There is an awful lot of misery in the world, and you may want to pray for two groups in particular, namely Mozambique's Christians (of whom around 50 were beheaded by Islamic State-affliliated groups last month), and their Nigerian brethren and sisters, who suffer terribly under attacks by muslim Fulani terrorists.
And even though their plight far surpasses that of those hapless truckers stuck in the UK, you may also want to save a prayer or two for them. They have barely water, food or sanitary provisions. What a sad Xmas:
Vanavond hef ik het glas op onze helden van de weg. Door weer en wind, vaak weken weg van thuis. Door Brexit zitten er zo veel vanavond alleen in hun camion.
— Theo Francken MP (@FranckenTheo) December 24, 2020
Alles wat je vanavond eet en drinkt, komt uit een vrachtwagen. Laten we dat maar niet vergeten.
Op jullie gezondheid! pic.twitter.com/k3H8rkFurI
Good night.