Thursday, December 26, 2019


Via MDR Sachsen (Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk), 25 DEC, 2019:

"In Aue-Bad Schlema ist es am Heiligabend in einem Pfarrhaus zu einer Messerstecherei mit zwei Verletzten gekommen. Die evangelisch-lutherische Kirchgemeinde St. Nicolai hatte am 24. Dezember Bedürftige ins Pfarrhaus geladen. Keiner sollte allein den Weihnachtsabend verbringen müssen. Wie die Polizeidirektion Chemnitz mitteilte, gab es jedoch Streitigkeiten mit einem 53-jährigen Mann aus Syrien, der daraufhin der Veranstaltung und des Pfarrhauses verwiesen wurde. Offenbar hatte es eine Auseinandersetzung während der Ausgabe von Geschenken gegeben.

Schlichtungsversuch endet blutig
Kurze Zeit später tauchten mehrere Männer aus dem arabischen Raum im Pfarramt auf. Es entfachte sich ein erneuter Streit, welcher in Tätlichkeiten gegen einen 34-jährigen Iraner eskalierte. Ein 51 Jahre alter Mitarbeiter der Kirchgemeinde wollte den Streit schlichten und wurde dabei niedergestochen. Bisherigen Erkenntnissen zufolge wurde ihm ein Messer in den Bauch gerammt. Er wurde schwer verletzt. Der Mann sei noch in der Nacht notoperiert werden, sagte der Außendienstleiter der Polizeidirektion Chemnitz gegenüber einem MDR-Reporter vor Ort. Der Iraner erlitt leichte Verletzungen. Die Polizei fahndet nach den flüchtigen Tatverdächtigen..."

Gist of the story:

* the evangelical-Lutheranian church community Saint Nicholas of aue-Bad Schlema invited the needy in the preacher's house on DEC24
* a 53 yo Syrian showed up, and got into a word fight with the preacher or his helpers when they distributed stuff to those present
* he was told to knock it off and got out...
* ... only to return shortly thereafter with several arab men. There was again a fight, only this time not only with words. There was physical violence between the arabs and a 34-yo Iranian
* a volunteer who was distributing presents to those present wanted to intervene and tried to talk sense in the arabs and the Iranian
* for this, he was rewarded with a knife in his stomach.
* he was gravely wounded and rushed to a hospital, where he underwent an emergency operation
* the Iranian was lightly wounded
* Police is looking for the perps...

And good luck with THAT.

I want to apologize for the very light blogging over the past couple of months. There's several reasons for that. First of all, I discovered Twitter, and although that medium doesn't allow for in-depth stories or elaborate posts, you can quickly reach huge numbers of people with the multitude of alarming stories re islamization/immigration now so rampant in Europe. Time spent on Twitter is time not spent on Blogger.

Secondly, more than anything else biz has been consuming my time. We have gone thru very, very hard times over the past couple of years - in fact, since autumn 2012 (not that before that, it was easy). I hope we'll be out of the red by the end of March 2020, when my company's fiscal year ends. Normally we should be.

Thirdly, I am having some health issues again.

Anyway, I loved the blogger medium from the start and I don't think Twitter will ever replace it. If I had to choose between the two, it would definitely not be Twitter.

The important thing here is to keep in mind that the absence of blog posts does not mean things are looking brighter in Europe. Totally not. If anything, it's far worse. Europe, at least Western Europe, is dying. And it's a death of its own making. The story above is not a fait divers. It's ALL OVER THE PLACE. The fabric of our society is mercilessly being torn apart.
