Saturday, November 02, 2019


Gates of Vienna reports on yet another mosque building project in the city of Offenbach (near Frankfurt am Main), and the awareness actions by well-known islam critic Michael Stuerzenberger:

"On Friday October 25th, as part of their Germany tour, the citizens’ movement Pax Europa (BPE) were in Offenbach. BPE members hung up 160 posters at 80 locations and distributed thousands of flyers to interest citizens in the event. The planned mosque construction by Millî Görüş in the already strongly “enriched” city means it has great need for information.

The establishment parties are happy about the €4.5 million project with a minaret for 600 Muslims. It is estimated that 14,000 Muslims live in Hessen’s fifth-largest city, and to date there are already ten mosques. Friday’s rally at the Aliceplatz between 12 noon and 7pm included a very exciting discussion with the citizens (See video). According to the Frankfurter Rundschau, the magistrate of the city reacted to the posters on Tuesday with a statement in which it wished to have “no imported debates on the subject for parties to catch votes”. If a mosque was a topic, then it would be discussed by those affected. Well, this magistrate is obviously badly informed. The BPE is not a “party trying to catch votes”, but rather a citizens’ movement that has been enlightening people about Islam for over 15 years. And this magistrate should be grateful when the discussion is enriched with extensive facts about the threat of political Islam. The BPE provided citizens with information that has been withheld from them by the mainstream media and the old parties.

OP Online also reported about the poster campaign and the BPE rally, tendentiously as expected, and called it a “controversial right-wing populist campaign”:

“Offenbach is not a good place for hate demonstrations by right-wing or right-wing populist movements: in 2017, an appearance by the AfD politician Alexander Gauland at the Stadthof in front of just forty sympathizers was drowned by the whistling concert of the counter-demonstrators.

“Also the action of the right-wing populist ‘citizen movement Pax Europa’ (BPE) planned for Friday (October 25, 2019) is already encountering resistance. The fact that the BPE is advertising its event throughout the city with the right-wing populist and Islam opponent Michael Stürzenberger, who has been watched by the Bavarian Office for the Protection of the Constitution and convicted of incitement of the people, has caused controversy.”

Here is the monstrosity. With a central part that resembles a helmet - as intended to, see Dictator Erdogan's infamous 'the domes are our helmets' statement.

The mere fact that in a not too large city, which already has TEN mosques, the authorities are tripping over each other's feet to issue a building permission for yet another mosque, is extremely serious cause for concern. It's worse, they are actually happy to have another muslim barracks in their midst.

But of course it's not only Offenbach. There's a veritable mosque building frenzy all over Germany, very much as in the rest of Western Europe, and it's getting hard to travel through the country and not encountering one. Why, last September I visited a fair in Central Germany and, having started out late, I stayed for the night in a hotel not far from Dueren, about halfway between Aachen and Koeln. In the morning, as I drove through Dueren to get back on the A4, well, guess what I came across:

... Dueren's main mosque. Run by the Diyanet, Turkey’s religious body, the Directorate of Religious Affairs. If you followed the link a bit higher up, you may have read that Sultan Erdogan, he of the "the minarets are our bayonets" quote, compared the staff and imams of the Diyanet to “an army of 140,000”.

Come to think of it, last year in late summer I went for a bike ride with my daughter in Eastern Flanders, more precisely around the town of Maasmechelen. I wanted to check out the panorama from one of the old terril hills (artifical mounds composed of mining debris and excavations), and from the top of one of them I saw...

... the minaret of the Tevhid mosque - an "Erdogan bayonet" - peeking out from under the green. A quick search revealed to me that this mosque too is controlled by ... the Diyanet.

The insanity of it all!!! While Christianity in Turkey is reduced to a paltry 200,000 souls who are forbidden to build churches, we are eagerly allowing an islamic dictator to construct hundreds of islamic prayer houses all over Europe. We are committing suicide. More and more I tend to think that our political "leaders" deserve nothing less than the gallows.