Friday, July 12, 2024


Per @cdrsalamander, our longtime ally, this appalling stat which sheds light on US women's fertility:

I don't have similar stats for Europe but there's no doubt that they tell a comparable story. Also, I'm not sure about the US, but what I am sure of is that these stats highlight the fertility status of WHITE women. If the examples I can witness firsthand are anything to go by, it may be even worse.

Excessive consumerism and rejection of conservatism - read, embracing of leftist adages - having already taken their toll, in recent decades other factors have manifested themselves which torpedo a white woman's desire for motherhood even more. They are:

* incessant propaganda for gay lifestyles

* third wave feminism

* gender insanity, which is catastrophically telling very young boys and girls that they can be girls and boys by mutilating them - thereby blocking forever the path towards being a parent

* climate lunacy, which essentially is telling young people that humans are the problem and the less there are, the better it is for Mother Gaia (think Extinction Rebellion)

* economic hardships. Indeed, as the European nannystate increasingly diverts resources to welcome and settle gargantuan imports of Third World welfare seekers, taxes and prices have gone up, and the first victims thereof are whites, who have to pay for it. Your typical euro couple which despite everything still thinks of having one and perhaps two children, postpones that wish until things get better. But it doesn't look like they will.

It makes me SICK, seeing how we are wiping out ourselves.

How will this all end? Well, do the math. Take e.g. the example of Ukraine, a country that faces the additional burden of a devastating war which, very unfortunately, wipes away cohorts of young men and women in their prime who should actually be starting families:


Friday, July 05, 2024


The UK elections are over. As expected, the Tories got - rightly so - a clobbering, and Farage's Reform did well. However, the UK electoral system being some kind of first past the post variety, the big winner is Labour, and Keir Starmer is the new PM.

Starmer did not lose time in announcing the new top jobs. They spell disaster.

Angela Rayner is Deputy PM and Minister for Housing:

Yvette Cooper becomes Home Secretary:

Shabana Mahmood is the new Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice:


The most dangerous demographic subgroup in the West is formed by white 'progressive' women, of which there is no shortage in the new Starmer government. The UK is as good as dead.

But make no mistake: the Tories are responsible for this. Had they governed in a conservative way, the UK would be fine and dandy. It is NOT. They got punished for betraying conservatism, of which the migration tsunami which could on unchecked for years is but one aspect. The Tories got deservedly clobbered.

Unfortunately, Labour got undeservedly rewarded.

And now Britain, and Britons, will pay the price. A very hefty one.


Wednesday, July 03, 2024


* e is the elementary charge (1.602176634×10−19 C);
* h is the Planck constant (6.62607015×10−34 J⋅Hz−1);
* ħ is the reduced Planck constant, ħ = h/2Ï€ (1.054571817...×10−34 J⋅s)
* c is the speed of light (299792458 m⋅s−1);
* ε0 is the electric constant (8.8541878188(14)×10−12 F⋅m−1).

So the Fine-Structure Constant is essential in defining the electromagnetic force, one of the four fundamental forces in nature.


Sunday, June 30, 2024


With 33% of the vote, Marine Le Pen's rightwing Rassemblement National (RN) seems to have won the first round of France's parliamentary elections. Second comes Mélenchons leftwing Nouveau Front Populaire, a coalition of greens, socialists and communists, with 28%. Macrons coalition only captured 22% of the vote.

The key to her succes might just lay with France's youth, who seem to begin to see through leftist gobbledegook of which they may suspect it threatens their future... and with the very young candidate-PM Jordan Bardella (28), who ticks:

Next week the second and defining round. This is going to be interesting.


Saturday, June 29, 2024


Chris Rea with Shamrock Diaries. From the eponymous 1985 album.

The least one can say about Rea is that he's a survivor. The man got peritonitis which nearly killed him, pancreatic cancer which nearly killed him, a stroke which nearly killed him etc. I hold him in very high regard, as despite these bumps in the road he managed to produce, almost behind our backs, a string of decent hits. The one thing I'm not going to forgive him, is his championship of Jeremy Corbyn.

ELO with Can't get it out of my head. From the 1974 album Eldorado.

English rock band which formed in Brum in 1970 by songwriters/multi-instrumentalists Jeff Lynne and Roy Wood, and drummer Bev Bevan. Still around although Jeff Lynne will call it quits in OCT of this year.



Friday, June 28, 2024


Good G*d.

Who's running the United States anyway???


Saturday, June 08, 2024


First The Human League with Life On Your Own. From their 1984 album Hysteria.

English synth pop band which formed in 1977 in Sheffield. Still around!

Steve Winwood with Valerie. From his 1980 album Arc of a Diver.

Winwood played all the instruments on the album: Minimoog, Fender Stratocaster, Steinway Piano, Hammond B3 organ, bass guitar...



Sunday, May 26, 2024


One of the best technological accounts on X is Jordan Taylor's. In this thread, which dates from two years ago already, he focuses on the Open Rotor Concept - the ultimate turbofan!


Friday, May 10, 2024


I am against EVs for several reasons, and the most obvious ones are in all likelihood the ones that spring to mind right away: limited autonomy and charge stress, depletion of rare metals, damage to the environment primarily during the mining operations needed to extract Lithium, Cobalt etc.

Now, while all that is true in the current EV development state, these issues will probably have been solved ten years hence, what with the introduction of new battery technologies (graphene, solid state...).

No, the REAL reason I am against EVs is because widespread usage of this type of transport will make countries extremely vulnerable for any disruption in the generation and/or distribution of electricity. In our everyday lives we are already completely dependent on electricity. Imagine if on top of that we would all be driving EVs too: in the blink of an eye so to say, a country could be rendered deaf and blind. In the late nineties, NATO used graphite bombs to short-circuit the Serbian power grid and the results were devastating: no lighting or electrical appliances; no electrical trains; factories, hospitals, schools unable to function; no traffic lights, no computers, no internet, no air traffic control etc...

...but at least the Serbs were able to drive their cars.

You can see why it would be an extremely bad idea to completely rely on electricity for road transport too. Imagine that in a not too distant future Russia launches a two-pronged offensive in Western Europe with graphite bombs delivered by drones launched from the North Sea on the one hand, and hackers on the other hand. In a matter of hours, large swaths of Europe are without electricity! Now imagine, too, that greens have unfortunately had their way and we are all driving EVs...

No, if we are to phase out ICE engines using fossil fuels, we should not replace them with EVs; at least not EVs that derive their juice from a power grid. We should switch to hydrogen-powered cars, trucks and buses.

And then two options present themselves: vehicles using hydrogen in a combustion engine, or vehicles using hydrogen in fuel cells.

This chap explains why the latter option *seems* by far the best...

...until you compare the price tag, of course. While it's true that fuel cell powered hydrogen cars are roughly twice as efficient as their ICE counterparts burning H2, they are also far more expensive. Which is why there probably will be a market for the two versions. Time will tell how it will all pan out. Nite.


Thursday, May 02, 2024

MAY 2nd, 2024.

It's been 13 years since my father died.

I visited my father's grave a couple of hours ago. It was overcast, cold, windy, and raining slightly. An almost complete reversal of the weather yesterday, which actually resembled a hot and sunny day in early July.

I said some prayers there, looking at my father's photograph, a good one which shows him at his best, and as he was in his final years, still a handsome man. The photo is about six inches high and 4 inches wide and thankfully its colours haven't faded yet in those thirteen years.

When I had finished praying I laid my hand on the dark polished granite, as I always do, telling dad that he is not forgotten.

I can only continue my life till I, too, arrive at the end, and I can only hope that I live it as decently as my father lived his. That, and hopefully being able to fulfill a couple of crucial goals I have set myself. I asked and got so much help from my father - and my mother, of course - during his lifetime. Would it be selfish to ask him to help me accomplish those goals from beyond death? Perhaps it is. At the same time these goals are not exactly for my own benefit, so perhaps it's not so bad after all.

My father. What an example. Even thirteen years after his passing.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me."
~ Psalm 23:4 ~

Rest in peace dad. You are not forgotten.


Saturday, April 27, 2024


Er, highly recommended! Please, watch it in full!

In these desperate times, when simply walking the streets of my small hometown means seeing the effects of Population Replacement up front - for it is no longer a phenomenon of the big cities - it's a small consolation that all across Europe young, intelligent people are standing up and calling out the evil acts of our thoroughly corrupt and ideologically perverse 'elites', who are consciously visiting upon us, the original Europeans, the crime of multiculturalism.

For a crime it is. Here's a small token:

Our 'elites' MUST be removed from power, lest they destroy this beautiful continent of ours!


Sunday, April 21, 2024


Our "elites" are responsible for this, and even now, as it is crystal-clear that multiculturalism is a colossal failure, they won't do anything to stem the flood of 3rd World wreckage flowing into our beautiful Europe. For they are counting on the votes of this scum to neutralize the authochton population which is leaning ever more to the Right.

Our "elites" actually deserve to be shot.