Level 42 with Guaranteed. Album Guaranteed (1991).
Instantly recognizable as a Level 42 song because of King's slap style on the bass and Mike Lindup's falsetto voice, but now both Gould Bros. are gone (Phil would return for a short while towards the end of the decade). The album was recorded on the Isle of Wight, where Level 42 formed in 1979.
Now for some psychedelic rock. A number by Jefferson Airplane, White Rabbit. See it as a homage to Marty Balin, the primary founder of JA. From the album Surrealistic Pillow (1967).
Balin launched Jefferson Airplane from The Matrix, a pizzeria-turned-nightclub in San Francisco. His band became the vanguard of the San Francisco Sound. This song was written by Grace Slick, ex The Great Society. She's quite hot huh?
Anyway, Mr Balin shuffled off this mortal coil on 27 SEP. God bless, and RIP.
Goede nacht.