Friday, March 05, 2004

On the interview with John Rhys-Davies:


It's true, it's all so damn true!!!! IT'S-SO-DAMN-TRUE!!!!! All those leftists over here, they are essentially craving for tanathos, they actually WANT to be succumbed, they are selling out our beautiful Europe! Europe is sick. Profoundly sick!!! Two years ago I visited the marvellous Saint-Denis Cathedral in a Paris suburb and one hundred yards away was a Muslim market full with babbling and buzzing Moroccans, Algerians and Tunisians. All native French looked old, weak and not particularly fit. There I really got my first tinge of doom.

Upon reading John Rhys-Davies, can you understand me now? Millions of Muslims have fled and are fleeing their backward societies. Backward because they clinge to an intolerant and hateful religion, which outclasses half of their population.

They are realizing their society model is beyond fixing and instead of trying to find out why it isn't working, they simply come here to start imposing it anew. Like a dumbass who, upon running out of petrol, instead of looking for a gas station hijacks a passersby car and shoves the occupant out! THEY ARE TOO GODDAM STUPID TO ASK THEMSELVES WHERE THE HEAVENLY MANNA WILL KEEP COMING FROM ONCE THEY HAVE SCREWED UP HERE AS WELL AND HAVE THEIR FUCKING EUROPEAN CALIPHATE !!!!

I'm distressed. I'm glad finally one actor has the guts to call a spade a spade. At the same time I'm so sad that it all seems so irreversible. Lunatic leftism rules over here. I'm sad. I'm lonely over here. I have my own business and I work hard for it and my family has it good. Belgium is still very prosperous, especially Flanders. But in twenty years? I read the surveys, Rhys-Davies is right. With our birth rates there's gonna be 500,000 Belgians less IN TWENTY YEARS! It's true about 56% of babies in Brussels being from Muslim parents.

America is strong. It's the hope of the West. The West's heritage is safe with guys like GWB at the helm. Forget the spending spree for awhile or grill him later for it when the coast is clear. When I see all those f*cking socialists with their raised little fingers, their O-mouths, articulate self-possessed talking and oh-so-civilized manners, their petty preoccupancies... I get this feeling of doom and gloom. Then I see your GI's in Iraq, doing their magnificent job of actually fixing the Muslim's business, and I see strength, optimism and belief in the future. I'm so craving for that over here and it's nowhere to be seen.

You'll have to pardon me for taking so much space when right now you got very important things going on in the USA. I guess I just let myself go. I'll try to keep quieter for a coupla days.

Hey, but please ladies and gentlemen, I hope I'm still wrong but I fear that Europe is sailing straight to the cliffs.



I guess I'm acting emotional but this article really got me going.

Have a nice weekend.