent "Flemings" of foreign origin is included.

We are committing suicide.


Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Why so rude? Oh, because he deserves it, and much more. Also, yesterday I learned, via De Standaard no less, that in Belgium we are allowed to call foreign heads of states names. That's why.

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'Geitenneuker' means Goatfucker. So I can call Erdogan a goatfucker? Golly, thanks for the hint! Recep Tayyip Erdogan is the Mother of all Goatfuckers!!!

Not only is Erdogan, this ISIS-collaborating SCOUNDREL, using the "refugee" crisis as a political tool to force our spineless, loathsome EU "elites" into "deals" which can only harm Europe, but he has the audacity to interfere directly in the freedom of speech of our citizens.

Therefore, Jan Boehmermann's video, uncut:

In an ideal world, Turkey would be thrown out of NATO and its aspirations to join the EU buried for eternity and three days. Alas, this is far from an ideal world.