Gates of Vienna has the "goods":
"A 19-year-old has confessed to killing a 17-year-old from Rhineland-Palatinate. Investigators had found the body on Sunday evening in an urban shelter for refugees and homeless people in Sankt Augustin in North Rhine-Westphalia. “The accused admits to exercising violence against her,” said the Bonn Attorney General Robin Faßbender on Monday. Because of manslaughter, a judge issued arrest warrant against the 19-year-old, who has the German and Kenyan citizenship."
As per usual, translation from German news sources by MissPiggy, subtitles by Vlad Tepes. Many thanks for your indispensable work!
Transcript of the video:
"00:00 The corpse of the 17-year-old girl is being transported after being found by the police.
00:05 They found her body around 8pm at a refugee housing facility in St. Augustin, Germany.
00:11 Most likely she was murdered. The investigators have one man in custody under suspicion —
00:15 according to research by WDR, a 19-year-old man from Kenya.
00:20 It appears that the victim and her murderer knew each other. The police were led
00:24 to the perpetrator through messages over social media.
00:28 Apparently the victim misled her parents by telling them she was meeting a girlfriend.
00:34 Investigators were collecting evidence throughout the night at the refugee housing facility.
00:38 The teenage girl was registered by the police as missing person on Friday afternoon.
00:42 The police and fire department were searching for the 17-year-old with more than 150
00:46 emergency personnel, divers, a helicopter, thermal cameras and rescue dogs.
00:52 The girl left her hometown of Unkel on Friday and was expected to meet
00:58 a girlfriend in St. Augustin. She never arrived. On Sunday afternoon, around 5pm, pedestrians
01:04 discovered the clothing and handbag of the girl near the Sieglarer lake.
01:09 Three hours later, the tragic news. The lifeless body of the 17-year-old
01:12 was found about two miles away from lake."
Another foolish German girl irresistibly attracted to exotic "southerners". A fat lot of good it did her.
Also, very likely a single child, so another Biogerman bloodline meeting its untimely end.
But okay Bundeskanzlerin Merkel, more of the same please! Hurry up to Marrakech, go sign that UN Global Compact for Migration, Germany obviously needs more Kenyans, Somalis, Mauritanians and Afghans! Schnell, schnell, schnell, SCHNELL!!!