Faith No More with Easy. From the famous 1992 album Angel Dust.
Fox News's Greg Gutfeld is recorded as saying sometime last year: "You’re either a Faith No More fan, or a Red Hot Chili Peppers fan. You cannot love Mike Patton and Anthony Kiedis, because they are two different people. You have to love Mike Patton, you cannot love Anthony Kiedis. So that is why the Red Hot Chili Peppers are the worst band in the universe, because Faith No More is the greatest band in the universe."
Which proves that even Gutfeld is sometimes wrong. I like both bands. Though in all honesty, Kiedis is a bigger *ss than Patton imho.
Hans Zimmer with Leave No Man Behind. From the 2002 soundtrack of Black Hawk Down. To be sure, there were also a number of other musicians involved (Wesson, Pereira, Eastman...)
I consider Black Hawk Down, based on Mark Bowden's book of the same name, one of the greatest war movies I saw so far. I have some problem assessing the personality of the film's director and producer, Sir Ridley Scott. But more on that later.
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Friday, March 17, 2017
The delirious and deranged dictator of the Bosphorus has basically exhorted the millions-strong Turkish diaspora in Western Europe to take over the continent through demographics. What the Ottoman Empire could never accomplish with military means, its descendant now wants to try it via the wombs of Turkish women already living here. Via Breitbart:

And what will Europe's answer be to this invasion of Young Turks? Why, change children's sex!!!
Also via Breitbart:

Hold that for a second. So the MINISTER for Public Health concludes that it is "totally unacceptable that there are deficiencies in care for transgender people at every stage of treatment!!!” Talk about having your priorities straight when your cities are turning into a war zone and are flooded by Third Worlders while a Turkish dictator is encouraging Turkish broads abroad to have FIVE children, and you know what, that's no message that will fall on deaf ears!
A couple of years back, after the great glorious inroads of gay marriage had been obtained in homo-smitten Europe, there was talk about what the next step would be. Many a rightwing pundit was of the opinion that threesome, or foursome, or multisome marriages would be the next "best" thing.
They were wrong. It was making sex changes mainstream.
It is truly UNBELIEVABLE that our politicians sing along with the lunatic mantra that your sex is something that can be changed surgically. It cannot. If you are born with a penis, you are a man. Have you got a womb and a vagina, you're a woman. Yes, there are clinics where they can stick something resembling a flaccid looking sausage to your body if you are convinced you were born a male in the body of female. But trust me, it's bogus. What people in such a situation need is decent counsel and therapy, a listening ear. It's sad. It's bad. We must acknowledge that some of us indeed find themselves in a gender-confused situation. But telling them they can solve their problems by mutilating themselves is NOT the solution. And that's clear to normal people.
Far too many of us, however, are no longer ruled by normal people. In my own country Belgium, State Secretary for Equal Chances Elke Sleurs has doctored a proposal of law, soon to be debated in Parliament, that would allow persons to officially change their sex WITHOUT having to undergo surgery. So that if you feel like a hot chick in a dockworker's body, it suffices to identify as a female to have the "M" on your passport changed to "F"!!!
Our insane politicians naturally enjoy the full and enthusiastic support of the cultural sector, the educational departments, and the media. Day in day out our impressionable youths are bombarded with series promoting the gay lifestyle, using drugs, sex for preteens and what not. Oh, and of course, muslims are SO cool!!! Take 'Skam' [shame - MFBB] for instance, a Norwegian series that, in the words of leftist rag The Guardian:
Blah blah blah etc etc etc. Been there read that a million times. Last time when watching a clip from the Bundesbahn, jawohl, the German Railroad System. Enjoy the following clip which offers conclusive proof that Biodeutsche are Ignorant Bigots but MAN, those muslim girls are SMART!!!!
Makes you wonder why all the countries they come from are hellholes. Weird huh, what with them having on hand the biggest reservoir of smart chicks on the planet. Maybe it's got something to do with the trains of the Hindu Kush Bahn or Yemen Rail not running on time?
Anyway, every time you think Europe cannot sink any lower you're in for a surprise. And it is no different this time. Goatfucker Erdogan exhorts the millions of Turkish women in Western Europe to lay back, open their legs wide, think of the Ottoman Empire and make babies à volonté.
Meanwhile, the dwindling white population of Europe marvels at the Wonders and Joys of ramming dicks in anuses and cute girls exploring each other's vaginas... sexual techniques which have proven to be SO very successful at keeping a population level. Not!!!
To top things off, young people who should be helped by responsible psychiatrists are told they can cut off their penises and balls/cut out their vaginas and wombs and become the other sex, no problem!!!!
Last but not least, why not help White Europe's catastrophic decline by staying single? Or by rampant abortion? It's a woman's right, isn't it?
If this lunacy does not end soon, all those dynamics will catastrophically change the face of Europe in fifteen to twenty years.
Look at that muslim cunt in the photos above. For some reason, our moral betters seem to think that it will always be like that, veiled women living side by side with liberal broads having fun and thinking they can stay adolescents into their fifties.
The reality is that in twenty years, the proportions are going to be reversed. And Isak, well, Isak will have to be VERY, VERY careful in Norwegistan 2035, lest he's not thrown from Oslo's highhest building.
Over and out here from the Solar System's Biggest Open Air Lunatic Asylum.
"Turkey and Europe are locked in a bitter spat after Germany and the Netherlands blocked Turkish ministers from holding rallies to campaign for a ‘yes’ vote in next month’s referendum on expanding Erdogan’s powers.
Erdogan has repeatedly accused EU states of behaving like Nazi Germany over what he sees as discrimination against Turks, in comments that have caused outrage across the continent.
“From here I say to my citizens, I say to my brothers and sisters in Europe… Educate your children at better schools, make sure your family live in better areas, drive in the best cars, live in the best houses,” said Erdogan.
“Have five children, not three. You are Europe’s future.”
“This is the best answer to the rudeness shown to you, the enmity, the wrongs,” he added in a televised speech in the city of Eskisehir, south of Istanbul.
Some 2.5 million Turkish citizens resident in Europe are eligible to vote in elections in their homeland. But millions more people living in EU states have Turkish origins."
And what will Europe's answer be to this invasion of Young Turks? Why, change children's sex!!!
Also via Breitbart:
"Louise Frisén, child psychiatrist at the Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, told Aftonbladet that in 2016, the gender investigation team saw 197 children who were interested in ‘transitioning’ to becoming the opposite sex.
“There’s a 100 per cent increase in numbers each year, and the people we’re seeing are younger and younger and more and more children are coming at very young ages,” she said, adding that “the increase is identical on the adult side of things, too,” she said.
Chief of Karolinska University Hospital’s gender identity team, Cecilia Dhejne, said the rise in children unhappy with having been born male or female reflects “greater openness” in Swedish society, but warned that resources are overstretched.
“The problem in Sweden is that there’s a long wait for young people, both for initiating an investigation into their gender identity and then also for the different parts of treatment across the country after that.”
“It is worrying”, said the Stockholm-based sexologist, cautioning that “having to wait in a queue can worsen the mental health of transgender people”.
“It’s sad on an individual level when people feel bad about themselves, and on a wider level it’s much better that young people are able to get started with their lives so they can contribute to society,” said Ms. Dhejne.
Sweden’s Public Health Minister Gabriel Wikström said: “It is totally unacceptable that there are deficiencies in care for transgender people at every stage of treatment.”
He told Aftonbladet the government had appointed a commission to investigate waiting times and gaps in care across the country, the results of which will be ready by October."
Hold that for a second. So the MINISTER for Public Health concludes that it is "totally unacceptable that there are deficiencies in care for transgender people at every stage of treatment!!!” Talk about having your priorities straight when your cities are turning into a war zone and are flooded by Third Worlders while a Turkish dictator is encouraging Turkish broads abroad to have FIVE children, and you know what, that's no message that will fall on deaf ears!
A couple of years back, after the great glorious inroads of gay marriage had been obtained in homo-smitten Europe, there was talk about what the next step would be. Many a rightwing pundit was of the opinion that threesome, or foursome, or multisome marriages would be the next "best" thing.
They were wrong. It was making sex changes mainstream.
It is truly UNBELIEVABLE that our politicians sing along with the lunatic mantra that your sex is something that can be changed surgically. It cannot. If you are born with a penis, you are a man. Have you got a womb and a vagina, you're a woman. Yes, there are clinics where they can stick something resembling a flaccid looking sausage to your body if you are convinced you were born a male in the body of female. But trust me, it's bogus. What people in such a situation need is decent counsel and therapy, a listening ear. It's sad. It's bad. We must acknowledge that some of us indeed find themselves in a gender-confused situation. But telling them they can solve their problems by mutilating themselves is NOT the solution. And that's clear to normal people.
Far too many of us, however, are no longer ruled by normal people. In my own country Belgium, State Secretary for Equal Chances Elke Sleurs has doctored a proposal of law, soon to be debated in Parliament, that would allow persons to officially change their sex WITHOUT having to undergo surgery. So that if you feel like a hot chick in a dockworker's body, it suffices to identify as a female to have the "M" on your passport changed to "F"!!!
Our insane politicians naturally enjoy the full and enthusiastic support of the cultural sector, the educational departments, and the media. Day in day out our impressionable youths are bombarded with series promoting the gay lifestyle, using drugs, sex for preteens and what not. Oh, and of course, muslims are SO cool!!! Take 'Skam' [shame - MFBB] for instance, a Norwegian series that, in the words of leftist rag The Guardian:
"... The show’s episodes, which range from 20 to 50 minutes, slowly reveal the world of a group of 16-year-olds in an Oslo high school, with clips posted at the time of day the events are supposed to be happening. It’s already three seasons deep (all are available online via NRK’s site), with each series focusing on a particular teenager from a group of makeshift friends. Eva, the protagonist of season one, has doubts about her boyfriend Jonas’s commitment to her; in season two Noora deals with her feelings for hard-to-read alpha male William; and in season three Isak comes to terms with his own sexuality. It may not sound that revolutionary, but it’s the frankness and calmness with which these subjects are dealt with that make Skam something special...
... "Vilde’s constant foot-in-mouth comments around Sana, a confident, nonchalant Muslim girl, are treated as low-hanging fruit, with Sana knocking back cliche after cliche about how Muslims are perceived by some in Norway rather than descending into a pit of despair. Likewise, Isak’s story begins as one we think we’ve seen before, the best friend of the confident kid (in this case, Jonas), who might finally find his feet. But that trope is destroyed by the end of the first season when it becomes clear something else is going on. Subtle hints are dropped about storylines throughout, but with so much to keep an eye on, it’d be hard for a sub-Reddit plot predictor to call most of these twists.""
Blah blah blah etc etc etc. Been there read that a million times. Last time when watching a clip from the Bundesbahn, jawohl, the German Railroad System. Enjoy the following clip which offers conclusive proof that Biodeutsche are Ignorant Bigots but MAN, those muslim girls are SMART!!!!
Makes you wonder why all the countries they come from are hellholes. Weird huh, what with them having on hand the biggest reservoir of smart chicks on the planet. Maybe it's got something to do with the trains of the Hindu Kush Bahn or Yemen Rail not running on time?
Anyway, every time you think Europe cannot sink any lower you're in for a surprise. And it is no different this time. Goatfucker Erdogan exhorts the millions of Turkish women in Western Europe to lay back, open their legs wide, think of the Ottoman Empire and make babies à volonté.
Meanwhile, the dwindling white population of Europe marvels at the Wonders and Joys of ramming dicks in anuses and cute girls exploring each other's vaginas... sexual techniques which have proven to be SO very successful at keeping a population level. Not!!!
To top things off, young people who should be helped by responsible psychiatrists are told they can cut off their penises and balls/cut out their vaginas and wombs and become the other sex, no problem!!!!
Last but not least, why not help White Europe's catastrophic decline by staying single? Or by rampant abortion? It's a woman's right, isn't it?
If this lunacy does not end soon, all those dynamics will catastrophically change the face of Europe in fifteen to twenty years.
Look at that muslim cunt in the photos above. For some reason, our moral betters seem to think that it will always be like that, veiled women living side by side with liberal broads having fun and thinking they can stay adolescents into their fifties.
The reality is that in twenty years, the proportions are going to be reversed. And Isak, well, Isak will have to be VERY, VERY careful in Norwegistan 2035, lest he's not thrown from Oslo's highhest building.
Over and out here from the Solar System's Biggest Open Air Lunatic Asylum.
Islam in Europe,
Islamic Cancer,
Leftist Lunacy
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
(for the update see below)
The VVD is Dutch PM Mark Rutte's party and Rutte himself, being a slick childless weasel, is the very embodiment of the existential and essentially suicidal malaise which has Europe in it grips.
Via Geenstijl (a Dutch pundit site if not exactly traditionally rightwing, at least anti-establishment), a fitting election ad for Rutte's party of traitors:

It's a pity that the row over Erdogan's cronies campaigning in The Netherlands broke out just days before these crucial elections, for it offered Rutte the occasion to for once present himself as tough. If, God forbid, Wilders does not succeed in breaking the stalemate (he is projected to win big, but in order to change anything he has to win VERY, VERY big), then I'm sure this row between The Netherlands and Turkey will soon be over. I even suspect that Erdogan has acted even more hysterically than his usual self precisely to give his Dutch opponent a shot at presenting himself as a PM with balls.... and thus blocking Wilders' path to power.
It's not inconceivable, because the Turkish scoundrel must realize full well that with Geert Wilders at the helm, playing time is over and the islamization will be turned back or at the very least seriously opposed.
Voor onze Nederlandse lezers (alle drie) heb ik maar één advies, als je land je lief is: STEM PVV!!!
The results are in and they are extremely disappointing. Rutte's party, the VVD, remains by far the largest one, with 31 seats. Wilders' PVV only has 19 seats, a thoroughly disappointing outcome - even though the VVD lost 10 seats and the PVV won 4. The only good news is that one of the socialist parties, the PvdA, lost a staggering 29 seats - du jamais vu - but don't worry, there's always the second labor party the SP, which only loses one, and then there's the strong win of GroenLinks (the Greens), with plus twelve seats.
Results thus far:
VVD 31 (-10)
PvdA 9 (-29!)
PVV 19 (+4)
SP 14 (-1)
CDA 19 (+6)
D66 19 (+7)
ChristenUnie 6 (+1)
GroenLinks 16 (+12)
SGP 3 (0)
PvdD 5 (+3)
50Plus 4 (+2)
Piratenpartij 0
FvD 2 (+2)
DENK 3 (+3)
It is crystal clear that the row with Turkey has been an absolute boon for Mark Rutte, since he was able to profile himself as some kind of strongman after all. It IS possible that the whole affair stinks to high heaven, as I already indicated. Rutte may have been played by Erdogan. It is fairly certain that the Dutch PM will suddenly show 'more flexibility' now that the elections are over and the need for harsh words vis-à-vis the Dictator on the Bosphorus is gone. There is every reason to believe Erdogan is very pleased with the outcome of the Dutch elections.
On March 15, 2017, the Dutch chose for FURTHER DETERIORATION, MORE ISLAMIZATION, MORE SOFT ETHNIC CLEANSING, MORE ACCOMMODATION of alien cultures which will ultimately destroy...
.... The Netherlands as we know it.
Congratufuckinglations Dutchmen and Dutchwomen. You blew it big time.
Kook maar gaar in je sop idioten, maar kom binnen vijftien jaar geen huilie huilie doen. Dit was jullie laatste kans, en je hebt het verpest. Big time.
After the loss of Hofer in Austria, the Dutch defeat of common sense is the second indication that Europe lacks America's will to survive. If Marine Le Pen is defeated also, come April 23, Europe is essentially lost forever.
Prophetic words, even if I say so myself.
The VVD is Dutch PM Mark Rutte's party and Rutte himself, being a slick childless weasel, is the very embodiment of the existential and essentially suicidal malaise which has Europe in it grips.
Via Geenstijl (a Dutch pundit site if not exactly traditionally rightwing, at least anti-establishment), a fitting election ad for Rutte's party of traitors:
It's a pity that the row over Erdogan's cronies campaigning in The Netherlands broke out just days before these crucial elections, for it offered Rutte the occasion to for once present himself as tough. If, God forbid, Wilders does not succeed in breaking the stalemate (he is projected to win big, but in order to change anything he has to win VERY, VERY big), then I'm sure this row between The Netherlands and Turkey will soon be over. I even suspect that Erdogan has acted even more hysterically than his usual self precisely to give his Dutch opponent a shot at presenting himself as a PM with balls.... and thus blocking Wilders' path to power.
It's not inconceivable, because the Turkish scoundrel must realize full well that with Geert Wilders at the helm, playing time is over and the islamization will be turned back or at the very least seriously opposed.
Voor onze Nederlandse lezers (alle drie) heb ik maar één advies, als je land je lief is: STEM PVV!!!
The results are in and they are extremely disappointing. Rutte's party, the VVD, remains by far the largest one, with 31 seats. Wilders' PVV only has 19 seats, a thoroughly disappointing outcome - even though the VVD lost 10 seats and the PVV won 4. The only good news is that one of the socialist parties, the PvdA, lost a staggering 29 seats - du jamais vu - but don't worry, there's always the second labor party the SP, which only loses one, and then there's the strong win of GroenLinks (the Greens), with plus twelve seats.
Results thus far:
VVD 31 (-10)
PvdA 9 (-29!)
PVV 19 (+4)
SP 14 (-1)
CDA 19 (+6)
D66 19 (+7)
ChristenUnie 6 (+1)
GroenLinks 16 (+12)
SGP 3 (0)
PvdD 5 (+3)
50Plus 4 (+2)
Piratenpartij 0
FvD 2 (+2)
DENK 3 (+3)
It is crystal clear that the row with Turkey has been an absolute boon for Mark Rutte, since he was able to profile himself as some kind of strongman after all. It IS possible that the whole affair stinks to high heaven, as I already indicated. Rutte may have been played by Erdogan. It is fairly certain that the Dutch PM will suddenly show 'more flexibility' now that the elections are over and the need for harsh words vis-à-vis the Dictator on the Bosphorus is gone. There is every reason to believe Erdogan is very pleased with the outcome of the Dutch elections.
On March 15, 2017, the Dutch chose for FURTHER DETERIORATION, MORE ISLAMIZATION, MORE SOFT ETHNIC CLEANSING, MORE ACCOMMODATION of alien cultures which will ultimately destroy...
.... The Netherlands as we know it.
Congratufuckinglations Dutchmen and Dutchwomen. You blew it big time.
Kook maar gaar in je sop idioten, maar kom binnen vijftien jaar geen huilie huilie doen. Dit was jullie laatste kans, en je hebt het verpest. Big time.
After the loss of Hofer in Austria, the Dutch defeat of common sense is the second indication that Europe lacks America's will to survive. If Marine Le Pen is defeated also, come April 23, Europe is essentially lost forever.
Prophetic words, even if I say so myself.
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Chronicle of a death foretold. France's catastrophic demographic future, by Yves Mamou over at The Gatestone Institute:

It is happening. The parasite is destroying its host as we speak.
"From time to time, France's National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee) offers a glimpse of the ethnic composition of French society. The study, "Being born in France to an immigrant parent" (Être né en France d'un parent immigré), published in February 2017, is one of them.
Like few other glimpses, the Insee study offers a partial view of the ethnic composition of the French population. A statistical breakdown -- with the answer to the perennial question: how many Muslims in France? -- would be perceived as discriminatory and outrageous. Given France's "integration model," nobody should dare identify people by their origins, religion, color of skin and so on. A Frenchman is a Frenchman, whatever the color of his skin or his religion, and any measurement of the sub-Saharan population -- for example, their level of education, that of their children, the type of jobs their parents are doing, how many times they go to mosque or if they have spent time in prison -- is illegal, discriminatory and racist. Sub-Saharan populations must disappear in aggregate data about French people.
The study, however, provides some telling information. In 2015, 7.3 million people born in France had at least one immigrant parent (11% of the population). Of these 7.3 million people, 45% are of European origin, most of whom are children of immigrants who arrived in France from Spain (8%) or Italy (12%) as early as the 1930s, or from Portugal in the 1970s onwards. One can assume, although it is not written in the study, that these people are of Christian origin.
Another group is composed of Africans. 42% of the 7.3 million children born in France to an immigrant parent are of African background, mainly North Africa. They came from Algeria (15%), Morocco (11%), Tunisia (5%) and sub-Saharan Africa (11%). Although it is also not specified in the study, it would seem that the great majority are Muslim.
Another group, children from Turkish migrant families, represent 4% of the 7.3 million. These people are classified as Asian; they are not included in the African and Muslim group. Most of these Turks are also presumably Muslim...."
".. Criticizing the limited data of this study, Michèle Tribalat, a French demographer, published some personal conclusions in Atlántico, a news website. First, Tribalat expressed her regrets "not to have the population figures of persons of foreign origin for two generations". But, she said, it is not so difficult to compile it one's self.
"If we add the two generations (immigrants and children of immigrants), this gives a total of 13.5 million, or 20.4% of the population. Thus, we have slightly more than one inhabitant out of five of foreign origin, across two generations, in 2015".
Asked by Gatestone how she came to the 13.5 million figure, she replied:
"Very simple. I added the 2015 migrant population (6.2 million) to the Insee's 7.3 million children of immigrants, and it came to 13.5 million."
In her Atlántico article, Tribalat maintains that more important than the 2015 data picture, is the growth-rate that led to the 2015 figure. Tribalat calculated her own estimates of this growth, with starting points in the years 1986, 1999 and 2011, coming up with figures of a stunningly fast growth for the number of migrants over two generations: the 13.2 million migrants of 2015 (20.5%; 300,000 that are "missing" are from French overseas territories), were 12.1 million four years earlier and 9.8 million in 1999. In other words, 19.2% in 2011 and 16.8% in 1999. The population of French persons of foreign origin would therefore have increased, when looking at two generations, by 9% between 2011 and 2015 alone.
For the same period, French children born in France to parents born in France increased by only 2.6%, writes Tribalat.
Consequently, France's population is increasing significantly only because of immigration. But which immigration? Christian or Muslim? Tribalat continues:
"I showed that the annual average rate of increase of immigrants was almost zero between 1975 and 1999. But it is not the same story from 1999-2015. ... The population of sub-Saharan origin is the one that grows more quickly. In four years (2011-2015), looking at two-generations (immigrants and children of immigrants), the sub-Saharan population seems to have increased by 43%. This population is extremely young. In 2015, 80% of the children of sub-Saharan immigrants are under 25 years of age". (Author's emphasis)
These conclusions are confirmed by another Insee study, "Demography of the descendants of immigrants" (Démographie des descendants d'immigrés), published in 2014.
"The Turkish and sub-Saharan African population is growing at an extremely rapid rate (which could lead to a doubling in less than 10 years if this continues).... The total fertility rate of women born in Turkey is approximately 3, as it is for women born in sub-Saharan Africa. It is closer to 3.5 for women born in North Africa, while it is only 2 for women born in Europe, especially in France."
In other words, if the Muslim population of France can be estimated at around 6 million today, it could grow to 12 million by 2020-2025."
It is happening. The parasite is destroying its host as we speak.
Monday, March 13, 2017
Following the refusal of the Dutch government to allow Turkish ministers and Erdogan surrogates to stage election rallies in The Netherlands, there were mob protests in Rotterdam whereby, a.o. a Dutch flag was torn down and where the Turks living in The Netherlands made it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR where their loyalty lies:

These muslim apes do not belong in a civilized country.
Geert Wilders, PVV Chairman, has a message for these traitors and usurpers:
I might add: "FUCK YOU, ERDOGAN! And Turkey out of NATO, and Israel in!!!"
Geert Wilders, PVV Chairman, has a message for these traitors and usurpers:
I might add: "FUCK YOU, ERDOGAN! And Turkey out of NATO, and Israel in!!!"
Sunday, March 12, 2017
In 1651, the Flemish Jesuit priest André Tacquet (23 June 1612 Antwerp – ibid. 22 December 1660) published Cylindricorum et annularium libri IV (Four Books on Cilinders and Rings), an important mathematical work dealing with the geometrical features of cilinders and rings and their applications.

Taquet entered the Jesuit Order in 1629 and quickly established himself as a brilliant mathematician whose works were translated in English and Italian. It is a pity that the Jesuits, despite having produced a considerable number of excellent scientist and mathematicians, were so unyielding in their opposition of the Method of the Indivisibles, a novel theory promoted by, a.o., Bonaventura Cavalieri in Italy and John Wallis in England. Taquet's Cylindricorum... does give a nod to indivisibles, but he was quickly rebuffed by the Jesuit Superior General, Goswin Nickel. In time however, the Theory of Indivisibles would lead to the calculus method, described by both Newton and Leibniz. And without calculus modern engineering and technology would simply be unthinkable. Highly recommended reading in this respect is Amir Alexander's book Infinitesimal.
Be that as it may, Cylindricorum et annularium libri IV remains an seminal work which influenced, a.o., the French mathematician Blaise Pascal.
Taquet entered the Jesuit Order in 1629 and quickly established himself as a brilliant mathematician whose works were translated in English and Italian. It is a pity that the Jesuits, despite having produced a considerable number of excellent scientist and mathematicians, were so unyielding in their opposition of the Method of the Indivisibles, a novel theory promoted by, a.o., Bonaventura Cavalieri in Italy and John Wallis in England. Taquet's Cylindricorum... does give a nod to indivisibles, but he was quickly rebuffed by the Jesuit Superior General, Goswin Nickel. In time however, the Theory of Indivisibles would lead to the calculus method, described by both Newton and Leibniz. And without calculus modern engineering and technology would simply be unthinkable. Highly recommended reading in this respect is Amir Alexander's book Infinitesimal.
Be that as it may, Cylindricorum et annularium libri IV remains an seminal work which influenced, a.o., the French mathematician Blaise Pascal.
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