"The Islamization of the West accelerates. 5 years ago this was still unthinkable, now one caves in out of fear for terrorists and violence from radical muslims. In a couple of years, kuffars in Belgium will also be lynched for blasphemy.
De islamisering van het westen versnelt.
— Unpleasant Truths (@UnpleasantTrut2) September 1, 2023
5 jaar geleden was dit nog ondenkbaar, nu gaat men overstag uit angst voor terroristen en geweld door radicale moslims.
Binnen enkele jaren worden ook bij ons 'ongelovigen' gelyncht wegens blasfemische uitspraken.https://t.co/8miHLUohYy
That's a very real predicament. I myself was thrown off Twitter some 2 months ago after responding to a muslim woman who had posted a photo of an IDF soldier and a Palestinian boy, aged perhaps 8 or 9. Her tweet? The accompanying text was "Unimaginable horror" or some such. Which was ridiculous, because the boy was smiling at the soldier and the soldier himself clearly didn't strike a threatening pose and indeed seemed to smile back. I remarked to the muslim woman that I failed to see what exactly was so 'horrible' about the scene and, it is true, used the expletive 'Paleostinians' - imho not too far off the mark since Palestinians still haven't evolved much beyond ineffectively toting Kalashnikovs just as they did in 1970, while Israel is now sending spacecraft to the Moon. Moreover, I added that the *real* danger for the boy wasn't so much the Israeli military but Hamas, which deliberately fires crude Qassam rockets from civilian areas in the hope that Israeli retaliatory fire will make Palestinian victims: it's good propaganda.
Next thing you know, that muslim woman reported me to Twitter and I got thrown off it. There was no attempt to engage me with arguments, no sir, I said something she didn't like, BAM, shut up you! Twitter complied, claiming that I had broken the twitter rules. I thought Musk had weedled out the leftwing crazies but apparently I was mistaken:

There is a very real danger that, as our own demographic death spiral continues - and it does, more than ever - and the demographic consequences of Europes islamization manifest themselves in our executive, legislative and judicial areas, laws will be applied more and more to stifle any opposition to said islamization. Muslims worldwide have made it abundantly clear, time and again, that Allahs laws are above those made by humans. Yet they will embrace those very same human-made laws, in particular if they come from kuffars, if they can help them to silence those criticizing their evil 'faith'.
The Danish Minister of Justice proposing the ban - and jail term - for those burning the Quran is one Peter Hummelgaard.
He's a socialist.
But, I suspect you suspected that already.