Kim Jong Un warns he could change his mind if the U.S. persists in ‘extremely dangerous reckless actions’
By Jonathan Cheng
Updated Aug. 14, 2017 9:36 p.m. ET
"SEOUL—North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has decided not to launch a threatened missile attack on Guam, Pyongyang’s state media reported on Tuesday, but warned that he could change his mind “if the Yankees persist in their extremely dangerous reckless actions.”

Voilà, that's how you deal with loons like Kim Jong-Un. The Prize for Ridiculous Twat of The Day goes to Angela Merkel, who a mere six days ago "ordered" Trump to "calm down" with his "rethoric". A spokesman for Merkel's Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel, a Mr Schaefer, was quoted as saying:
"The situation is really serious. Further sabre rattling will certainly not help us here." "We therefore call for moderation from all parties." "Diplomatic channels are the only way forward." ”This is the only way to mitigate the threat of the North Korean nuclear programme."
Nobody else but the German government should know better than that appeasement does-not-work. In the thirties, Winston Churchill was lambasted all over Europe, and especially in his own country, for his "inflammatory rhetoric" re the threat he rightly perceived in Nazi Germany. Churchill was considered the warmonger, and Herr Hitler even regarded as the civil one. Judging by MSM coverage and the reaction of Keith Ellison, who tought the NORK Lunatic-in-Chief acted 'more responsibly than Trump', l'histoire se répète...
Also, it should not be forgotten who got us in this mess in the first place:
THERE's a shining example of a moderate who successfully mitigated the threat of the North Korean nuclear programme. NOT.
Anyway, if you had not heard yet that Kim Jong-Un backed off with a load of poop dripping down over his ankles, blame bozos like Jimmy Fallon, who is still obsessing over President Trump's remarks re the Charlottesville riots.