Friday, July 12, 2024


Per @cdrsalamander, our longtime ally, this appalling stat which sheds light on US women's fertility:

I don't have similar stats for Europe but there's no doubt that they tell a comparable story. Also, I'm not sure about the US, but what I am sure of is that these stats highlight the fertility status of WHITE women. If the examples I can witness firsthand are anything to go by, it may be even worse.

Excessive consumerism and rejection of conservatism - read, embracing of leftist adages - having already taken their toll, in recent decades other factors have manifested themselves which torpedo a white woman's desire for motherhood even more. They are:

* incessant propaganda for gay lifestyles

* third wave feminism

* gender insanity, which is catastrophically telling very young boys and girls that they can be girls and boys by mutilating them - thereby blocking forever the path towards being a parent

* climate lunacy, which essentially is telling young people that humans are the problem and the less there are, the better it is for Mother Gaia (think Extinction Rebellion)

* economic hardships. Indeed, as the European nannystate increasingly diverts resources to welcome and settle gargantuan imports of Third World welfare seekers, taxes and prices have gone up, and the first victims thereof are whites, who have to pay for it. Your typical euro couple which despite everything still thinks of having one and perhaps two children, postpones that wish until things get better. But it doesn't look like they will.

It makes me SICK, seeing how we are wiping out ourselves.

How will this all end? Well, do the math. Take e.g. the example of Ukraine, a country that faces the additional burden of a devastating war which, very unfortunately, wipes away cohorts of young men and women in their prime who should actually be starting families:


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