What a bunch of crap. The Democrats are rallying behind Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Nice choice of company, there guys. First, Bush gets heat from the Dems, especially the congressional black caucus, to use the US military to intervene in Haiti (sort of puts their "lack of imminent threat" argument against the Bush administration's invasion of Iraq in the toilet, doesn't it.) Next, Bush sends in the Marines, who are mainly there to protect our embassy personnel. Aristide, desperate to get the hell out of dodge before his head is put on a pole, arranges an exodus with the help of the US state department to the Central African Republic. The Marines escort him out of the country. Now the Dems are in a froth because they feel the Marines forcibly removed Aristide, a so called democratically elected president (the corruption of Aristide's election is well known, and was endorsed by Clinton.) John Kerry fuels the fire by calling for an investigation. What a supreme jackass. If the American people don't see through this clown then we deserve to suffer under his rule.
Haiti is a cesspool. The only reason Democrats are pretending to give a damn is because, lo and behold, Haiti is populated mostly by blacks. More race warfare from the left. They can't muster any sympathy for the millions of Iraqis who suffered under Saddam Hussein, but as soon as some black people are having a rough time, we need to send in the Marines! Of course, since the guy who was ousted is also black, that must be our fault too. It still amazes me that the Democrats have managed to apply the racist label to conservatives when those on the left have consistently been the ones treating minorities like idiots, children, or both.
Here's my solution to the Haiti issue: Get our people out, then leave. Actually, that's my solution to just about every conflict other than the ones that represent a direct threat to our interests.