Monday, December 31, 2018


A little bit premature perhaps in this corner of the world, where 2019 is still about one hour and a half away, but OK, here it is already: DowneastBlog wishes all its readers of good will a happy, healthy and successful 2019!!!

Dunno how it was with you, but for me 2018 ended on a relatively positive note, despite very serious challenges in biz. As some of you may know, the bankruptcy of my main supplier almost meant the end of my small company as well, and we're still not out of the danger zone yet. That said, we've come back - cautiously.

Gonna keep it short, for the moment I have but one good advice to you, but it's one which might save your *ss sometime if you take it at heart. It's difficult to tell which Saint Winston advice is my favourite, but the following one is among the top five at least:

The quote in full is a bit longer but the gist of the message will do.

Thanks for tuning in and thanks for your patience.

Nite, have fun, don't get too drunk!