Already more than 500 complaints in Cologne. +++ 500 men would have harassed women in front of a disco in Bielefeld.
Some exerpts from the Bild article:
"Thus far, Cologne Police has received 516 complaints - among them 150 because of sexual harassment! Apart from that other delicts, for the most part physical violence and theft. Police is currently investigating 350 hours of video material. More than 30 suspects have been charged, 19 of them are old acquaintances of police.
On two men Police found papers with German/Arabic translations - with phrases like "I kill you", "I want to fuck" and "Big breasts". Lots of stolen cell phones were located in asylum centers or in their immediate surroundings, Der Spiegel reports.
Police investigations mainly focus on men from North African countries [which is strange given earlier reports about the majority of the perpetrators being from the ME - MFBB]. It has yet to be seen whether it will be possible to charge them with specific, documented criminal acts.
On Saturday evening at around 9.10 pm a Moroccan who had stolen a cell phone from a 23-year old Cologne woman, was arrested. Since 2013 he has been charged several times for felony.
In other German cities, attacks were clearly far more severe than thought thus far!
The journal "Westfalen Blatt" reports that on New Year's Eve, a 500-strong muslim mob violently tried to force itself into the "Elephant Club" disco. In the process, numerous women were touched inappropriately. The disco's security chief: "only using physical violence were we able to help the women and set them free." Bielefeld Police confirmed: "the first complaints from violated women are being processed". "Our officers had to regularly provide assistance in enforcing the disco's rules. The agression from the [muslim] mob was without precedent and very aggressive."
In Hamburg, 108 complaints from women have been received so far. Last Thursday, the number was "only" 70. A spokesman explained the rising number as the result of "more attention being paid by public servants"."
PI News, which is on top of things regarding the ongoing crisis, reports that it is still under attack. A screenshot from their site, taken around 11.30pm this evening/night:
The DDOS attacks could originate from three sources: the German government itself, leftist radicals, or muslim organizations. Regardless the identity of the hackers, it is clear that some have a vested interest in the German people not knowing to what extent the fabulous multiculti model is an absolute and horrible failure.