Tuesday, August 04, 2009



Dutch daily De Telegraaf, July 19, 2009:

"Sexual harassment in swimming pool. RIDDERKERK - Last week police has arrested a total of 10 Moroccan youths for sexual harassment in a swimming pool in Ridderkerk. The youngest was a 12-year old boy, the oldest 16...

The first reports and arrests took place on monday afternoon 6 July, when police got a tip around three o'clock that 13 [thirteen - MFBB] girls from the same class had been touched on their genitals in a swimming pool on the Sportlaan. Police officers reacted immediately and arrested, after an enquiry on the spot, four youths aged 14, 14, 15 and 16.

Even as the officers were busy jotting down statements, another boy harassed a girl. This 15-year old boy from Ridderkerk was arrested also. The five have been brought to the police precinct where they were imprisoned for further interrogations. Investigators briefed the youth's parents on the behaviour of their children..."

Good luck with that.


This morning, August 4, two heavily armed gangsters freed three inmates in the Brussels Palais de Justice/Justitiepaleis, where they were due to appear before court because of a brutal but failed homejacking last year in Londerzeel. At the moment they were led into court and freed of their handcuffs, two masked and armed
men appeared, who forced everyone on the ground. Thereupon the five fled.

The names of the three (former) detainees are Oussama Trimini Langeri (28), Youssef Oulad Has Chaib (27) and Abdelhakim Akil (27).


Via UK daily The Telegraph, July 24, 2009:

BELGIAN CRIMINALS ESCAPE FROM PRISON IN HELICOPTER. - Three prisoners, including one of Belgium's most dangerous criminals, have staged an audacious escape, breaking out in broad daylight aboard a hijacked helicopter. Two accomplices rented a helicopter, took the pilot hostage, and forced him to land in the courtyard of the jail, located in the northern city of Bruges, a justice ministry spokesperson told Belga news agency.

The escaped convicts and the accomplice were dropped off near a major road and the helicopter was abandoned at Aalter, on the outskirts of Bruges. The criminals then seized a vehicle from a nearby petrol station, later switching cars and taking a female driver hostage before dropping her off at Melle in Flanders, according to the police.

The names of the three escapees are Ashraf Sekkaki, Mohammed Johry and Abdel Had Kahjary Mulloul. All are repeat offenders, and the first, Sekkaki, has been described as one of Belgium's most dangerous criminals. He was jailed for 10 years for a slew of crimes.


From Belgian daily Het Laatste Nieuws, August 1, 2009:

Suspect Mohammed A. arrested after stabbing in Lokeren - The prosecutor has decided that the suspect of the stabbing incident in Lokeren, whereby a 24-year old man received life-threatening wounds, remains arrested, the Dendermonde court stated.

The prosecutor decided that said suspect, the 33-year old Mohammed A. from Lokeren, remains in prison for yesterday night's facts. The man then gravely wounded two men from Berlare. He knocked a 22-year old men down with his fists and gave his 24-year old friend several knife stabs in his neck. The man is still fighting for his life.

So the name of the knife-wielding madman is Mohammed A. Hmmm. Where have I heard that before?


FOX News, August 4, 2009:

The accused ringleader of a U.S.-based group that allegedly was plotting to wage "violent jihad" against Americans told an FBI agent he'd gone to terrorism training camps in Connecticut and Pakistan, the agent testified Tuesday.

Michael Sutton said at a bond and detention hearing in Raleigh that terror suspect Daniel Boyd, a suburban father in North Carolina, told him he attended the Connecticut camp in the late 1980s, along with three others in Pakistan. Boyd, 39, said he learned how to engage in hand-to-hand combat and use military firearms during the training, The News & Observer reported.

Boyd appeared in court along with the six other suspects — including two of his sons — charged with plotting to kill people in the name of Islam.


From FOX News, August 4, 2009.

MELBOURNE, Australia — Australian police said Tuesday they thwarted a terrorist plot in which extremists with ties to an Al Qaeda-linked Somali Islamist group planned to invade a military base and open fire with automatic weapons until they were shot dead themselves. Some 400 officers from state and national security services took part in 19 raids on properties in Melbourne, Australia's second largest city, before dawn Tuesday, arresting four men and detaining several others for questioning, police said.

Australian Federal Police Acting Commissioner Tony Negus said the raids followed a seven-month surveillance operation of a group of people with alleged ties to al-Shabaab, an Islamist organization fighting to overthrow Somalia's Western-backed transitional government.

I was just wondering... what have ten girl-molesting moroccans in a Dutch swimming pool, five criminals escaping from the Brussels Palais de Justice, five other ones escaping by helicopter from a Bruges prison, a knife wielding criminal in Lokeren, a US homegrown terrorist, and aussies wanting to blow up a military installation in common?

A knack for Sauerkraut?

Blue eyes and blonde hair?

Membership of Greenpeace?

They are all proud owners of a Toyota Prius?

Questions questions questions questions questions.....