Théo van Rysselberghe (23 November 1862 – 14 December 1926) was probably the foremost Belgian neo-impressionist painter. Beginning as a Realist, he evolved rather quickly to impressionism, exhibiting at the age of 19 already at the Brussels Salon.
The garden of Félicien Rops at Essone.
Van Rysselberghe, born in Flanders but francophone, since a scion in the Belgian bourgeoisie where Flemish was considered a peasant's language, was also a co-founder of the artistic circle "Les XX" (Les Vingt,
The Twenty), a band of progressive Belgian artists rebelling against the prevailing realism of the age - much like a generation earlier the Pre-Raphaelites in England had rebelled against the style of Joshua Reynolds and followers.
The beautiful and delicate "Marguerite de Mons", a painting of a girl who was mourning her recently deceased mother.
Les soeurs du peintre Schlobach.
Swimmer resting.(1922)
Good night.