Friday, November 19, 2004

Kofi gettin' the boot?

Finally, some feminists with balls.

Pardon the apparent contradiction.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

One more reason I want to kick Arlen Specter in the balls.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


Translation: No blood for chocolate!!!!!!!

I've got your WMD's right here. Go to image #2 in this slideshow.

Gee whiz, where did this stuff come from? I heard this story on an NPR (!) report last week, and of course they went out of their way to say that there was no proof that these weapons were in Iraq at the time of the invasion. Unfortunately, this is what would have happened even if WMD's were found 3 days after the invasion. The left would have switched gears to the "there's no proof these were here at the time of the invasion" angle, and it would still be an illegitimate war in their minds. There have already been other WMD's found in Iraq, and they were explained away by the left because there was a good chance they predated the first gulf war. I guess there was some kind of grandfather clause in the UN resolution.

I think the invasion of Iraq was the right move even without stockpiles of WMD's, but this development withers the case against the war significantly. Funny how the lack of WMD's is front page news, but when they are found, the MSM looks the other way. How long before we see a report about the Marines planting the Sarin?

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Army: Order-refusing GIs should be punished.

This is good news. Discipline must be maintained and is very crucial particularly in a volunteer force. Letting them off with a slap on the wrist would have sent a signal - the wrong signal - to other troops.

I also wanted to mention the incident with the Marine shooting the wounded muj in Falluja.

A) Good job Devil Dog. In the environment he's dealing with (and prior experience with fellow unit members being killed by boobie-trapped dead and wounded muj) I think I would have done the same thing. Arm-chair generals go to hell.

B) Thank God President Bush refused to have anything to do with the ICC. Can you imagine this poor second-guessed bastard being put on tribunal in Brussels? I can just imagine that sort of thing would do wonders for recruitment levels.
This is by far the best post election analysis written by a Democrat that I have come across. This woman should replace McAuliffe as head of the DNC, not those other bozos everyone is talking about.
Welcome to the conservative Europe!

Steven Malanga does a nice job of dismantling the myth of the working poor in America. It's a lengthy article, but worth it.

Aside from terrorism, I see Socialism as the greatest threat to the American way of life. Some of the liberal rationalization regarding the poor cited in this article will make your teeth itch. This is who we're up against, folks.

Sunday, November 14, 2004


If you happen to visit the Galactic Dominion of Belgium before it becomes the Galactic Caliphate of Belgistan, which gives you a time frame of, say, 2 1/2 years, you should certainly visit Durbuy.

This small locality lies on the western edge of the Ardennes, perched between the Ourthe river and a gigantic rockwall of particular geologic interest (one can see with the naked eye a perfect example of a geosyncline, which is what they call such a feature, if the old gray cells still function). In medieval times Durbuy was quite important and of strategic interest, since it was lying on the borderline of two provinces and was also a centre of commerce and justice. Due to it being confined to a narrow valley, it was never able to translate these assets into a sizeable population. It was granted the status of a City in 1331 though, which is how it could become "the world's smallest city" despite there being only 400 or so inhabitants.

Durbuy sur Ourthe, Belgium and the world's Smallest City (pop. 400)

At the entrance of Durbuy, coming from the north and just after traversing the bridge over the river Ourthe, lies the Castle of the Counts of Ursel, which is a family of Flemish nobility. Long before this family acquired the castle in the 17th Century, there was already a bulwark on the same spot in the 11th Century. A Must-see when visiting Durbuy is also the Church of Saint-Nicolas and the old quarter beyond it, called "Le Vieux Durbuy", a maze of narrow, cobblestone-paved alleys with picturesque artisan shops and hotels.

And when you are in the neighborhood, you may also visit the Menhirs of Wéris. It's sometimes referred to as "The Belgian Stonehenge". Although far less impressive, still worthwile for the aficionados of a Rock and a Smart Place.

A very fitting remembrance of Arafat. Gosh, what a legacy.

Hat tip: The Corner.