"If we are to continue as a civilization that successfully avoids natural catastrophes, we have to make our own constraints on growth and make them strong and make them now." As it is, we are unintentionally at war with Gaia and must agree to "wartime" rationing and temporary "loss of freedom." Strong constraints? Loss of freedom? What's the difference between this and ecofascism? And how far down will our population have to plummet to satisfy Gaia? Actually, Lovelock states that something like nine-tenths of our population must vanish: "Personally I think we would be wise to aim at a stabilized population of about half to one billion." To accomplish this goal, both the birth rate and death rate would have to be "regulated" as "part of population control."
Just remember. This econazi would actually cheer having us cut down from 7 to (at best) 1 billion earthlings. Funny, just this week I also stumbled across a great video by Bill Whittle who does a splendid job of chopping up the hopes and dreams of splendid theorists like Mr Lovelock:
MIND the econutters. They are DANGEROUS.