Tuesday, September 05, 2023


It goes further than a hate crime. If as a parent you allow THIS to happen to your child, you deserve to be put behind bars.

Some people who may indeed feel like they were born a male in a female body and vice versa, face a callous, genuine struggle. I'm convinced it's not a fad. They need a listening ear, compassion, good advice...

...Children however cannot reasonably be trusted when they claim their supposed inclination is strong enough to allow this most drastic of 'solutions' to go through. Genital mutilation depraves them for the rest of their lives of the possibility to procreate. Lunatics who allow this to happen are responsible for ruined lives and worse - I'm thinking of these poor kids growing up, realizing the enormity of what has been done to them, and somewhere down the line flipping - possibly murdering others. In this insane time and age, count on things like that to happen more and more.

I never once gave Charlize Theron the benefit of the doubt...

...to me, she was an obnoxious, annoying twat from the very beginning.