Via Dutch website
GeenStijl, infosheets from an
Amnesty International Report (from time to time, AI does something good still) on stoning in Iran.
It is true that Iran was just recently rebuffed when it tried to secure itself a seat on the executive board of (yet another) UN superagency, UN Women. But it should be remembered that Saudi Arabia, a big funder of UN Women, but barely more women-friendly than Iran, does have a seat. As a sidenote, Saudi Arabia's interest in this proliferation of UN agencies is probably yet one more sign that muslim countries seek to dominate the UN, which they do already to a large extent through the Organisation of the Islamic Conference.
Be that as it may, even if Iran is not represented in the Board of UN Women, it does have a seat in the Commission on the Status of Women - it obtained it in rather murky circumstances in April of this year, and it will retain this seat till 2014.
If you check out
the website of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, you will find that its homepage boasts that it is
"dedicated exclusively to gender equality and advancement of women."Nice. Not. What a hoot.
We truly live in a mad world.