Today Saturday, July 17, Lance won his second stage of the Tour de France 2004. Kerry, with with regards to your question concerning Ullrich yesterday: well, I think it’s now safe to say the German is done. None of the “classic” contenders was able to follow the man. Phonak teamleader Tyler Hamilton had to give up after 84 kloms because of back pain (and leaves this tour altogether), Iban Mayo had to be literally talked on the saddle, Jan Ullrich trailed further and further behind as the ride wore on and is now 6 1/2 minutes behind Armstrong. The ride Lannemezan-Plateau-de-Beille was a really tough one, with 7 cols over a distance of 205,5km.
By contrast, the relative newcomer Ivan Basso, who won yesterday, was the only one to follow your champ; at some point they broke from the rest and helped each other towards the last col which was also the finish. In the last climb Armstrong spurted away and at the finish Basso was trailing more than one minute behind. Nevertheless, Lance now considers the Italian as his biggest rival.
One word of appreciation for Frenchman Thomas Voeckler though: he still holds the Yellow Shirt. Indeed, he's still ahead of Lance but only 22 seconds now. See the General Classification. Few believed he would stick to his shirt so far in the race, he himself possibly the least. Anyway, if you ever wondered during these first ten or so days if Lance had lost his cutting edge by constantly trailing behind at 9'35'', well, it's clear now the US Postals were simply biding their time, saving strength for the mountains. IN JUST TWO DAYS Voecklers lead of 9 1/2 minutes diminished to just 22 seconds. Many, and not the least, were openly speculating whether Lance was still up to the task, including, alas, another American and threefold Tour Winner, Greg Lemond. I'd say these gentlemen possibly took their wishes for granted.
Tomorrow Sunday the caravan leaves the Pyrenées.
An Islamist website,, published a threat attributed to al-Qaeda, which says Italy will know a "bloodbath similar to 9/11" IF the Italians don't chase their Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi from power. "Either you undo yourself of the incompetent Berlusconi, or either we will effectively burn Italy (...)". The threat was signed "Brigades of Abu Hafs al-Masri". This chap was dishing it out in Afghanistan with US troops and somehow didn't make it.
Methinks these guys just don't like Silvio.
And in The Netherlands Interior Minister Remkes announced that radical Muslims from inside and outside the country have been preparing attacks on Dutch soil over the past weeks. These preparations are thought to be connected to UBL's April 15 threat to Europe that if it didn't pull back its military from the Islamic World (why do I still write this with capitals?) within three months, it would have to face the consequences.
The Netherlands are on a heightened state of alert since July 9, though the measures taken are low-profile or at least not visible so as not to frighten the public. Remkes said that apart from government buildings, so-called "soft targets", places with large public gatherings like shopping malls, metro stations etc... are considered to be targets. He also confirmed that several days ago a letter arrived at UN HQ in New York predicting attacks on European institutions in Brussels and The Hague. The letter was allegedly signed by al-Qaeda, but an enquiry by the AIVD (Dutch Intelligence) proved it to be possibly a hoax.
Anyway, the Dutch are prepared.
Meanwhile, to the south.... in the Glorious People's Democratic Workers Paradise Republic of Belgovakia..... the crisis centre of the Belgian Interior Ministry repeated there is no heightened threat for terror attacks...since spokesman Peter Mertens of the centre said that the government did NOT receive a letter with specific threats against European Institutions in Brussels. According to the Staatsveiligheid (State Security) there is also no reason for concern since Dutch tulip fields and windmills make far more tempting targets than the SHAPE in Cambron Casteau, American tactical nukes at Kleine Brogel AFB, NATO HQ in Evere and some half a dozen important buildings in the EU Capital.
Well, I must say, phew!!! That really reassures me!!! No letter threatening to blow NATO HQ or the European Parliament = it will not happen!!! Ain't that great!!! Golly, Belgium is such a nice place to live!!! Mr Mertens must be convinced a letter threatening to smack two airliners in the WTC DID arrive at the White House but those yankees were just too dumb to take the necessary precautions.