Thursday, October 05, 2023


Once they are in the US, the treshold for being allowed to vote is much lower than in Western Europe - and that is already a fairly low treshold. They will vote for whom, do you think? Matt Gaetz?

This is the strategy of the left, plain and simple. This Third World wreckage, which will bring in precipitously little skills, knowledge and labor ethic, but which will cause a massive surge in criminality and drug abuse, as well as constitute a large drain on a social security system already strained to the limit, is the life insurance of democrats. It's the same over here, btw.

I'm not saying there's no worthy, industrious individuals among these people. But they come from cultures and countries which very obviously cannot guarantee their adherents and citizens safe and dignified lives. They hail from places where corruption, mysogyny and crime are commonplace and where accountability and respect for human rights in general are sorely lacking and... they will import these features in our countries as well. Blocking these cohorts is not an act of selfishness; it is an act of survival. Allow these cultures in, and our countries will in time turn into the same hellholes as where these people come from. This is sad, but true.

Anyway, Leftists, being the criminals that they are, are choosing themselves another people. That's it. That's all. It's about staying in power forever, reckoning that the newcomers will vote for the candy distributing party. And why wouldn't they?


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