Sunday, December 24, 2023


DowneastBlog wished all its readers of good will a Merry Christmas!!!

The Nativity by Jacob Jordaens.

In this fateful year however, peace on Earth seems farther away than ever. While we may enjoy a hearty meal among loved ones and friends, there are those for whom such an ordinary event may currently seem farther away than ever, like these Ukrainian soldiers. Perhaps they may consider themselves lucky if they manage to warm up some decent rations in their cold and wet trenches:

And while I deeply regret innocent victims in the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip, my thoughts are mostly with the IDF soldiers fighting to eradicate evil. Although the fighting is highly asymmetrical and Hamas doesn't stand a chance, victory is not coming cheap.

Far from the cameras, or so it seems, there's the ongoing tragedy in Darfur, Sudan.

Prayers are asked for all those suffering in these dreadful conflicts.