Jawohl indeed, the very first post dates from 11 FEB 2003, although it wasn't written by me. I was hauled on board in 03 allright, but only later in the year, around November, on the invitation of one of the three founding members, Kerry D. (it's a decision she may have come to regret). The other two were Tom D. and Scott F. At the time, they all hailed from Maine, more precisely the south around New Brunswick, which I understand is called the Downeast, hence the blog's name (another question that may or may not have been nagging you).
Anyway, I guess I must have bored them to death since after around 5 and a half years the last one, Scott, quit posting so that today, only yours truly remains trying to bore YOU to death.
And since this is also a Saturday you will forgive Me, Myself and I a fitting celebratory song for having held out so long!
Thx for tuning in and see ya in 2033!