Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Watch this video from Maine Imaging Photography. It shows the USN's Zumwalt (DDG-1000) entering Portland Harbor following sea trials in December. The Zumwalt is the first of three of its class, stealth destroyers being built for the Navy by General Dynamics BIW (Bath Iron Works) in Maine.

Woooooow, what a cute video!!!! What a nice ship.

On a sea like a billiard table.

Below is a pic of the German battlecruiser/battleship Scharnhorst prior to July 1939.

 photo scharnhorst_before_zpsdipejumn.jpg

Here's a pic of the same ship, post August 1939.

 photo scharnhorst_after_zpsmrwmsjjn.jpg

Spot the difference? The Kriegsmarine considered both the Scharnhorst and it's sister ship the Gneisenau rather poor sea boats, bow-heavy and slow in turning.

That is why in the summer of 1939 both battlecruisers/battleships were fitted with a so-called Atlantikbug (Atlantic Bow).

To be sure, this adjustment was no wonder cure. Scharnhorst and Gneisenau continued to suffer from non-combat damage in heavy seas - during which "A" turret could barely be used. But is was an improvement.

I am no naval engineer, much less a seafarer. My marine expertise limits itself to having been on board ferries across the North Sea, the Irish Sea and the Skagerrak. But when I look at the Zumwalt... I seriously wonder whether this ship can survive in a North Atlantic monsterstorm. The rationale for its bow is that it should "pierce the waves". It may pierce it so well that in a heavy storm it becomes a submarine.

Oh yeah... look where the Zumwalt's bridge is vis-à-vis the Scharnhorst's and Gneisenau's. Even with their new Atlantikbug, both ships could get "wet" to the bridge. I wonder what it's gonna look like on the Zumwalt's bridge in storms like these...

e.g. at the 1:01 mark.

I fear the Zumwalt is going to end up as but little better than the LCS - investment-wise of course. I have heard positive things about BIW so maybe they can make it a better ship than I imagine. But I do have serious doubts. Maybe, at some time in the future, BIW will be asked to fit the DDG-1000 and its sister ships with an Atlantikbug of their own.