"Gang violence in Sweden has reached such dramatic proportions that the Swedish PM is now considering deploying the military. Minister President Ulf Kristersson announced that the feasibility of such a measure is being investigated.
After the latest conflicts between rivalling criminal gangs in Sweden, during which three people died, PM Kristersson is obviously shocked. Now he wants to ask the military for help.
In his televised address to the nation last Thursday, Kristersson vowed his government is determined to put an end to the escalating gang criminality. "We will hunt the gangs, besiege them and bring them to court", said the conservative leader. "These callous murderers won't stop shooting each other and others, until we stop them." Swedish citizens who are complicit in these crimes, face tough judicial punishment. Foreigners may be deported.
Wanton violence in Sweden, in particular shootings and bomb explosions, has seen an escalation in the past years. Merely last month saw numerous killings following shootings and an explosion, which claimed a dead victim, a young woman. And internal conflict in the criminal Foxtrot network could be one of the reasons for the escalation."
The cincher is this one, of course:
"Er betonte, dass eine „verantwortungslose Einwanderungspolitik und eine gescheiterte Integration“ zu dieser Krise geführt haben."
"He emphasised that an "irresponsible immigration policy and a failed integration" led to this crisis."
Aha. And WHO came BEFORE Mr Kristersson??? Why, the world's first feminist government!!!

A fucking bunch of feminazi bitches, oh so brave when lambasting a President (Trump) who DID take the folly and the dangers of open borders serious. Sweden has now had 8 years of "Refugees Welcome" madness and this is the legacy of the insane twats picture above: in September alone, 11 people were killed in shootings, thus making it the deadliest month for gun violence in almost four years.
It ain't much better in Germany. These are images from Stuttgart, where about 200 Eritrean Culture Enrichers™ battled it out among themselves. 24 police officers who were trying to quell the unrest, got wounded:
I am starting to wonder if there is any upward limit for my hatred for "progressives".