It's happening in a less obvious way than in our neigboring countries, but it's happening, alright. Via
François Desouche, a photo of a commercial panel in a Brussels shopping gallery.

So what you see here is an ad for the 'solden', in French 'soldes', with which in Belgium a particular period in early summer or winter is indicated during which massive discounts are advertised. I wouldn't know the appropriate wording in English but "Bargain Time" is a decent shot. Anyway... this panel is not in
Molenbeek, with its 78% muslims. It's not in
Kuregem or
Anderlecht. No, it's in the commercial heart of the centre of Brussels, in the
City2 shopping gallery. Arabic, for God's sake.
This news is already one month old, but I have my reasons for mentioning it now. From Belgian daily
De Standaard, December 15, 2009:
Belgium: Mosque asks to allow call to prayer
The alderman college of Beringen (Belgium) will decide this week on the issue of loudspeakers for the Fatih mosque.
The Fatih mosque asked the city to allow them to call the faithful to prayer. They want to hang loudspeakers outside the mosque so that the muezzin - which calls the faithful to prayer - will also be heard out in the streets. The Fatih mosque in Beringen is one of the few Belgian mosques with a minaret.
Mosque chairman Yilmaz Centurk would only confirm yesterday that the request was made. Selahattin Koçak (SP.A), alderman in Beringen: "I hope that we can make a collegial decision with a full alderman college already this week. Until then I will make no comment, although I think that you can guess my point of view."
Beringen's mayor Marcel Mondelaers (CD&V) was not available for comment yesterday, but according to party member Anne Cuypers, second alderman of Beringen, the CD&V hasn't yet taken a stand. "We're first asking the advice of all instances, such as the environmental service and the police regulations relating to sound pollution, and should also look at how often they want to do the call'...
The Turkish Fatih mosque in Beringen. Can you imagine that the pitiful remnant of christianity in Turkey is allowed to build a church this large?And that is how it goes... inch by inch, they are crawling forward, recknoning on demographics and exhaustion from indigenous locals. We see here a deliberate strategy that is being implemented, a soft ethnic cleansing. If this thing gets through, what do you think the chances are that non-Turkish Belgians will keep living around a mosque of which the minarets' loudspeakers awake them at five in the morning with the appalling, heinous sound of a muezzin calling muslims to prayer?
Flemings will move away.
They will sell their house for a fraction of its worth, since no other Flemings will want to buy it. Guess who will move in? Yes, you guess right. And what is going to be the result? In fifteen-twenty years, Beringen will be
"Fleming-rein".Among true DowneastBlog readers, the name Beringen may sound a bell. Indeed, a little over three years ago, on
December 4, 2006, I had a post about this town titled
"In Beringen, it was Kristallnacht again". Here are some exerpts:
"BRUSSELS - Last Thursday, November 30, a group of Jewish orthodox youths was pelted with stones and chased away from the youth hostel they were staying in. The agressors were Belgian "youths" of Turkish origin.
On Thursday evening a group of around sixty youths from an Orthodox Jewish school in Antwerp arrived at 8.30 pm in Youth Hostel "De Kompel" in Beringen, an old mining town in the province of Limburg, eastern Belgium. They had been mountainbiking in Valkenburg, right across the border in Holland, and wanted to stay in Beringen for the night, planning to visit Beringen's Mining Museum the next day before resuming their journey.
At 9pm a group of Turkish youths gathered in the vicinity of the youth hostel. They shouted anti-Jewish slogans and besieged the hostel, throwing stones and pieces of concrete through the windows. Police arrived on the scene "to ease the tensions" and by 10pm "the situation was under control". Thereupon a school teacher accompanying the chassidic youngsters decided not to stay for the night in Beringen and fetch the boys back to Antwerp by bus.
Ten youths of Turkish origin, six of them minors, were arrested and led before a Court in Hasselt, where "alternative punishments" were meted out: they must pay for the damage, offer apologies to the jewish youths and were sentenced to 30 hours of community service..."
(continuation of the December 4, 2006 post):"Beringen is a community with a lot of Turkish immigrants. In fact, during the municipal elections the main contest for the mayor's seat ook place between Marcel Mondelaers, of the Christian Democratic Party CD & V, and a resident of Turkish origin, Selahattin Koçak, of the Socialist Party SP.a. Koçak stood a very good chance of becoming the first mayor of immigrant origin of a Belgian town, but his socialist party was in extremis beaten by the christian democrats with a difference of... 0.3%. Given the fact that indigenous Belgians, with a fertility rate of 1.5 children per woman, are on the road to extinction while the Turkish community with 3.5 children per woman is on the rise, Marcel Mondelaers may very well be Beringen's very last native Belgian mayor. Note, also, that Mr. Koçak preferred to throw in his lot with a socialist party. As I have already mentioned ad nauseam on these pages, it's striking how immigrants from a culture with archconservative views on the role of women in society, homosexual people, abortion and euthanasia and what not, time and again choose the side of leftist parties with views and values diametrically opposed to theirs.
So, although Mr. Koçak narrowly lost, in Beringen he remains the pater familias, so to say, of the Turkish immigrants, who voted massively for him. In my humble opinion, and knowing that this gang of racaille will offer excuses to the Jewish boys the day Eid-al-Fitr falls on Easter, it would have been a proper reaction of Mr. Koçak to apologize for the behaviour of the little stinker buggers.
But instead, it was Mayor Mondelaers who apologized. Again, from newspaper "De Gentenaar":
BERINGEN - "The town of Beringen offers her apologies to the Jewish community... We offer the group of teenagers the possibility to resume the planned visit to the town of Beringen. We want to prove that in spite of this incident the town remains a hospitable and tolerant place." - dixit Marcel Mondelaers, Mayor of Beringen.
Have you got an idea what is going here? Know what I see? I see a christian democrat mayor and a town council who, since December 15, have apparently decided to let the matter of loudspeakers on minarets rest, for it was really not smart of those Fatih guys and Koçak to bring it up right after the Swiss referendum on minarets. I've been checking news from Beringen for one month now, and it's eerily quiet. No coincidence, take it from moi. Remember that the issue would be brought before the town council in the third week of December. We're one month further now, and there are forces at work to keep a low profile for now, that's all. They must have gotten a bit scared from all the commotion the matter raised in the Flemish press. Now, Mr. Mondelaers is at best halfway his term and it's going to be his last... as it is also going to be the last of a native Belgian. So even if the loudspeaker issue is defeated in this town college, what do you think the chances are it will pass when Selahattin Koçak is mayor of Beringen?
Take a
GOOD, HARD LOOK at this scoundrel:
Selahattin Koçak, alderman now, Beringen mayor in the future. A guy who couldn't bring himself to utter
ONE WORD of an apology for muslim scum, from
HIS COMMUNITY, who chased away peaceful Jewish schoolchildren on bikes passing through a town rapidly islamicizing.
Now, that was 2006.
In 2009 they try to sneak loudspeakers on minarets through.
What's it gonna be in 2012? 2015? 2020?
One last thing.
Selahattin Koçak is a member of the
Flemish Socialist Party SP.a.
But, I suspect you suspected that already.