Filip Dewinter, Vlaams Belang: "Paris was once a city of culture, civilization, fashion, exquisite dining, elegance and refinement... now it is mostly this... the great levelling thanks to mass immigration and multiculturalism!"
#Parijs was ooit een stad van cultuur, beschaving, mode, gastronomie, elegantie en verfijning… Nu is het vooral dit… de nivellering naar beneden dankzij de massa-immigratie en de multicultuur!
— Filip Dewinter (@FDW_VB) August 30, 2023
I might add a comment made by my daughter last Spring, after visiting Paris for a couple of days with several of her co-students: "Paris stinks."
And via James Woods, here's a "sanctuary city", read, a vehicle invented by leftists to keep our usurpers here so that they can continue their destructive handiwork.
Sanctuary city. And there is no end in sight.
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) August 31, 2023
The globalists destroyed western civilization before we even knew it was happening.
Next year there's parliamentary elections in Belgium. If by some miracle we are able to boot the socialists and greens out of office, I contend that the electoral punishment is NOT ENOUGH ANYMORE. They should face trial. For treason and the deliberate destruction of prosperity.