Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Via PI-News:

"Von JOHANNES DANIELS | Ein grausames Verbrechen erschüttert Österreich: Am Sonntagmorgen wurde in einem Gebüsch in Wiener Neustadt, 50 Kilometer südlich von Wien, die Leiche eines Mädchens gefunden – von der eigenen Mutter. Die Leiche war mit Blättern und Ästen bedeckt. Bei der Toten handelt es sich um die 16-jährige Manuela K. die Opfer eines brutalen Gewaltverbrechens wurde. Es ist bereits der dritte Mord an einer Frau innerhalb einer Woche in Niederösterreich, zwei davon haben „multikulturelle Tathintergründe“.

Der Täter, ein „aktenkundiger mittlerweile anerkannter Flüchtling“, wurde mittlerweile von der österreichischen Polizei gestellt...."


'From JOHANNES DANIELS - A horrible crime is shaking Austria: on Sunday morning in a copse of wood in Wiener Neustadt, 50 kilometers to the south of Vienna, the lifeless body of a girl was found - by her own mother. The corpse had been covered with foliage. The girl has been identified as 16 year old Manuela K, who became the victim of a brutal murder. This is already the third murder of a woman within one month in Nether Austria, two of them involving a perpetrator of "multicultural background".

The killer has been identified as Yazan al-Malt, a 19 year old Syrian refugee, known to the police.

Expect Gilette to make an ad counseling Mr al-Malt to shave with Fusion5™ Proshield® razor and discover his feminine side any time now.

From the Stop The World I Want To Get Off It Department reaches us the glorious news that the Belgian State will repatriate the two children of a couple of Syria fighters with Belgian nationality. The children were born in the caliphate, in Raqqa. Via HLN:

"Ready my kid's bike grandma, and allow no one else in my room". These are the words of 4 year old toddler Maria who will travel to Belgium with her little sister at the end of the month. The two were born in Raqqa, Syria, and are the offspring of two Syria fighters. Soon they will stay with their grandparents in Beringen [in Limburg, a province in the East of Belgium; MFBB].

Amina Ghezzal (29) from Beringen and the Moroccan-Belgian Abdelkarim Elouassaki took to Syria five years ago to join the ranks of terror organization IS. There they got two kids, Maria (4) and Sirin (2). The father died in battle, whereafter mother Amina Ghezzal with her two children fled across the border to Turkey. She distanced herself from the caliphate and wanted to return to Belgium.

The woman from Beringen has been in a Turkish jail for a year now. Since then the grandmother tried a whole year long to get the two to Belgium, and now she succeeded. "You cannot imagine how happy we are", says grandma Rachma Ayad (52). "Now it's only counting down two weeks. We did not get the exact date yet, but it has lasted long enough now".

A couple of points:

1.) Apparently Grandma Rachma Ayad and gramps Ghezzal did a magnificent job integrating their daughter seamlessly into Belgian society, imbuing her with so much love for this magic kingdom that she felt compelled to follow her holy fighter to Syria.

2.) Grandma Ayad, no doubt a chemical engineer, doctor in medicine, nuclear scientist or else IT specialist, is 52. Which, if things continue the way they do, will soon be the age at which about half of our our desperate cream white housewives decide to have that sole designer kid. Or how when it comes to demographics our muslim co-citizens eclipse us now not only in quantity but in generations too. Progress!!!

3.) Daughter Amina Ghezzal and her beau Abdelkarim Elouassaki said FU to Belgium, ran off to ISIS territory, and had two kids there. By their lifestyle one could easily guess the siblings were in for a very happy and comfortable childhood. Not. Since the two are now incapable of raising Maria and Sirin - in particular for Mr. Elouassaki it would be a tough job - it is com-ple-te-ly understandable that the Belgian taxpayer picks up the tab for the baby food, diapers and Play-Doh stuff. As for me, I cannot wait to do my part for paying for the flight tickets. And for the child allowances!!!

4.) Rest assured that this jihadi offspring will be taught "BELGIUM BAD - ISLAM GOOD".

5.) Give it another year at the most and the Turks will send Amina back to Belgium. She'll make a fine nurse or secretary, I'm sure of it.

We are litterally committing suicide, a little bit day by day, drip by drip, but we are getting there.


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