Friday, September 22, 2023


In my own country, Vlaams Belang in 2018 warned against the appalling consequences of the Marrakesh Pact. Five years later it is crystal clear VB was absolutely right. Via François Desouche:

"The arrivals of illegals in Italy continue: 14,000 last week, and close to 3,000 since Monday; 132,857 since the beginning of the year."

And: « C’est l’apocalypse » : en Italie, plus de 10.000 migrants ont débarqué sur l’île de Lampedusa en trois jours ; Depuis, 4.000 nouveaux clandestins ont débarqué en Italie ; 14.000 en une semaine :

Translated: "It's the apocalypse": in Italy, more than 10,000 migrants have arrived on the Isle of Lampedusa in three days; since then, there were 4,000 new illegals who set foot on the Italian mainland; 14,000 in a week."

This is what an invasion looks like:

Not that it's any better in the US of A. There, too, insane leftist politicians are craving to replace the original population with new arrivals whom they think - not without reason - will never vote for Republicans. This is what comes out of a deadly cocktail of completely irrational White Guilt, hatred towards the own culture, and an insane belief in the 'makeability' of a society wherein Third World wreckage espousing archaic views on the role of women and the place of homosexuals in society will live peacefully and to mutual benefit with the autochton population. Perhaps there's another element in the feverish desire of leftist politicians to make the 'Umvolkung' a reality: they may indeed full well realize it's never going to work, but they keep nevertheless the sluices for illegals wide open as they are of the opinion that it is time for atonement of Whites for the sins of colonialism and racism.

As Martin Schulz, EU bigshot AND a socialist (who would have thunk it?), once said: "Was sie uns bringen, ist wertvoller als Gold". "What they are bringing us, has more value than gold".




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