Tuesday, July 03, 2018


The following clip from French TV discusses the taking over of streets in French cities by muslims for their prayers, and this despite the fact that sometimes neighboring mosques are only half full. The public prayers are thus a clear sign of a hostile takeover, and an act of defiance vis-à-vis the French Republic:

The woman, Céline Pina, is an ex-Parti Socialiste politician who saw the light. She authored a book, Silence Coupable (Guilty Silence) which has as subtitle: "The islamists are big only because our elites are on their knees."

And while muslims all over Europe take over the streets with impunity, defying their host country's laws, Tommy Robinson who merely did the work the journaille should do, lingers in prison:

Please, write a letter of support to Tommy Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, but Stephen Lennon will do. This should be the correct address:

Stephen Lennon
Prisoner A2084CG
HMP Onley
CV23 8AP

Hat tip for both videos Gates of Vienna.