Saturday, July 07, 2012


Imagine my surprise when I read early this week that The Guardian ran a series on the popular music scene of your truly's Fatherland titled Sounds of Belgium. This link's list defines Belgian pop, according to Guardian editor Andrew Khan.

Our local leftist rag was quick to notice The Graudian's interest, and even quicker to come up with a 'typical' Belgian list of its own.

Any sensible person knows that whatever The Guardian writes is sheer and utter crap, and it ain't no different this time. The same goes for De Standaard, Home of Brainwashed White Selhating Junkies and Fossilized May 68 Leftovers. But why should we be surprised at their show of appalling ignorance and bad taste (the nod to Jacques Brel notwithstanding) when both commie outlets have made an olympic sport of spouting nonsense, outright lies and irrelevant trivia.

There now follows a list by Outlaw Mike of what constitutes Belgian Popular Music, and in my not so humble opinion I think that if a decent marketing machine had stood behind some of them, those might have gotten a truly fair amount of positive attention beyond the borders of La Belgique.

Idiots and ignoramuses of The Guardian and The Standaard, you might do well to pay some attention. Off the top of my head, here's not ten but fifteen numbers:

1.) Novastar with The best is yet to come.

2.) The Pebbles with Seven horses in the Sky.

3.) The Kids with There will be no next time.

4.) The Scabs with Hard Times.

5.) Hooverphonic with The world is mine.

6.) Admiral Freebee with Always on the run.

7.) Ozark Henry with It's in the air tonight.

8.) Wim De Craene with Rozane.

9.) Lieven Coppieters with Neerhof.

10.) Pierre Rapsat with Passagers de la Nuit.

11.) Jo Lemaire + Flouze with Je suis venue te dire que je m'en vais.

12.) Scooter with You.

13.) The Sands with Sky is blue.

14.) Soulwax with Much Against Everyone's Advice.

15.) Wim Mertens with Close Cover.

How these prutsers could ever manage to omit Soulwax or Toots Thielemans from their lists is beyond me. Good night.