Wednesday, September 16, 2009


From the Belgian daily Het Laatste Nieuws, 15 September 2009:

"Imam Nordine Taouil is an extremist muslim." This bold statement comes from Alain Winants, Administrator-General of Belgian State Security, yesterday in the Terzake TV Show on Canvas.


"On the basis of info we gathered regarding Mr. Nordine Taouil, we have judged it necessary to reveal that the subject has to be considered someone who is actually an extremist muslim of salafist-wahabbist creed and who is an active militant in salafist circles" says Winants. Taouil would also organize strict muslim education for young Belgian muslims in radical quran schools in Palistan.

Without compromise
"Salafism is an islamic creed without compromise. It is actually a movement that wants to return to the original islam and rejects all western influence [on islam]", says Winants.

Let's recap a little. This summer, the board of directors of an Antwerp High School, the Koninklijk Atheneum, decided to ban, at the beginning of the new school year in September, all headscarves upon entry of the students. The reason, according to Head Principal Karin Heremans, ironically herself an ardent "progressive", was that the ever mounting social pressure of headscarf-wearing students on the others had reached an alarming level, and further radicalization needed to be halted. Below you see a demo of the dimwits on the school court. It should be noted that anno 2009 the Koninklijk Atheneum is around 80% muslim, since the attitudes of the muslim schoolchildren basically constitute a "soft ethnic cleansing" vis-a-vis autochton, non-muslim Flemish children. The photo gives a clear view of what happens after this process has been going on for a couple of years. In 2001, muslim children still constituted a minority in the Koninklijk Atheneum.

Anyway, no sooner had the message to ban the scarves on the school's premises received attention in national media, or Imam Taouil, chairman of the Belgian Muslim Council, profiled himself as the spokesman of the Koninklijk Atheneum's students, going so far as to threaten that all girls would stay at home (which is illegal, given compulsory school attendance until 18) and even mass insubordination of muslim students across Flanders.

Coincidence or no coincidence, at the beginning of the school year the Vlaams Belang chapter in Antwerp, led by Filip Dewinter, issued an ominous report on the radicalization of Antwerps mosques. The report, drafted wby a.o. ex-muslims, is available on Dewinters personal website. The report contains the following appalling info on the El Mouslimin mosque and its former imam.... Nordin Taouil:

b) Moskee El Mouslimin

Enkele Marokkaanse moskeeën in het Antwerpse prediken eveneens haat en onverdraagzaamheid. Jongeren worden er aangespoord om te gaan studeren op madrassa’s in o.a. Pakistan, Jordanië en Syrië. Via deze islamitische scholen worden ze in contact gebracht met fundamentalisten die hen proberen te overtuigen om nog een intensere geestelijke en bijkomende fysieke training te ondergaan. Zo komen de jongeren uiteindelijk terecht in opleidingskampen van terreurorganisaties zoals Al Qaeda. Ongeveer 50% van hen wordt doorgestuurd naar Afghanistan, Kashmir, Irak of Tsjetsjenië om te strijden in het belang van de jihad. De overige 50% keert terug naar België … Er lopen dus jongeren in de Antwerpse straten rond die een intensieve jihadopleiding hebben gekregen. Beangstigend toch!

Een van deze Marokkaanse moskeeën is El Mouslimin in de Jan Palfijnstraat. Dit is dé moskee waar de terreurgroep ‘Groupe Islamique Combattant Marocain’ aanwezig is. Het is een zéér groot gebedshuis waarin fundamentalisten zich thuis voelen.

De vroegere imam, Nordin Taouil, was een echte voorvechter van de gewapende jihad tegen de westerlingen en joden. Zijn agressief denken en handelen heeft er toe geleid dat 90% van de jongeren in deze moskee zich geroepen voelt om hun leven te geven voor de gewapende strijd. Hij is ook dé persoon die je moet contacteren als je een fysieke opleiding wenst te volgen in het buitenland (voornamelijk Pakistan en Algerije). Vandaar dat de Marokkaanse inlichtingendienst in deze moskee is geïnfiltreerd. Terroristen van ‘Groupe Islamique Combattant Marocain’ vinden in deze Antwerpse moskee een veilig onderkomen. Velen van hen worden in Marokko gezocht voor het plegen of voorbereiden van aanslagen.

Sorry, but I lack the time to translate even this little exerpt. Basically it says that the El Mouslimin mosque is a shelter place for the Groupe Islamiqe Combattant Marocain, a terrorist organization, and that Taouil himself is a proponent of armed struggle against the West. As a result of his hate speeches, 90% of the youths attending the mosque say they are willing to give their life in combat [against the West]. Taouil would also be the middleman for organizing "physical" training in foreign mosques.

Well, guess what? Immediately Taouil announced that he would sue Dewinter for slander and defamation.

... but as we can see for ourselves, Belgian State Security has now implicitly acknowledged the correctness of the VB's report. This must be a first.

This affair is not the first time that Taouil has placed himself in the spotlights. Three and a half years ago, at the height of the Danish cartoon "crisis", he organized a massive "peaceful" sit in of muslims on one of Antwerps most famous squares, the Groenplaats. This was, IIRC, on February 12, 2006. On the photo below, you see him in action:

Here's another pic. It pains my heart that the Mecca photo on that idiot's board is blotting out our magnificent gothic Cathedral of Our Lady.

After the peaceful protest the peaceful protestors took to Antwerps streets to let it be known that if a Dane draws a cartoon of Muhammad in a town somewhere in Jutland 900 kloms away, the dwindling indigenous Flemings of soon-to-be Antwerpistan have to pay. This of course in a peaceful way. For instance by having their rearview mirrors ripped off or having their car hoods indented by a small crowd stampeding over it:

Here is a still from that wonderfully enriching multiculti event. Just remember, it took place in early 2006 and things have not, well, actually today there are a couple of tens of thousands more muslim peaceniks in Antwerp.

And what was Imam Taouils reaction?

Well, of course he regretted the damage verrrrrrry much. But we should understand the justified grievances of muslims at the appalling crime of depicting their perfect example.

One week later, Mr. Taouil was offered a place on the Antwerp list of the SP.a, the Flemish Socialist Party, for the then upcoming municipal elections.


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