Indeed, whatever happened to the presumption of innocence, the right to face your accuser (how I would have loved to see a face-off between Ford and Judge Kavanaugh), as well as the right to cross-examine them; and the burden of proof.
And don't miss Mark Steyn's take on a little overlooked aspect, which is the umpteenth example of the left's desire to manipulate:
"I mentioned with Tucker the other night the condescension of Gentleman Jim Acosta, who airily presumes that, if you're a woman, any woman, you believe the accuser and assume this Kavanaugh guy is a serial gang-rapist. That's how it goes: Identity politics makes moron cultures of formerly sophisticated societies. So it was inevitable that when a picture from yesterday's hearing popped up, of the judge with three females sitting behind him, the wankerati of Twitter immediately assumed that they were just three regular all-American women staring in disgust at the rape beast of Bethesda.
In fact, they were Kavanaugh's wife, mother, and one of their dearest friends. And the reason they look like that is because they're crushed and broken by what Dianne Feinstein, Blumenthal, Whitehouse and the other whatever-it-takes Democrats chose to do to them. It is a testament to the thoroughness with which these malign carbuncles on the body politic set about their task that, in a certain sense, one could forgive the Twitter mob its carelessness: Mrs Kavanaugh was all but unrecognizable from the woman who'd sat behind her husband just a fortnight ago. She was, indeed, a different person, and she will be for the rest of her life.
Dianne Feinstein did that to her, consciously. The Ranking Member is in a tricky position back home. She's on the California ballot this November, but, having been outflanked on her left, she is not the official Democrat nominee. So she cannot afford to be insufficiently "progressive", and thus concluded it was necessary to, in Kavanaugh's words, "destroy" his family..."
Acosta and his twitter boys and girls certainly have eager acolytes/followers on this side of the Pond. This is a headline in Het Laatste Nieuws, yesterday:

Yeah yeah yeah, a little bit further in the article they do recognize that these women are in fact his supporters. In a small font. But the idea has been planted, right? In a world of soundbites and uncritical newstakers, this barely disguised suggestion is yet another shot across the bow of a decent man who shouldn't be on trial, because that's what it was.
Leftists. The filth of the Earth.