Anba Damian, General Bishop of the Coptic Church in Germany, has warned that country's Christians that they too may face prosecution by muslims in the foreseeable future.
"I assure you, when one looks away and does nothing, then that which happens to us in Egypt will one day happen in your Heimat too. When you do not learn from our history, then you're soon finished. Take that for granted."
More here. Sorry, it's in German and I don't have the time to translate:
I sometimes wonder on what planet our
bien pensant powers that be live. There's not a snowball's chance in hell e.g. that the German Bundespraesident would ever nominate a Coptic Christian as his spokesman. However, Herr
Joachim Gauck just named a leftist radical muslima of Iranian descent,
Ferdos Forudastan, as his spokeswoman. Not so long ago, mrs. Forudastan blamed the failed integration of Germany's muslims on...
'a hostile, rotten [German] citizenry':
Muslim filth in Germany's highest political regions: islamic (and leftist) extremist Ferdos Forudastan, married to another useful idiot by the name of Michael Vesper, was recently appointed SPOKESWOMAN FOR THE GERMAN PRESIDENT!!!
All over the planet hundreds of millions of non-muslims living under the yoke of islam are second-rate citizens at best, and are prosecuted and killed at worst. A ring of fire encompasses half of the globe where the ummah's territory touches on kafir lands, and everywhere else where this death cult of desert apes has gotten a toehold the fire is already smoldering... but all of that does not register on mr Hauck's radar.
Prepare for War.
It's that or this:
As always... ignore Outlaw Mike's advice at your own peril.