Sunday, August 30, 2009



From De Standaard, August 28, 2009:

Thursday night riots took place in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek between a hundred youths and police. The turmoil started around 10.15pm when a patrolling car got a stone thrown through the windshield. But things got really out of hand around 11.30pm...

... Youths had set car tyres alight and when firefighters arrived, they were pelted with stones. Two passers-by, who asked a group of youths what was going on, were attacked with pepperspray and kicked and beaten repeatedly. Their attackers fled with the wallet of one of the victims.

Firefighters had to intervene again around midnight to extinguish the fire of several burning tyres placed in the middle of the Ribeaucourt and Mexico street in Molenbeek. Upon arrival, youths threw heavy stones and other projectiles at them. Thereupon the firefighers requested police backup.

Some twenty police officers of Brussels West Zone arrived. They were reinforced by another thirty from Zone Brussels Capital/Elsene. Furthermore two Federal Police trucks with water cannons were dispatched. Around 2am a group of one hundred youths gathered in Ribeaucourt street. They busted two doors of an apartment block and set two vehicles on the inner courtyard alight, and damaged four others. According to the police, they were masked and armed with iron bars and stones.

Thrice police charged from 2.15 am, before the group of youths dispersed. Police went after them till Molenbeek's canal zone. Four police vehicles were damaged. Stones rained on the vehicles roofs. Youths torched public benches, flowerbeds and letter boxes. The Federal Police trucks with water cannons extinguished the fires, since the firefighers refused to deploy without escort.


From Het Laatste Nieuws, August 27, 2009:

Youths chase police with projectiles in Anderlecht

In the neighborhood of Aumale subway station in Anderlecht, a clash occurred on wednesday night between around twenty youths and police. The incident took place around 5pm, when Federal Police officers were checking two persons' ID's, following a violent robbery that had just taken place. The inquiry quickly attracted some twenty youths. They offended the officers and pleted them with stones. Thereupon the officers requested backup including police dogs.

The reinforcements proceeded with checking ID's of several youths. A twenty-five year old thereupon grasped an officer and beat two others, while he tried to rob them of their weapon. He was then bitten in his thigh by a police dog, carried to a hospital and subsequently arrested.

Finally police left the scene, under a hail of projectiles. One officer got hurt in the neck. (Belga/sps)


From Der Tagesspiegel, August 13, 2009:

Police attacked by 30-strong crowd.

When police officers wanted to check the identity of a twenty-three year old in Wedding, they were surrounded by a group of yuths. Only the arrival of reinforcements prevented that the individual was freed by the crowd.

Berlin - a group of around thirty persons attacked police officers in Wedding on Sunday evening. As a police spokesman clarified, the officers wanted to check the identity of a twenty-three year old in Buttman street. The subject beat the officers and tried to get free on the way to their patrol car. A group of around thirty youths appeared of which several attacked the officers. Only the arrival of reinforcements and the use of pepperspray prevented that the subject was freed by the crowd. Apart from this individual, a 24-year old was arrested too. One police officer was slightly wounded.

The "youths" in Molenbeek and Anderlecht were Moroccans. The "youths" in Wedding were Turks. Happy Ramafuckingdam.

Perhaps never before in the history of mankind have the signs that warn of an impending disaster been so manifold, widespread and unmistakable. At the moment that I write this, the Belgian CDH party (formerly the Walloon Christian Democrats, but their chairwoman changed the meaning of the "C" into "Center", CDH now means Centrist Democrats and Humanists) is heavily involved in a legislative battle to obtain regularization for 50,000 illegals, of which the overwhelming majority are muslims. Chances that the regularization will indeed take place are very, very high. When the powderkeg finally explodes, I sincerely hope that there will still be time to mete out justice to those responsible for Europes doom. They ruin our children's future, indeed the future of generations unborn - it would only be just that they pay their "fair share".