"The victim's body was found at his home, six days after the murder. The victim would be Bertrand Louiset, former manager of the Monoprix des Deux Lions.
He was sheltering a 22 year old migrant from Côte d’Ivoire. The latter was arrested on 17 december 2018 and has confessed to the killing of his host.
The motif for the murder has to be determined yet, but according to our sources, a violent dispute would have erupted between the victim and the suspected killer. Bertrand Louiset would have asked the man he had been offering shelter to leave the apartment.
The young migrant would then have killed Bertrand Louiset with 28 knife stabbings.
The murderer arrived in France on a student visa, which had expired because of insufficient exam results."

Bertrand Louiset in happier times. In 2015, Mr Louiset distributed for free expired, but still edible food from his supermarket among migrants. He was quoted as saying “Si tout le monde faisait comme moi, il n’y aurait plus besoin d’associations !”. "If everybody did like me, there would be no need for NGO's!"
If everybody did like him, there would be no Europe anymore.
In Molenbeek, Belgium, our muslim model citizens feted New Year's night by looting a pharmacy, destroying public infrastructure and burning cars. The fire from the latter spread to some houses close by. When firecrews and medical personnel arrived, they were pelted with stones, shot at with fireworks, and their vehicles vandalized. A police officer claims that the rioters were simply too numerous and that they had to withdraw: "We were powerless."

From the twitteraccount of "pierrebxl":

"A pharmacy looted, police officers pelted with projectiles, tens of fires everywhere, shots from a vehicle. It was war yesterday in Molenbeek!"
By all means, bring them in by the millions! Europe neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds more migrants!!!
More Progress HERE.