Saturday, December 22, 2018


In the week that was, more young European women who should have known better paid with their lives for continuing to believe that islam is a religion of peace instead of an abhorrent 7th century death cult. First, via PI-News we get to know that on monday another Culture Enricher killed his BioGerman girlfriend:

"Der von den Altmedien verharmlosend als „Bekannter“ umschriebene Messermörder der 17-jährigen Flensburgerin Mireille (PI-NEWS berichtete) bekommt so langsam ein Gesicht. Er soll Afghane und 18 (?) Jahre alt sein.

Wie schon Mia in Kandel wurde diesen Montag auch Mireille regelrecht abgeschlachtet. Der Afghane muss sich in einem Blutrausch befunden haben, als er Mireille in ihrer eigenen Wohnung umbrachte. Ihr Körper war mit Messerstichen übersät. Der Notarzt war mit seinen Reanimierungsversuchen erfolglos.

Auch wurde jetzt bekannt, dass Mireille, die sich in einem Ausbildungsverhältnis befand, schon seit Monaten Kopftuch trug. Ein Nachbar dazu: „Vor ein paar Monaten ging sie dann nur noch mit Kopftuch vor die Tür und verhielt sich sehr zurückhaltend.“"


"The murderer of 17-year old Mireille, from Flensburg, described, by the old media, as an 'acquaintance' is substantiating ever so slowly. It now appears he's an Afghan and 18 years old.

Like Mia in Kandel, last Monday Mireille was butchered without much fuss. The Afghan must have been in a blood frenzy, as he killed Mireille in her own house. Her body was covered with knife wounds. The emergency surgeon's reanimation attempts proved useless.

Also, it has now become clear that Mireille, who was in a relationship with the murderer, had been covering her head for a couple of months. A neighbor: "for the past few months she was covering her head and behaving in a very reluctant manner."

Then there was of course the news of the bestial murder of two Scandinavian backpackers in Morocco, 24 year old Louisa Vesterager Jespersen from Denmark, and Maren Ueland, 28, from Norway. Via The Telegraph:

"Four suspects arrested over the killings of two Scandinavian university students in Morocco's Atlas Mountains made a video pledging allegiance to the Islamic State group, authorities in the country said on Thursday.

Morocco's general prosecutor confirmed the authenticity of a video circulating on social media in which the four threatened to carry out attacks for Isil and its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Investigations showed that the video was made last week before the killing of the two women, Danish and Norwegian tourists who were trekking in the Atlas Mountains.

The Danish intelligence agency had earlier said the women's slayings "may be related" to the Islamic State group.

Three of the suspects were arrested on Thursday as they tried to flee Marrakech on a bus, Moroccan national security spokesman Boubker Sabik said. Another suspect was arrested on Tuesday. Authorities have said no one is being sought besides the four in custody.

Danish Prime Minister Lars Loekke Rasmussen confirmed the identities of the victims, 24-year-old Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, of Denmark, and Norwegian citizen Maren Ueland, 28. The University of South-Eastern Norway said both women were students at its campus in Boe, southern Norway.

"What should have been a holiday trip turned into a nightmare" for the women, Mr Loekke Rasmussen told reporters in Denmark.

The women's bodies were found on Monday in a remote region of the Atlas Mountains not far from a village that often is the starting point for treks to Mount Toubkal, North Africa's highest peak."

There is absolutely NO WAY that I would ever allow our daughter to date a muslim. Just as I would never allow her to travel to a muslim country. Here's three more silly twats who paid with their lives for being gullible about the horrific nature of the religion of pieces. That's another three who will never have children and thus do something useful about our death bed demographics, in a gay-crazy islamophilic Europe that has completely lost its mind.

I am feeling very sorry for the girls, but we cannot wrap our condolences in superfluous feel goodery talk. You import islam, or you venture out in islamic countries, be prepared for serious trouble.

Their parents deserve to be chastized and shamed.


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