A few days ago I posted a story of a French 23-year old woman who claimed she had been the victim of an attack in which 6 Moroccan youths tore and cut her clothes, scrawled swastikas on her body and tipped over the pram with her baby.
That story now appears to be false. I apologize to our readers.
A French woman who alleged she had been the subject of an anti-Semitic attack invented the story, police sources say. The alleged admission came shortly after she was taken into custody - four days after the alleged assault on a train in the suburbs of Paris. The 23-year-old woman said six men cut her clothes and drew swastikas on her body, accusing her of being Jewish. The woman has been detained for falsely reporting a crime, state prosecutor Xavier Salvat told AFP news agency.
She could face up to six months in prison and a 7,500-euro ($9,200) fine if convicted.
I provided this story as a standalone topic but those of you who bother to read my rants know my preoccupation with what I perceive as the rising Islamist threat in Europe. It now appears this little piece of information was wrong. Well, people, I still stand by my perception. If you follow the link you will find that it ends with:
Government spokesman Jean-Francois Cope told RTL radio a rising trend of anti-Semitic attacks was "a genuine evil" in France, even if the woman's case might not be real.
Among those signs pointing to this "rising Islamist threat" are what I would call the symptoms, such as the fate of my Jewish compatriot Noah Schmal who was three weeks ago attacked in Wilrijk, an Antwerp suburb, by a gang of fifteen Moroccans and almost stabbed to death:
Meridor's statement followed an attack on four students from a Jewish school in an Antwerp suburb on Thursday.
Jewish organizations and the mayor of the Belgian port city held an emergency meeting on Friday after the attacks.
A spokesman for the Forum of Jewish Organizations said one 16-year old boy was stabbed in the back during an attack late on Thursday by about 15 youngsters of Arab origin which the Forum believed was motivated by anti-Semitism.
"He was stabbed in the back, one of his lungs was punctured and he lost a lot of blood," the spokesman said, adding that the boy's life was no longer in danger.
Kevin, you can now search the Internet using Google 20.0 but you won’t find any rebuke on this story. You see, I saw Noah with my own eyes on TV, lying in his hospital bed and recounting what happened.
But these are only the innocent symptoms. It gets more serious upon discovering what I would call a strategic attempt to poison the hearts and mind of our Muslim brothers, in the very schools Islamism is setting up across Europe:
Muslim children forced to view movies inciting violence in Franfurt Muslim Cultural Center
Die Durchsuchung der Räume des marokkanischen Kulturvereins am Sonntag in der Nähe des Frankfurter Hauptbahnhofes mit insgesamt rund 120 Polizisten und städtischen Beamten ging den Angaben zufolge unter anderem auf den Hinweis einer neunjährigen Schülerin zurück. Nach Angaben des Mädchens mussten sich Kinder dort während Islamkursen Videos mit kriegerischen Gewaltszenen anschauen. Darunter sollen Aufnahmen von Prügeln und sogar Enthauptungen gewesen sein.
Freely translated:
Sunday's search of the premises of the Moroccan Cultural center in Frankfurt Station's neighborhood with altogether 120 police officers and city officials followed info provided by, a.o., a nine-year old schoolgirl. According to the girl, children had to watch, during islamic lessons, videos with violent war scenes. Among these scenes there were allegedly beheadings too.
It's not an isolated case, you know. Also in Germany, Bonn's King Fahd Academy was recently the subject of an inquiry towards Islmaic lessons exhorting pupils to wage a jihad against the infidel West:
Saudi School of Hate.
Classes are taught in Arabic and, as in Saudi schools, the curriculum is based on Wahhabism, a rigorous brand of Islam that accepts the Koran as literal truth. Concerns about the academy peaked in early October when Panorama, a popular tele-vision program, aired a video purporting to show the school's Imam and teacher, Anas Bayram, telling parents how to train their children in spear throwing, swimming and horseback riding in order to prepare for jihad. Bayram denies that he was urging violence, saying he only meant to encourage parents to ensure that their children are physically fit.
Wait, I got this particular article about a diving school in The Netherlands:
Fears persist of al-Qaeda Terrorist Link to PADI Dive Center
Dutch and U.S. investigators learned that several of the students in the Eindhoven classes were suspected Islamic extremists.
An Algerian who was certified at the school and later deported by the Dutch was arrested in France in November along with an accused terrorist who had escaped from a Dutch jail, according to a U.S. official. Authorities in a non-European country are holding a third man, believed to be a Libyan who studied diving in Eindhoven, because of his ties to extremist violence, the official said.
There were also leads linking diving students with Al Qaeda network operatives who were convicted in Morocco of plotting maritime attacks on U.S. ships in the Strait of Gibraltar, the U.S. official said.
Ever heard of the a-Furqaan Mosque in Eindhoven, The Netherlands?
EINDHOVEN, Netherlands -- In late February, more than 300 young men from across Europe gathered for a weekend seminar on Islamic law put on by the Al-Waqf al-islaami Foundation. In the bright, austere rooms of this city's Al-Furqaan Mosque, they heard sermons on the hell that awaits unbelievers and the benefits of resisting Western ways of living. The language was Dutch, but the message was imported from Saudi Arabia, via Saudi books and lecturers who taught a strict, orthodox interpretation of Islam. Mourat, an attendee who offered only his first name, said: "I don't want a separation of state and religion. I want Shariah [Islamic law] here and now."
For years, the Al-Waqf foundation's seminars have drilled extremist messages into the heads of thousands of young Muslims from across the Continent: Mixing with unfaithful is a form of pollution, Jews are to blame for much of what's wrong in the world, and the rest can be laid at the doorstep of the U.S., according to foundation literature and interviews with attendees.
Quote from a related article:
"I have been given oders to fight the people, to wage war with them, until they confess that allah is the only and true god and mohammed is his prophet", is one of the texts in a book that is currently in use by some schools for childeren aging 4 to 12 years in the Netherlands. The educational books are from the foundation Al Waqf from Eindhoven (Dutch city), that holds connections with Saudi-Arabia.