Monday, August 09, 2004

This editorial from The American Prospect is laughable.

"Whether Bush did enough to fight terror before September 11, or whether Kerry could deliver democracy to Iraq, are matters of interpretation. Kerry's record in Vietnam is a matter of fact. If people are lying about those facts, they need to be called on that and sent away. It is not a matter of these veterans, as The New York Sun wrote in a mendacious editorial last week, deserving "the right we all have to speak." They obviously have a right to speak. They don't have a right to lie..."

That's swell and all but how does he know they're lying? Because he disagrees? I love the way he dismisses the Swiftvets allegations because Kerry's service "is a matter of fact." That Kerry spent 4 months in Vietnam is fact, that he was awarded 3 Purple Hearts is fact - this does not obviate the allegations against him.