The Saturday edition had arrived with a glossy magazine. Occurs from time to time in order to beef up the newspaper's sex-appeal. The magazines treat subjects like fashion, culture, literature, gardening, furniture etc. etc. etc. Lifestyle, in short.
This addition was about fashion. It was titled the "DSM Modespecial Flou artistique" (DSM meaning simply De Standaard Magazine), adn the subject treated was "Zomermode 2006" ("Summer Fashion 2006").
The cover photo was, I kid you not:
Call me an oversuspicious nutjob but, erm, could it be, uh, that, arh, uh, that De Standaard, ahem, is trying, uhm, is trying to tell us something???
Today I decided to mount a counteroffensive, and the opening shot is:
That's more my idea of 2006 summer fashion. Maybe I should try to see the silver lining here. After all, I finally found an alibi to introduce a decollete in this mortuarium.