Sunday, February 25, 2018


Mark Steyn, the indefatigable chronicler of the West's enthusiastic suicide is his usual brilliant self in "The State Submits", via Steyonline, February 21, 2018:

"I've written many times over the last decade and a half about that rare bird the "moderate Muslim". Surely one reason for his scarceness is that, whenever he pops his head above the parapet, he's hung out to dry by craven infidel politicians and bureaucrats, who on the whole find the admirably straightforward demands of your average firebreathing imam more congenial. Hence the pandering to returning Isis warriors: Mods vs Raqqa's - it's no contest.

The latest examples are the headmistress and chairman of the board of governors of St Stephen's Primary School in Newham, East London. St Stephen, you'll recall, was the first Christian martyr, but observant Christians are thinner on the ground in today's Newham than they were in first-century Jerusalem. So St Stephen's School today is mostly Muslim. Nevertheless:

~ In June last year, [headmistress Neena] Lall removed the hijab from the school uniform for girls aged seven and under and tried to curb young children from fasting at school in case they became unwell.

Good for her. Hijabs for under-sevens? If you're in most Muslim countries, you notice that the gals don't disappear under the veil until puberty: Covered kindergartners is largely a western phenomenon.

So there would appear to be no reason for a "moderate" or any other kind of Muslim to object to what Mrs Lall was proposing. Alas:

~ St. Stephen's School in East London recently imposed a ban on hijabs (Islamic headscarves), but reversed its decision after administrators received hundreds of threats from enraged Muslims.

Among the targeted officials from the primary school was the head of governors, Arif Qawi, who had supported the ban on the grounds that the girls wearing hijabs were less likely to integrate socially with their peers. As a result of the outcry, Qawi submitted his resignation, saying that members of the staff were afraid to come to the school.

Head teacher Neena Lall, whose educational philosophy has turned St. Stephen's into one of the best secular primary schools in Britain's capital -- in spite of its being in Newham, a poor neighborhood where English is spoken predominantly as a second language -- was bombarded with e-mails calling her a "pedophile" who "deserved what she had coming." Lall, of Punjabi origin, was even compared to Hitler in a video uploaded to YouTube."


... "But serious persons understand the score here: the ban on hijabs has been reversed, and the "moderate Muslim" has gone - and physical intimidation, nudged and winked at by prominent community leaders and politicians, has been rewarded.

I've written previously how odd it is to stroll around, say, Newham and see a harder, fiercer Islam than one would encounter in Amman or Cairo - like hijab-clad grade-schoolers. But the reasoning lies in Mr Qawi's wish to "turn these beautiful children into modern British citizens". If that is the last thing you want these children to become, then the best way to do it is by segregating them from modern Britain. Which is why primary-school hijabs are necessary in London but not in Tripoli. If you leave it till twelve or thirteen, your daughters may have formed friendships with indifidel girls and be reluctant to climb into their body bags. Better to mandate the shroud in kindergarten - so the friendships never form. Once the transition is complete and Britain is a fully-fledged member of the dar al-Islam, then we can lighten up and let the middle-schoolers enjoy a little sunshine on their faces. But, as long as "moderates" are peddling dangerous talk about "modern British citizens", then the logical answer is to be even more hardcore. Are they wearing hijabs in the maternity ward yet?

~By middle school, anyway, a nice young Muslima should be on her way to children of her own. Thirty-two-year-old Ahmad married his first wife, Lina, when she was thirteen. He married his third, Betool, when she was fourteen. That would have been statutory rape not so long ago, but instead Ahmad gets to live with both wives and his six children in a two-story house in Schleswig-Holstein paid for, like everything else in the illiterate unskilled unemployed refugee's life, by German taxpayers.

If you're wondering what happened to the remaining wife - the one who came in between Lina and Betool - she's still in Syria:

~ Für eine dritte Ehefrau müsste das Haus größer werden, sagt Ahmad lachend.

Ahmad The Syrian. Oh how bad the war situation over there was. So bad, in fact, that he left one of his three wives over there. But don't worry, family reunification laws will ensure Wife No. 3 will follow soon. Mr Ahmad The Syrian can't debug code, drive a lorry, weld, teach math, do plumbing, repair a dishwasher, nor even write or read or be of ANY use whatsoever in modern day Germany. But screwing his wives and producing Ahmad jrs he can as the best. And the infidels will take up the tab.

"For a third wife, the house would have to grow larger," says Ahmad, laughing - as well he might: Childless Germans pay for the polygamous Muslims that will supplant them - because Mutti Merkel says they're the software designers Daimler and Mercedes urgently need. I think I'll take my chance on Toyotas built by Japanese sexbots.

No advanced nation needs mass unskilled immigration. Unless your politicians are willing to say that, they're consigning you and your family to the status of Ahmad's wives."

As if the above isn't depressing enough, from my own country comes the news that in Maasmechelen, an eastern city in the province of Limburg, which harbors a dispoportionately large muslim population, the local GO school network (GO = Gemeenschapsonderwijs) has capitulated before a demand to re-allow the wearing of headscarves for eleven girls who refused to remove the islamic headgear:

Via Eye on the World, which handily provides the gist of the story in English:

"A law banning the full-face veil came into effect in Belgium in July 2011. The law bans any clothing that obscures the identity of the wearer in places like parks and on the street. In December 2012, Belgium's Constitutional Court rejected appeals for the ban to be annulled, ruling that it did not violate human rights. Before the law was passed, the burka was already banned in several districts under old local laws originally designed to stop people masking their faces completely at carnival time.

The above didn't go down well with the local Islamic population who took Belgium to court on a number of occasions in which to win the right to cover up. That last was last year when the European Court of Human Rights ruled that Belgium's ban on face veils does not violate the European Convention on Human Rights.

Not ones to give up, the Muslims then took the government to court in the Belgique municipality of Maasmechelen and today a judge in Tongeren decided that 11 school girls have a right to cover up as the school regulations go against the European Convention on Human Rights, which guarantees freedom of religion.

I wonder when we will see the reverse in Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia and parts of Pakistan?"

Islam is cancer.

A cancer has either to be cut away or removed with radiation or chemotherapy.

Failure to do so will result in the death of the host.