First Johann Sebastian Bach with the Badinerie of his Orchestral Suite #2 In B Minor, BWV 1067.
As noted before, in an earlier post, BWV stands for Bach Werke Verzeichnis, or Bach Works Catalogue.
Then Ennio Morricone with Gabriel's Oboe, from the soundtrack of the 1986 movie The Mission, a film by Roland Joffé.
I don't know how long ago it is that I watched this movie, probably more than two decades, but it was certainly a long time before I knew and appreciated its historical context. If next time you come across another Christianity-hating nitwit here's another argument with which to put him/her/it in place: the existence of a Jesuit Republic in what is now Paraguay, from 1609, when it was founded by the Jesuit Superior Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, to around 1768, when it was overrun by Spanish and Portuguese colonial authorities. The arts and some kind of proto-industry flourished there, and cities had paved streets and beautiful buildings. The 'Republic', where the native population, mostly Guarani Indians, lived free and slavery was forbidden, consisted of initially 30, then later 23 so-called reducciones. Its downfall came because of the 1750 Treaty of Madrid, which caused the ceding of Latin American land by Spain to Portugal, and conspiracies in Europe against the Jesuit Order. It is a topic well worth studying.
The title 'Gabriel's Oboe' refers to the character of Father Gabriel, portrayed by Jeremy Irons, playing his Oboe in a successful attempt to win the Guarani over to accepting him in their community.
Good night.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
AfD is now sporting ads for the upcoming European elections which depict a 19th century painting, "Le Marché d'Esclaves" (1866), by the French artist Jean-Léon Gérôme.
The caption reads: "So that Europe does not become Eurabia. Real Europeans vote AfD":
It was to be expected that self-loathing Europeans would start hollering and asking to remove these ads. But I was a bit surprised to notice that there were echoes across the Pond. Via Deutschlandfunk:
In short, Olivier Meslay, the curator of Clark Art Institute, Massachusetts, where Gérôme's paiting is displayed, calls on AfD to no longer use the artwork in its campaigns. AfD is lucky that Meslay himself (a Frenchman, in the communist state of Massachusetts: what could go wrong?) admits that he has no legal power to stop AfD from doing just that.
Closer to home, this is a typical take by our moral betters as to why using "Le Marché d'Esclaves" is not done. Via 'Bento', ultraleft idiot and dhimmi Fabian Goldmann:
This childless, balless and clueless 'shining' example of European Progressive Manhood claims that the problem with AfD using 'Le Marché d'Esclaves' is a bad case of 'Orientalism' burping up, a term first coined by useless dhimmi idiot Edward Said.
Said posited that 'Orientalism' - the depiction or even imitiation of aspects of Eastern societies and culture in the nineteenth century, was bad art at best, for the scenes in 'orientalist' artworks were born out of the fevered imagination of 19th century Western European artists who had never set foot in the East, and appalling white supremacist paternalism vis-à-vis Oriental culture at worst.
Goldmann would do well to watch this 16-minute video shedding light on islamic slave trade in Western countries. After viewing it, he might not be so eager anymore to parrot Clark Art Institute's 'the depicted scene possibly never took place':
To conclude: the depiction of the naked white female among muslim slavetraders is not only far more than a 'figment of the imagination', but in all likelihood it was commonplace for centuries.
Thus, AfD has EVERY right, and I would say even the moral duty, to use this painting in its campaign.
The caption reads: "So that Europe does not become Eurabia. Real Europeans vote AfD":
It was to be expected that self-loathing Europeans would start hollering and asking to remove these ads. But I was a bit surprised to notice that there were echoes across the Pond. Via Deutschlandfunk:
"Das US-Museum „Clark Art Institute“ aus Massachussetts fordert die AfD auf, ein Gemälde des Malers León Gérôme nicht länger für ihren Wahlkampf zu nutzen.
Die Nachrichtenagentur AFP zitiert den Direktor, Olivier Meslay, mit den Worten: „Wir verurteilen es strikt, dass dieses Werk dazu verwendet wird, die Positionierung der AfD zu untermalen. Wir haben der Partei geschrieben, damit aufzuhören.“ Meslay räumt aber ein, dass es keine Urheberrechte gebe, die dem Museum eine juristische Handhabe bieten könnten.
Bei dem Gemälde geht es um das Werk „Sklavenmarkt“ des Franzosen Gérôme aus dem Jahr 1866. Das Werk ist im Besitz des Clark Art Institutes und zeigt eine nackte Frau, die von Männern mit Bart und Turban begutachtet wird. Dazu heißt es auf dem Werbeplakat der AfD: "Damit aus Europa kein ‚Eurabien‘ wird“.
In short, Olivier Meslay, the curator of Clark Art Institute, Massachusetts, where Gérôme's paiting is displayed, calls on AfD to no longer use the artwork in its campaigns. AfD is lucky that Meslay himself (a Frenchman, in the communist state of Massachusetts: what could go wrong?) admits that he has no legal power to stop AfD from doing just that.
Closer to home, this is a typical take by our moral betters as to why using "Le Marché d'Esclaves" is not done. Via 'Bento', ultraleft idiot and dhimmi Fabian Goldmann:
"Das Gemälde heißt "Le Marché d'esclaves" – Der Sklavenmarkt – und ist im Jahr 1866 der Fantasie des französischen Malers Jean-Léon Gérôme entsprungen. Heute ist es im Besitz des amerikanischen "Clark Art Institute".
Das stellt schon das Infoheft zum Gemälde klar (Clark Art Institute):
- Es ist unwahrscheinlich, dass der Künstler eine solche Szene beobachtet hat, denn es gibt, wenn überhaupt, wenige Zeugnisse solcher Sklavenmärkte.
Die abgebildete Szene hat es also sehr wahrscheinlich niemals gegeben.
Das ist auch gar nicht verwunderlich. Gérôme ist einer der bekanntesten französischen Maler des "Orientalismus". So wird die klischeehaft-mystische Verklärung der arabisch-islamischen Welt bezeichnet. Im Europa des 19. Jahrhunderts war sie in der Kunstwelt ein absoluter Trend.
This childless, balless and clueless 'shining' example of European Progressive Manhood claims that the problem with AfD using 'Le Marché d'Esclaves' is a bad case of 'Orientalism' burping up, a term first coined by useless dhimmi idiot Edward Said.
Said posited that 'Orientalism' - the depiction or even imitiation of aspects of Eastern societies and culture in the nineteenth century, was bad art at best, for the scenes in 'orientalist' artworks were born out of the fevered imagination of 19th century Western European artists who had never set foot in the East, and appalling white supremacist paternalism vis-à-vis Oriental culture at worst.
Goldmann would do well to watch this 16-minute video shedding light on islamic slave trade in Western countries. After viewing it, he might not be so eager anymore to parrot Clark Art Institute's 'the depicted scene possibly never took place':
"Ohio State University history Professor Robert Davis describes the White Slave Trade as minimized by most modern historians in his book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500–1800 (Palgrave Macmillan). Davis estimates that 1 million to 1.25 million white Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa, from the beginning of the 16th century to the middle of the 18th, by slave traders from Tunis, Algiers, and Tripoli alone (these numbers do not include the European people which were enslaved by Morocco and by other raiders and traders of the Mediterranean Sea coast), 16th- and 17th-century customs statistics suggest that Istanbul's additional slave import from the Black Sea may have totaled around 2.5 million from 1450 to 1700. The markets declined after the loss of the Barbary Wars and finally ended in the 1830s, when the region was conquered by France.
Hundreds of thousands of Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves in North Africa and the Ottoman Empire between the 16th and 19th centuries. These slave raids were conducted largely by Arabs and Berbers rather than Ottoman Turks. However, during the height of the Barbary slave trade in the 16th and 17th centuries, the Barbary states were subject to Ottoman jurisdiction and ruled by Ottoman pashas. Furthermore, many slaves captured by the Barbary corsairs were sold eastward into Ottoman territories before, during, and after Barbary's period of Ottoman rule.
The Barbary Muslim pirates kidnapped Europeans from ships in North Africa’s coastal waters (Barbary Coast). They also attacked and pillaged the Atlantic coastal fishing villages and town in Europe, enslaving the inhabitants. Villages and towns on the coast of Italy, Spain, Portugal and France were the hardest hit. Muslim slave-raiders also seized people as far afield as Britain, Ireland and Iceland.
In 1544, the island of Ischia off Naples was ransacked, taking 4,000 inhabitants prisoners, while some 9,000 inhabitants of Lipari Island off the north coast of Sicily were enslaved.870 Turgut Reis, a Turkish pirate chief, ransacked the coastal settlements of Granada (Spain) in 1663 and carried away 4,000 people as slaves. In 1625, Barbary pirates captured the Lund Island in the Bristol Channel and planted the standard of Islam. From this base, they went ransacking and pillaging surrounding villages and towns, causing a stunning spectacle of mayhem, slaughter and plunder. According to Milton, ‘Day after day, they struck at unarmed fishing communities, seizing the inhabitants, and burning their homes. By the end of the dreadful summer of 1625, the mayor of Plymouth reckoned that 1,000 skiffs had been destroyed and similar number of villagers carried off into slavery.’871 Between 1609 and 1616, the Barbary pirates ‘captured a staggering 466 English trading ships.’
In 1627, Pirates went on a pillaging and enslaving campaign to Iceland. After dropping anchor at Reykjavik, his forces ransacked the town and returned with 400 men, women and children and sold them in Algiers. In 1631, he made a voyage with a brigand of 200 pirates to the coast of Southern Ireland and ransacked and pillaged the village of Baltimore, carrying away 237 men, women and children to Algiers."
To conclude: the depiction of the naked white female among muslim slavetraders is not only far more than a 'figment of the imagination', but in all likelihood it was commonplace for centuries.
Thus, AfD has EVERY right, and I would say even the moral duty, to use this painting in its campaign.
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Via The New York Post:
Socialists, communists, greens, progressives...
... they all have a reverse Midas Touch. Everything they touch turns to shiite.
Oh wait, let's not longer talk about progressives. Call 'em regressives instead!
Socialists, communists, greens, progressives...
... they all have a reverse Midas Touch. Everything they touch turns to shiite.
Oh wait, let's not longer talk about progressives. Call 'em regressives instead!
Sunday, April 21, 2019
What is absolutely astounding is how basically every media outlet from left AND right anxiously avoids mentioning the 'religion' of the Sri Lanka terrorists. This, for instance, is from Het Laatste Nieuws. They do come up with two names, Zahran Hashim and Abu Mohammed, names which do not immediately conjure up images of Fiji or The Salvation Army, and yet...
... HLN manages to write a ENTIRE article without the words 'muslim', 'islamic', or even 'jihad' - even as the Zahran Hashim chap in the photo above is making the ISIS sign! Now, if it were 'only' leftist outlets, one could understand. However, even 'rightwing' news outlets also fail to use the dreaded JIM acronym, check out this Fox News article e.g..
A rare exception is The Daily Mail, which offered this nugget of information:
Kudos to the Mail for not being one of the proverbial three apes. Btw, notice that? There have been some serious rows between Sri Lankan muslims and Sri Lankan's Buddhists, which are a clear majority. Yet the muslims chose to direct their attacks primarily against Christians, who represent only 7 per cent of the population and who do everything to stay under islamic radars. If anyone still doubts which group most pisses off the followers of the prophet, this is it. And yet world leaders, unfortunately including even President Trump, seem to be scared shitless to even wink as much in the general direction of Mecca. ALL of them are clueless, or pretend to be. ALL of them are shocked, shocked, shocked I tell you, and on top of that they are also SHOCKED, imagine, at this horror! Which, naturally, they condemn "in the strongest possible terms". There's a whole coven of 800 pound gorillas stampeding around in the room defecating, burping, urinating, and smashing all the porcelain on the ground, and still our fucking politicians and their lackeys the media whores pretend to hear and see NOTHING and fake ignorance about the motives and ideology behind this UMP-TEENTH massacre! From Belgian PM Charles Michel over Putin, Macron and Theresa May to the Pope himself, they all went Ilhan Fucking "Some people did something" Omar. It sure wasn't "some people did something" after Brenton Tarrant and accomplices gunned down 50 mosquegoers in NZ in March: suddenly anybody an inch to the right of David Brooks was in one way or another co-guilty. As far away as Austria, PM Sebastian Kurz - who real rightwingers would do well to keep a very close eye on because the brat is far too slick to be trustworthy - vowed to take down Martin Sellner's 'Identitaere Generation'!
Now compare the outrage and the name-calling following the Christchurch terror attack to this. In these Easter bombings at least four times as many people lost their lives at the hands of muslim terrorists... and everybody is CLUELESS as to the motives behind, and origin of, this latest mayhem. One such spineless politician was New Zealand's horrible PM Jacinda Ardern. This is a transcript from the Fox News link I provided earlier:
How true do the words of Australian Senator Fraser Anning now sound:
The man was BLASTED worldwide.
But he spoke the Truth, and nothing but the Truth.
... HLN manages to write a ENTIRE article without the words 'muslim', 'islamic', or even 'jihad' - even as the Zahran Hashim chap in the photo above is making the ISIS sign! Now, if it were 'only' leftist outlets, one could understand. However, even 'rightwing' news outlets also fail to use the dreaded JIM acronym, check out this Fox News article e.g..
A rare exception is The Daily Mail, which offered this nugget of information:
"Ten days ago, according to documents seen by the AFP new agency, Sri Lanka's police chief Pujuth Jayasundara issued an intelligence alert to top officers warning Islamist suicide bombers planned to hit 'prominent churches'.
'A foreign intelligence agency has reported that the NTJ (National Thowheeth Jama'ath) is planning to carry out suicide attacks targeting prominent churches as well as the Indian high commission in Colombo,' the alert said.
The NTJ is a small radical Muslim group in Sri Lanka which has no history of mass fatal attacks, but came to prominence last year linked to the vandalism and desecration of Buddhist statues."
Kudos to the Mail for not being one of the proverbial three apes. Btw, notice that? There have been some serious rows between Sri Lankan muslims and Sri Lankan's Buddhists, which are a clear majority. Yet the muslims chose to direct their attacks primarily against Christians, who represent only 7 per cent of the population and who do everything to stay under islamic radars. If anyone still doubts which group most pisses off the followers of the prophet, this is it. And yet world leaders, unfortunately including even President Trump, seem to be scared shitless to even wink as much in the general direction of Mecca. ALL of them are clueless, or pretend to be. ALL of them are shocked, shocked, shocked I tell you, and on top of that they are also SHOCKED, imagine, at this horror! Which, naturally, they condemn "in the strongest possible terms". There's a whole coven of 800 pound gorillas stampeding around in the room defecating, burping, urinating, and smashing all the porcelain on the ground, and still our fucking politicians and their lackeys the media whores pretend to hear and see NOTHING and fake ignorance about the motives and ideology behind this UMP-TEENTH massacre! From Belgian PM Charles Michel over Putin, Macron and Theresa May to the Pope himself, they all went Ilhan Fucking "Some people did something" Omar. It sure wasn't "some people did something" after Brenton Tarrant and accomplices gunned down 50 mosquegoers in NZ in March: suddenly anybody an inch to the right of David Brooks was in one way or another co-guilty. As far away as Austria, PM Sebastian Kurz - who real rightwingers would do well to keep a very close eye on because the brat is far too slick to be trustworthy - vowed to take down Martin Sellner's 'Identitaere Generation'!
Now compare the outrage and the name-calling following the Christchurch terror attack to this. In these Easter bombings at least four times as many people lost their lives at the hands of muslim terrorists... and everybody is CLUELESS as to the motives behind, and origin of, this latest mayhem. One such spineless politician was New Zealand's horrible PM Jacinda Ardern. This is a transcript from the Fox News link I provided earlier:
"New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern condemned the "devastating" attacks, and referred to the March 15 shootings at two mosques in the New Zealand city of Christchurch in which 50 died.
"New Zealand condemns all acts of terrorism and our resolve has only been strengthened by the attack on our soil," Ardern said. "New Zealand rejects all forms of extremism and stands for freedom of religion and the right to worship safely."
How true do the words of Australian Senator Fraser Anning now sound:
"Let us be clear, while Muslims may have been the victims today, usually they are the perpetrators. World-wide, Muslims are killing people in the name of the faith on an industrial scale."
The man was BLASTED worldwide.
But he spoke the Truth, and nothing but the Truth.
DowneastBlog wishes its readers of good will a Happy Easter:
Please take some moments today to pray for the victims of the gruesome attacks perpetrated by muslim terrorists against churches and hotels in Sri Lanka. As of now, 2pm local time, news is that there have now been eight acts of terror and the death toll would be over 200 already. In the Saint Sebastian Church in Negombo alone, at least 67 people were killed, and many more wounded and maimed.
Please take some moments today to pray for the victims of the gruesome attacks perpetrated by muslim terrorists against churches and hotels in Sri Lanka. As of now, 2pm local time, news is that there have now been eight acts of terror and the death toll would be over 200 already. In the Saint Sebastian Church in Negombo alone, at least 67 people were killed, and many more wounded and maimed.
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