"Marine Le Pen was today facing up to three years in prison after being charged with tweeting 'monstrous' Islamic State images including one of the terrorist group beheading an American journalist.
The 49-year-old leader of France's far-Right National Front has denied any wrongdoing, but now faces trial in the Paris suburb of Nanterre.
Beyond the three-years in prison, prosecutors can also demand a maximum fine equivalent to £67,000."
Marine Le Pen's unspeakable crime? Tweets including photos with the text:

She also tweeted a photo of the beheaded James Foley, which she removed after that naive man's parents complained.
The implication of this conviction is of tremendous importance, since it signals the de facto capitulation of France's judicial system to its future overlords, the followers of the prophet - while it has no qualms about sending law-abiding citizens to the slammer for pointing out the obvious.
Marine Le Pen's conviction is a replay of the old stories of yore in which hapless messengers of bad news were punished, sometimes with death as a result. Which, naturally, did nothing to counter the threat of which the messenger brought news.
Today, France is silencing Marine Le Pen. Meanwhile, its inner cities fall prey to chaos and mayhem and the REAL perpetrators of crimes are let free:

And ALL of those who do this are IS sympathizers.
As George Orwell said, "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."