Parsons is still around and touring, and reportedly set to release a new studio album next year. Woolfson died in 09 already.
The Police with On Any Other Day. From the iconic album Reggatta de Blanc (1979).
It took a mere four weeks to record this album (OK - not four weeks in a row, but spread over a couple of months) at Nigel Gray's Surrey Sound Studios in Leatherhead, south of London. For a budget of less than 9,000 British Pounds. Yet 5 out of its 11 tracks were hits - not even this one, though it's one of my favourites. What band today with all their gizmos and egos and pomp and big budgets can claim to make an album from scratch yielding 50 per cent hits?
The lyrics are hilarious:
.... My wife has burned the scrambled eggs
The dog just bit my leg
My teenage daughter ran away
My fine young son has turned out gay
Cut off my fingers in the
Door of my car
How could I do it?
My wife is proud to tell me
Of her love affairs
How could she do this to me?
My wife has burned the scrambled eggs
The dog just bit my leg
My teenage daughter ran away
My fine young son has turned out gay
And it would be okay on any other day
And it would be okay on any other day
Throw down the morning papers
And spill my tea
I don't know what's wrong with me
The cups and plates are in a
I'm covered in misery
My wife has burned the scrambled eggs
The dog just bit my leg
My teenage daughter ran away
My fine young son has turned out gay
And it would be okay on any other day
And it would be okay on any other day....
And they couldn't write lyrics like that either today, ROFL!
Well, Gute Nacht.